Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 13, 2011

LCG Writes: God Is Not Pleased With Us Becasue We Squabble And Feed Our Selves

In a short blurb on LCG's "Tomorrows World News and Prophecy" they were discussing the sad state of affairs in Somalia and the famine that is killing men, women and children.  More than 29,000 children have died in the last three months alone.  Is LCG and it's members really concerned about them enough to do something? Is there a new LCG on the horizon?

Is LCG going to help alleviate the pain and suffering that parents have when their children die in front of their eyes?  What about the kids who lose their parents? Don't count on it!  LCG has no intention  of doing anything to help those people!  Instead they dish out their worthless religions rhetoric that they (LCG) think is comforting.

LCG, it the grand tradition of thinking of itself as the ONLY ONE TRUE CHURCH has this to say to the starving, the homeless, the poor, the hurting, the strange along side the road:  "Don't worry!  There is something better coming along sometime in the future.  God's going to fix it all for you.  Don't be foolish and morn your children.  They will have another chance sometime in the future.  If we give our money to you then we cannot preach a gospel that the world sorely needs.  It's more important to be on WGN at 3:00 in the morning than it is to ship a few bags of rice to feed you."  "You are not of British Israel stock, (which is apparent because of  your dark skin) and we need to focus our awesome message on white Israelite nations.  You will have your turn in the future after you have died."

What a loving Christian message LCG preaches to it's people and to the world!

But the ironic thing is that LCG continued that article with Bible quotations that they thought were aimed at the world around them.    They said:

However, there is a God who cares, and He instructed the prophet Ezekiel to write concerning the people of Jerusalem, “put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it” (Ezekiel 9:4)–God notices those who are saddened by atrocities they see around the globe! He is not pleased with people who squabble and “feed themselves,” while other human beings suffer. Jesus Christ also prophesied that one of the signs of the end of the age would be famines in various places that would kill many people (Matthew 24:7, Revelation 6:5-8).
LCG assumes this is an indictment against the those around the world who see the famines, the after effects of the earthquakes, floods, tsunami's, tornadoes, and hurricanes.  LCG assumes this scripture is about squabbling nations, and rich nations who have an abundance of food while others suffer.

What LCG fails to recognize is that this scripture is an indictment against the Living Church of God!  LCG and all the COG's are constantly squabbling and bickering with each other. They condemn and disfellowship each other with ease.  They continue to demand that members send in tithes to keep the Church and it's leaders in their fancy offices, their nice homes that are stocked with every pleasureful thing they can buy, their refrigerators and pantries overflowing with food.  Their riches increase as they turn a blind eye to the suffering around them.  They will not even help the homeless in Charlotte let alone half way around the world!

God  is not pleased with the people of LCG because they squabble and “feed themselves,” while other human beings suffer!


  1. Oh, when will all the COGs and their pathetic little dictators, charlatans and peddlers of the word of god ever learn this truth!!??

  2. "Thou hast a name that thou art Living, but thou art dead."

    Sardis, it is then....

    The only thing lacking in this exposition of hypocritical hyperbole is a quotation about God hating their Feasts. Got that right. With you there.

    The Tomorrow TV always seems to be about the same, no matter which presenter is speaking -- somewhere in the rhetoric is that the United States and British Commonwealth are Israel and they are being punished for their sins.

    Funny. Strange. We've all seen that Scripture about how Judgment begins at the House of God. That can't be a physical nation. Revelation 18 doesn't say "come out of her ye My people" for nothing. LCG (and all the other ACoGs) are firmly camped in Babylon, although, these days, it's doubtful anyone could call Babylon all that great, what with socialistic give away programs, rioting and crime and such (not too dissimilar in spirit from the "spiritual" condition of the CoGs). Like Lot, they've moved right on into the city. I wonder if any of them will be turned into a pillar of salt when or even if they flee. No angel is going to pull them out. They are fully engaged.

    Ah, but say what you will: They still lie to you and they still take your money. Nothing anyone here says will make any difference at all. The only thing they would understand is if their membership woke up from their deep, but troubled, dreamless sleep, and left, leaving LCG and the failing Meredith without any money. The only thing which talks to them is the money. Otherwise, they will continue in their self-righteous savagery forever. The are simply not civilized, nor is there any hope at this point (short of some sort of Great Tribulation -- and even that won't help, because of their profoud delusion) for them to ever become civilized. These uncivilized idolaters are simply hopeless. We would have hoped that they would have learned something when a member came to church and gunned them down, including the minister. One wonders how much more it would take to get them to wake up?

    And this is all assuming some sort of believer type scenario. I just love using the Bible against these people, for it speaks to their lack of morals, ethics and legality. Perhaps it will take the real world to convince them instead.

    Just how stupid and dense can they be?

    Don't look for them to bottom out just yet....

  3. "Be warned and be filched." Or something like that? No wait, that's not it. No, yes that's in the Bible I think somewhere.


  4. The whole verse is "Be warned and be filched and give not to them what they needetheth..eth"

    Yep it's in there. Same chapter as "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.." Look it up!


  5. No, the Scripture is, "Be warmed and filed". The cults have to file away your records to see how much they can take from you.

  6. Ah, yes. Those fine folks who will quote "let the dead bury the dead", rather than retell the parable of the good Samaritan.

