Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Philadelphia Church of God and it's Brotherly Love.....NOT!

In January I posted a blurb about the Flurry cult, the Philadelphia Church of God.  It was in reference to a letter that was on the Painful Truth from a man who described how one of his relatives was kicked out of her home and abandoned because of the Philadelphia Church of God's asinine rules. Post is here: Flurry Cult Members Abandoning Children

A reader who is a former member of PCG was not too happy and made the following comment:
Anonymous said...
It sickens me to see such complete and utter falsehoods spread about the PCG. Nobody is forbidden to associate with family or anyone else outside of the church. They are merely discouraged from associating those who are hostile toward the church--those who are going to bring people down and relentlessly go on rampages against God and the church. By definition, it is not even remotely a cult. I strongly encourage you to get your facts straight and know what you're talking about before spreading venomous lies like the ones you have here. What right do you think you have to be manipulative, conniving and deceitful? It's extraordinary how people like you twist things around. This is coming from someone who used to be a member of the church, so I do know what I'm talking about.

Another former PCG member also responded, but to Anon's comments above:

Anonymous said...
"What right do you think you have to be manipulative, conniving and deceitful? It's extraordinary how people like you twist things around. This is coming from someone who used to be a member of the church, so I do know what I'm talking about." -Anonymous
 First of all mr./mrs. anonymous, where is all the "manipulation, conniving and deceitfulness" in this article? I too used to be in the pcg for 15 years, and i have seen this happen countless times. I, myself was kicked out at 16 for going to a dance on a friday night. And also, the pcg is strongly against "laodecians" (anyone who has been in the wcg or pcg and left or was kicked out). In my case, it was my grandparents. If a church tells you you cannot see, speak, or even go to a family reunion that your grandparents are attending, what do you call that? I call it a cult. I wish i had found real truth and freedom a long time ago. And by the way, you say "used to be a member" right? well i hope you didnt plan on coming back, cause they almost never actually let you; especially if you're "marked" (a completely unbiblical teaching where you are NEVER aloud to come back to the pcg) Well that's a lot of facts to argue. Of course an armstrongist will almost always answer with something ignorant and completely avoid questions, or most time ignore the real problem altogether. -Jacob Wood


  1. It absolutely is true that PCG members are not to have any contact with anyone that used to be a member of PCG or WCG if that person is not now a member of PCG. When the Flurry sermon was played in December of 2005 where Flurry himself makes the pronouncement I was thereafter questioned, every week, with "how did your family take to your cutting them off?" This was by a person who had known me his whole life and was aware that my entire family had been, or was currently, in the WCG and were not now (at the time) in the PCG. I was forced to use evasive tactics to avoid answering him. I ultimately left over this very issue in June of 2006.

    The sermon, by Flurry, announcing this total cut off of family is available for a listen at www dot pcog dot info. The only exception for the cutting off is a married couple, or getting together to get your portion of an inheritance in order that the PCG get their share when you tithe on that inheritance, this is in the beginning of his sermon. Yes they are very much a cult. Even if you still believe in Armstrongism (hard to fathom) the PCG is a cult, avoid them (not a command, just a good idea.)

  2. Yes, Vaughn, the Warlock, Gerald Flurry, in his school of evil magic, must keep the proprietary magic spells of wickedness secret, because warlocks from other ACoGs may learn of them and use them to defeat him.

    Harry Potter, eat your heart out.
