Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Awesomeness of the Living Church of God

The Living Church of God has to be be of the most awesome churches on the face of the earth!  It's no wonder that all LCG members walk around radiating light because of their perfect Christian walk.  With such a  sinless leader how could they be anything less?

During this summer our evangelistic team headed by Roderick C. Meredith has held three dynamic campaigns in England–in Bristol, in Birmingham, and in Manchester–with from 40 to 65 added for God’s Kingdom in each campaign. And let me add that this does not mean a mere “accepting Christ,” or “professing Christ,” or “decision for Christ.” It means full REPENTANCE of sin, and full FAITH in Christ as Saviour not only from past sins, but from any continuance in sin! It means a completely CHANGED LIFE! It means complete CONVERSION, a change from the carnal to a spiritual MIND–from a worldly to a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led LIFE. It means being BEGOTTEN by God’s Holy Spirit as a child of God.


  1. The Guards have more prisoners to keep in line in the Living Church of God Prison Experiment -- a perfect formula for abuse: Perhaps they can also be wired up to receive electrical shocks when they don't respond right and maybe they can get Milgram and Zimbardo in to validate the results.

  2. LCG and Rod Meredith need more tithe slave recruits to keep the income stream going. When my mother passed away a couple years ago, I sent LCG a letter requesting her removal from their mailing list, and inform them that their income stream would be going down as a result of my mother's death.

    There should be a plague in LCG's world headquarters in memory of my mother and all the financial support she gave to WCG/LCG through the many years. She fed a lot of leech people in the WCG/LCG, bless her soul - some of them in Charlotte, N.C. who couldn't perform an honest days work if their lives depended on it.


  3. That makes 1 baptism for every 140,000,000 Hmmmm. "Go ye therefore" has some work to do


  4. It sounds like they screen potential tithe slaves pretty well. "FULL repentance", "FULL faith", "COMPLETELY" changed life", "COMPLETE" conversion", "Spirit-FILLED, Spirit-LED life". I wonder how Terry Ratzmann slipped under the radar? Wonder when the next "Terry Ratzmann" will stand up?

  5. I thought of another title-

    "The FULLness of the Living Church of God"

    Mostly because the LCG is very FULL of horseshit.

    The most amazing thing about them is the many dead bodies Rod Meredith has left in his wake.

    Maybe Rod is setting his church members up to understand the true spirit of Halloween.



  6. Lake of Fire Church of God said...
    There should be a plague in LCG's world headquarters...

    MY COMMENT: I think there already is.

  7. I agree with Steve. How can they be so sure that everyone who pays tithes is so perfect? Do they continuously monitor them with fMRIs to detect faithful vs. nonfaithful brain activity? Nooo. We need them to believe that, otherwise they might stop paying those tithes. And that motivational poster is so on the money regarding all the COG people who are playing church. It's perfect! So many people, I think they come in with the best of intentions, but they come because they're weak and needy, but the culture is so bad that eventually the subconscious rationale is merely that, perhaps I was a loser at the game of life, but I can be a winner at the game of church. Sabbath services winds up being just a social club where everyone gets together and pats each other on the back for being so much better than everyone else in "the world." And you can never leave the social club without the needless tragedy of becoming so much "worse" than you used to be (instantaneously, btw). But of course, that whole thing exists within the church too. There are the ministers who are so much better than you, and you're never really really "converted" unless you're a minister. The ministers look down on the laity in exactly the same way the laity looks down on "the world": namely, pitiful sheep who are being led to the slaughter.

  8. One woman put it succinctly why she prefers LCG to the other ACoGs:

    "The prophecy is better!"

    She doesn't mean in accuracy, she means in blood, guts, gore, self-righteous bludgeoning of innocent bystanders.

    You may liken it to those old Saturday afternoon WWF wrestling matches: The little old lady hits the big bad evil wrestler with the handle of her umbrella, shouts, cheers and jeers. It's Wrestlemania for the Masses! The good guys are going to beat down the bad guys! It makes them feel like winners!

    There's a conversion all right: From being normal human beings to blood thirsty would-be virtual vigilantes, seeking reprisal upon those who offend their sensibilities with different practices than their own. It is the ultimate empowerment entitlement.

    Of course, the prophecies are false and Roderick Meredith is a false prophet and has been for 5 decades, but a girl can dream! Ah, the punishment to be meted out! Ah, the revenge.

    Give yourself over to the POWER! Feel the retribution! Be led to beat down the scoundrels, led by the Golden Glove winning testosterone soaked Nimrod! He will protect you! He is your CHAMPION! He will fight your battles for you! He will be your GOD!

    Forget the Golden Calves! We have a real idol for you!

    And don't worry to much about his diabetes, his loss of eyesight and his memory lapses as he proceeds to his death bed. He's all man and will continue in his tilting at windmills like some Don Quixote fighting imaginary dragons, setting right (on paper and in sermons) what he thinks (for no particularly good reason) what is wrong, right up to the end. Be sure to bring flowers to his grave after he's gone two decades from now.

    And if you are really lucky, he might take you out to lunch on the Sabbath in a restaurant on the Sabbath (as long as you pay for it, because he doesn't want to technically violate the Old Testament Christianity himself). If you are so blessed, be sure to drive yourself there, because it would be beneath him for him to serve you and be your minister, to chauffer you in his Chevrolet, after he gives the sermon about keeping the Sabbath and how the United States and Britain are going into the Great Tribulation because they don't keep it.

    Or so it would seem.

  9. Well, searching for the proper ACOG splinter becomes very like comparison shopping for diarrhea, doesn't it?

    Insisting on, and enforcing certain behavior defeats the entire concept of transformation of the heart! You don't get a spiritual experience through Armstrongism, just crackpot theories, assorted conspiracy theories, and a list of dos and don'ts that any Pharisee would admire profusely.


  10. Steve wrote: "It sounds like they screen potential tithe slaves pretty well. "FULL repentance", "FULL faith", "COMPLETELY" changed life", "COMPLETE" conversion", "Spirit-FILLED, Spirit-LED life"

    Its called the "haircut."

    The world must change and a new one developed. It involves a "180-degree" turn from the sinners past patterns of behavior.

    Change their language and culture.
    Keep the rug pulled out from under the new member so they never gain a foothold.
    Never allow them to rest. Keep them always busy with bible studies, group meetings, etc.

    Ridicule them.
    Keep telling them that they are hopeless sinners.
    Convince them they cannot trust their own thinking.
    Never allow them to feel healed from their past life outside the group.

    This is what it takes to keep a group together and collect their money. Your create virtual tithe slaves of the "Blue Ribbon" variety. Faithful to the end, blind and obedient. People of the Lie are enslaved willingly and without question!

  11. Andrew wrote: "I was a loser at the game of life, but I can be a winner at the game of church."

    Yes, and they used to pronounce from the pulpit that god calls the weak of the world. Those without brains so that they wouldn't know that they were indeed being ass-fucked by the ministry.
    Yes, we were the losers of the world. At least for a little while.

    Made us feel real good about joining that damned cult. Didn't it?
