Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, August 14, 2011

UCG Scrambling To Maintain Control?

For decades we have been bombarded in the Churches of  God about a coming WWIII with Germany at it's head who will bring the United States and British Commonwealth nations to it's knees.  We have also had alternative bogeymen that became the chief scapegoat once the Berlin Wall fell. There's China, there's the rampaging Muslims, and some are even hoping that the Soviet Union regains it's power in order for HWA and Meredith's prophecies to come true.

In reality these are impotent nations compared to a far greater power that has emerged with the ability to bring down governments, presidencies, religious leaders and churches.

It's the Internet!  This one little tool has empowered people with the ability to check things out without having to go to their minister, elder or prophet/apostle.

A blog on cults today had a small paragraph about how the Internet helped decimate UCG late last year.  UCG has not recovered and will NEVER recover from this.

Recently, a friend of mine who came out of the Worldwide Church of God mentioned that the main splinter group from that cult has split again as an anonymous person had posted on a forum the happenings within that church and caused many to question the leadership. Again, the freedom to search and find answers has helped cult members to get free.

Steve Hassan: Interviewing Robert Jay Lifton

UCG is now lashing out at the evilness of the Internet and it's ability to change peoples mindset.  Scott Ashley has an article in UCG News August 2011 .  Ashley has written this article to contact the rumors that are swirling around UCG and on the Internet about changes in UCG's doctrines.  Apostle Malm, on the Shining Light blog is taking direct credit for cause of this article.  He claims he has been in several discussions with Ashely recently.

Apostle Malm writes:

Scott Ashley graduated from AC in 76 and then moved to Denver, he became a deacon about 1990 and was ordained in 93, see his CoE bio. He was not in Pasadena during the Tkach years and has absolutely no knowledge or understanding of what was going on then; therefore he cannot see through what is taking place now. He has commented on this Blog under an assumed name recently and he and I have exchanged messages both in the past and in the last few days. I have just sent him some information together with source proofs, but Scott has a dedicated “my group is God’s and corrrect in all things” attitude. He has seen fit to attack me on other occasions even more directly; without knowing what he was talking about. He is a man of great zeal for UCG and I expect that like Paul; when his light of understanding goes on, he will become a very special person. Right now he is blinded by misplaced loyalty and a lack of information and understanding. Do you think that he and certain others would waste their time on reacting to any other Blog? These things are a good indication of the impact that this Blog is having and on the need they feel to respond. I have never advertised this Blog and yet it is having a profound impact on the various COG groups. Many brethren and some elders are experiencing a renewed zeal for the Great God! Why? And How can that be, if the Eternal is not involved? James

Malm is a serious threat to many of these splinter cults.  He is going after die hard Armstrongites who are hell bent on keeping the law perfectly. Malm and his little legion of acolytes think they have all the capabilities to keep the law in it's entirety:

Recently I have repeatedly said that UCG is not changing its written doctrine; it is changing its practical application of its written doctrine.  They are also watering down the “Law and Grace” issue into a license to sin.  Yes, they know what sin is, but they have bought into the Evangelical lie [based on the Evangelically produced NKJV and the NIV etc] that we cannot keep the commandments properly before God;  therefore Christ will overlook our human frailty and sin out of “love”.

Many of these cults are afraid that Apostle Malm is going to start another group.  He is already telling people to stay home from their church Feast site, or attend this year knowing that it will be their last one with their present COG group.  He is soliciting money and has enough backers that can set up a new non-profit Church for him to step into without him ever lifting a finger.

What is going to happen to this group of people once Apostle Malm's prophecies and blovaiting all fail to come to pass?  More destroyed lives.  More disillusioned people.


  1. Churches of God have shelve lives of boxed milk. It all goes away and won't effect the Universe one bit. Dinosaurs were successful for 200 million years. Neanderthals for 250,000. Somehow that gives me perspective on these goofballs.


  2. UCG has been in decline for awhile.

    It is doubtful that the Internet was the sole factor in its going downhill -- it seems more internal than external influences have been at play.

    Nevertheless, now that the tipping point seems to be reached, things should be spiraling down even more quickly than ever.

    It is doubtful that dnarefutesbi.com will have that big an impact on United, but there is another surprise coming which will be popping up within the next two weeks which will be counfounding to them as well.

    Still, most ACoGs implode more than anything -- the outside influences really don't seem to have as much impact as a good juicy scandal where members become dissatisfied with the performance of the leadership.

    The worst thing which could happen is if the economy takes off to put off the prophecies of gloom and doom. That would really do damage.

  3. The Internet has played a big role in the fall of UCG and to weaken corporate COGs run by Nicolaitans for profit. Members were diligently following the blogs to get inside information on what was happening.

    Many are 'coming out of her, my people,' because of the Internet.

    Malm has always said that he WOULD NOT start a 'church,' he said his monies received are for further expansion of the website.

  4. Rod Meredith and Raymond McNair both said they would not start churches, yet they both did. Twice at that!

    Meredith was slick about it. There were a group of supporters that filed all the papers, got all the ducks lined up in a row and then Rod walks in with a clean conscience.

    UCG was formed the same way. A small group got all the legal papers ready, etc, while the cabal was meeting in SOG360. Someone did their dirty work and they stepped in.

    As for Malm, I would like to take him at his word that he has no intention of starting a group. But I have seen literally hundreds of ministers say the same thing and then do it. Liars all!

  5. Douglas Becker said...but there is another surprise coming which will be popping up within the next two weeks which will be counfounding to them as well.

    MY COMMENT: Ok, I give up. What is it?

  6. Sorry Steve, it would spoil the fun... but you can probably imagine.

    A little (short time) mystery cliff hanger can be a good thing (at least you won't need to wait until next season).

  7. I looked at the UCG News August 2011, and I think they're trying to trick people into thinking it's a young vibrant church; as opposed to a dying church.

    In that issue, there is a graphic with text, "KINGDOM of GOD BIBLE SEMINARS"

    The graphic shows the silhouette of a young mother, young father, and two children with them, who look to be about(IMO), 3.5 and 5.5 years old.

    A much more realistic graphic would have the silhouette of a woman in a wheelchair tossing flowers on the grave of her departed husband, with the text, "SATANIC SCUMBAGS' SALARIES SNAGGED from SAVINGS of SUBJUGATED SILVER-STRANDED SUCKERS SEMINARS"

  8. I don't believe in church eras, but there is very little difference between the modern verb "to splinter" and the old King James verb "to spew". Both produce the same random fractal distribution of material.


  9. The UCG is dying. They are in the third stage of atrophy. A little kick to the side and they are done.

  10. It's such a shame, really.

    I had high hopes that we could be instrumental to topple United, but it seems to be crumbling under its own dysfunctional moreass.

    "Judgment, if any awaits."

    What an empty statement of hyperbole that seems to be five years after the fact.

  11. Hearing that this splinter is in trouble is great news. Not that I give it any credence, but what must the exalted higher ups think when they remember the scripture that said the gates of the grave would never prevail? That banana peel doesn't look too stable!

  12. Yes, let the corporate splinters fall, so that the 'little flock' can come out and seek their Creator in "spirit and in truth," free from their Nicolaitan strongholds and pharmakea.
