Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 3, 2011

Germany Preparing To Destroy The U.S. - Oh Sorry, They Are Celebrating 21 Years of Unification

Click to see the conquering armies preparing to destroy the United States!

Prophet Thiel is all giddy with excitement today because Germany is celebrating 21 years of being a unified nation.  Unification is the first step in Germany's future role as the captor of the Untied States.  Prophet Thiel also sees this as the first step in the progression towards concentration camps, U.S. citizens being taken captive and sent to Europe to be slaves of the Europeans particularly in Germany.

All of this was of course predicted by Herb and crew decades ago, so we are seeing prophecy in action.  But since the WCG rejected the lunacy of Herb and crew there obviously has to be other 'true churches" out there carrying on that prophecy warning.  There is one doing that, and it is the ONLY true church out there.  It's good old Spanky Meredith and crew.  Isn't Armstrongism grand!  Such a wonderful legacy being left to future generations!  NOT!

Some in Germany celebrated its reunification today:

Germany celebrates the 21st anniversary of its reunification

Washington Post - ‎3 October 2011
By AP, BERLIN — Germany is celebrating the anniversary of its reunification 21 years ago after four decades of Cold War division. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff are attending the main ceremony marking Monday’s anniversary in in Bonn, the former German capital.
The new capital is once again Berlin.
For decades we in the Church of God believed that Germany would reunite.  Notice one such statement, from decades ago:
Russia may give East Germany back to the Germans and will be forced to relinquish her control over Hungary, Czechoslovakia and parts of Austria…
There were various articles in the Plain Truth magazine in the 1960s (see, for example, the May 1962 edition) where we taught that both East and West Germany would reunite.
Because we in the Church of God taught that, and bolder statements later on the inevitability of reunification of the two Germanys based upon biblical prophecy, I recall in the early 1980s that TV Guide (which at the time had the largest circulation of any periodical in the USA) accused Herbert Armstrong of “bordering on lunacy.”
We in the Living Church of God have long taught that Germany (Assyria in end time prophecy) would be the driving force in the end-time European Beast power as well as having a future role in God’s kingdom. It is interesting that secular sources are more and more starting to indicate that we have long been correct about that.
We believe that over time, Germany will get more and more powerful.  And that is why we taught about reunification of Germany before it was a popular concept.


  1. And yet, when the wall came down, none of the Armstrongists had predicted it -- how and when.

    Surely God would do nothing except He reveal it to His servants, the profits... er... prophets.

    And as for prophecy from the Bible: Let's see now, Israel -- pretty much Arabs to the North, Arabs to the South and Arabs to the East with the Mediteranean Sea West. Yup, it's Germany that's mentioned in the Bible. Too bad the DNA doesn't match up to Assyrian blood, but no matter because these false prophets make it up as they go.

    The Chinese? The Israelites would never have heard of them.

    But that's what you get with a man who barely had an eighth grade education with a huge narcissistic ego who thought he could do better than the Church of God Seventh Day.

    Funny thing about that: His prophecies have failed, his Empire is disbursed and hardly anyone has heard of him in the grand scheme of things, yet here are these hirelings carrying on the failed message.

    There's nothing like being stupid crazy.

  2. Looks familiar. Is that a picture of an old Feast of Tabernacles gathering? Wow! I can here the messages ringing in my ears now. The same old messages will be given this year as well I'm sure. "We're in the time of the end brethren. Don't buy that new refrigerator. We need more money for the work. It's your fault this work isn't growing. Stop murmuring brethren! Half of you just don't get it!(What happened to half of you?). If you don't want to be hanging on meat hooks when the Germans are marching through your neighborhood, you better REPENT! Pay those tithes faithfully! We keep records you know. Seven times in the year you are supposed to give Gawd money. If you have any excess second tithe, send it in to Gawd's headquarters. This is the4 only true church that can trace it's roots back to the first century church that Christ(we don't say Jesus) founded. Where your heart is, that's where treasure is. Women, stop being a Jezebel, and men, sleep on your backs. Have a wonderful Feast of Booze, brethren!" Applause, tears, minister worship. Yep. That picture looks familiar!

  3. Many of you may remember the Ron Howard film, A Beautiful Mind, the story of Dr. John Nash, an American mathematician whose works in game theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations have provided insight into the forces that govern chance and events inside complex systems in daily life. His theories are used in market economics, computing, evolutionary biology, artificial intelligence, accounting, politics and military theory. Serving as a Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton University during the latter part of his life, he shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi. The movie was really about his struggle with Schizophrenia.

    What the movie did not do is bring out that his psychotic obsession involved UFOs, but instead used an obsession with international conspiracy theories of intrigue replete with spy vs spy paranoia.

    For most people, about the middle of the movie, you are sucked into believing his delusions are true, only to find that the Director had played you, to make the point about how delusional this brilliant man really was.

    Really, it's the same thing with the Armstrongists, except they are no where as brilliant as Dr. John Forbes Nash, Junior, though they would want you to think so.

    This paranoid delusion conspiracy theory of Germany preparing to destroy the United States is the kind of delusion one sees amongst mentally ill patients in the psych ward with Schizophrenia. It's crazy. It's nuts. It's insane. Yet the Armstrongist cult members eat this fabricated scrap up and keep consuming it year after year after year. It can't be mentally healthy.

    This is known as a shared psychosis known as Folie à deux. It is a mental disorder created by being around and listening to a crazy person. It is a real sickness.

    Here's the deal for all of you who are still stuck in Armstrongism: You are mentally sick. You are feeding people who have mental disorders and keeping their delusions alive. You need treatment and at minimum, you need to get away from those who have these delusions. This is not healthy. This is not sane.

    And most of all, it ends up being financially irresponsible.
