Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Did You Invite Your Evil Kids To The Feast?

Shame on those COG folk who bring their "evil" kids along to the Feast.  How dare they bring someone along who is different that the rest of the crowd!

God knows that the "Converted" parents raise the most perfect god fearing children the church has ever seen.  They radiate Biblical knowledge and can name all the laws that HWA commanded. 

I just cannot get over all of the the holier -than-thou crap that permeates Armstrongism.  It's no wonder that all the COG's are losing their youth.  With these kind of disgusting attitudes being spit out around them what would make a child want to stay and learn?

Armstrongism just gets sicker by the day!

This brings up another point of evil at the Past Feasts.

Some parents welcome their evil kids along to the Feast. This should not be. Usually they only target the naive, the weak. Etc.

I once found one of these young sons of Beliala about to perform some evil deed.  I caught him and was bouncing him up against a tree yelling at him, till he broke free and ran off to never return.

The Parents were good living people, But had their evil (in deeds) son living in their house,  Knowingly turning a blind eye, plus inviting him along to Church. 


  1. NO2HWA said, "It's no wonder that all the COG's are losing their youth. With these kind of disgusting attitudes being spit out around them what would make a child want to stay and learn?"

    MY COMMENT - Just look at our generation of WCG youth that had direct knowledge and experience with Herbert Armstrong. How many of us stayed in the cult?

    The Armstrong Churches of God are a dying Sardis church because they threw their children away from the church many years ago. The father DID NOT turn the hearts of the children, and the children to the father.


  2. What is the source of the excerpt in this post? Should I believe it, if there's no source for it?

  3. Anon: It is from the Yahoo Group Original WCG message 41631

    OriginalWCG is a diehard leglasitc group that worships the ground that HWA walked on.

  4. Perhaps the most damnable thing about the Armstrong movement is that it taught a very skewed concept of God.

    This excerpt proves that the splinters still have no concept of God's unconditional love. For them, it's all performance based. You could get up one morning, do a couple things, and suddenly either lose your salvation, or lapse into a Laodecean lifestyle and find yourself tribulation-bound. Their concept of God is anthropomorphism based on an example of bad, "my way or the highway" parenting. No transformation of the heart, no personal relationship with God, and God being less powerful than our own human emotions and nature.

