Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's All A Pagan Perspective

Apostate Malm is now delving into part 3 of his anti-birthdays, astrology and just about everything else in the world that he deems to be pagan.

Birthdays, Sabbath pollution, inter-religious marriage, traveling on the Great Day,  attending Christmas celebrations masquerading as  “reunions” ,  not teaching various doctrines and allowing them to be trampled on through neglect, saying this is what we believe and then allowing the people to do whatever they want without any correction as long as they are NOT zealous for the commandments, calling the zealous “over self righteous” or “Pharisaical” for loving God and his law,  playing politics for power and control, making merchandise of the brethren, focusing people on the organization or leader as much or more than on God,  encouraging people to become “church proud”  by using the psychological trait of wanting to belong, to produce unity with each other instead of unity with God, to exalt our own intellect above God’s commandments and make his law of no effect through our carnal reasoning’s:  These are all examples of the lukewarmness and complacency of the COGs.
Now off to his latest pet peeves. Apostate Malm is not happy that some equate astrology with astronomy.  Apostate Malm wants everyone know that his moon watching, setting dates by new moons, etc is NOT astrology but astronomy.  True Christians only do astronomy:

Astronomy is a science of observing the heavenly bodies to try and understand how the universe works.  The observation of the New Moon is a function of Astronomy.  To observe the phases of the moon is to see what God has set in motion.  God commanded that the sun and the moon be used to determine the seasons, or Appointed Times, Festivals
Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
This is NOT Astrology; it is an express command of Almighty God!
 Astrology is the attempt to predict through the observation of heavenly bodies; and the belief that these heavenly bodies influence or control our lives.  In short this is the false religion of worshiping the host of heaven and is specifically prohibited by God in the scriptures.

Apostate Malm allows the new moons, and other "moon" celebrations to set his calendar, to rule is life and make him do certain things on certain days. So I guess he is practicing false religion!

To caste a personal horoscope especially in detail as any leader would want;  the precise details of ones birth date and even the time are required.   This false religion began at Babel and the so called Tower of Babel was a ziggurat or pyramid.  All pyramids came from Babel and are Satanic.  The pyramid was the original temple of Satan and functioned as an observatory to map the heavenly bodies as the temple of Astrology.

Demonic pyramids!!!!!  Who knew!!!!!!  I guess Herb's House of God in Pasadena would also be demonic since it was built along the lines of masonic symbols (this came from a builder of the building that was touring the campus one day). Square cube, facing east, a small room located up in the ceiling, colors, number of columns, the front bridges with an opening of fertility in the center with a phallic symbol jutting out of it with water spurting forth, and more. Pagan, Pagan, Pagan!

The pyramid was a pagan temple of Satan and is always representative of the kind of Nicolaitane dominating system condemned by God.
Any church who claims that the pyramidal system is godly just doesn’t know what they are talking about or is being deceitful.
Oh damn!  That disqualifies all 700 harlot daughters of Armstrongism, well, except for one - Apostate Malm's new splinter cult.  He and he alone has the only truth left on earth today.

One of Apostate Malm's acolytes writes that if one celebrates personal birthdays then it will lead directly into celebration Christmas!  Who knew!

IF we find it acceptable or joyful to celebrate our own birthday and the birthdays of our loved ones, then the logical thing for a Christian to do would be to wholeheartedly celebrate Christ’s birthday with zeal and gusto.


  1. Sorry, I don't know where the comments went! It must be pre-feast trial!

  2. Oddly enough, Herbert Armstrong was interested in Pyramidology.

    We are also reminded of that silver stand that Herbert Armstrong bought with the signs of the Zodiac on it.

    Believing in British Israelism and using it to make prophecies signed "in Jesus' Name" is not just superstitious nonsense, it is taking God's name in vain, and, according to Paul Woods, is also Idolatry.

    The thing that would end Apostle Malm's ministry right quick would be the return of Jesus Christ. "I never knew you" has a ring to it.

  3. OK, well then... Merry Christmas everybody!
