Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Reprobate COGers Parasailing and Watching WICKED Cartoons on Saturdays

Apostle Malm is not happy today!  Well, that's no shocker.  He is upset that COG folk who happen to go on Feast cruises spend Saturday parasailing and watching shows and cartoons.  Oh the tragedy!

The last Feast I ever attended was a cruise to the Caribbean.  I bet 1/3 - 1/2 those on the cruise did similar activities.  Why sit in some theatre listening to a minister drone on and on about nothing?  Most people on the cruise brought guests because the rates were so good and people had a blast, even on Saturdays.  I even saw the minister in the casino on Saturday.

It is reported to me that many engage in lengthy travel on the Sabbath; that at a recent Feast, a cruise ship was in port on Sabbath and the minister hid away as the people went out to play; parasailing. That many watch hours of cartoons and shows full of wickedness on the Sabbath; and that in a demonstration of monumental hypocrisy [not being willing to work, but being willing to pay others to do so] some actually go out to buy food and drink on God’s Holy Sabbath Day.

wicked, wicked, wicked!


  1. I recall once taking about 25 SEP campers on a week long, difficult and at times scary canoe trip into Canada. Of course we landed on an Island for the Sabbath. Beautiful place and of course, swimming in the beautiful water surrounding the beautiful island was taboo. As the morning dragged on, and I mean dragged....I gave up and said "everyone in the lake." We had a wonderful Sabbath after that.
    It was a miserable memory in the making that would be remembered, not well, for years to come. Now it's a great memory.

    I don't take near as much acception to feast/sabbath enjoyment as I do to Joe Jr. and others like Ron Kelly organizing Fall Cruise for Jesus after all their pontificating about the New Covenant.

    It was difficult for Joe to give up the fall festival perks and attention I am sure so he replaced it with Cruise for Jesus as if they could not stay home and wave their hands!

    Don't know if they still do it but nice perk.


  2. Old news.

    The people eat and drink and then go out to play.

  3. It was always a big bone of contention in Pasadena that Kelly, Schnippert and others got to travel around the world for free on all kinds of cruises, tours, and festival sites because they were Pasadena official representative.

    As hundreds were being laid of in Pasadean these guys got to travel around the world for free. Free cruises, free airfare, free food and expenses.

    Schinppert sat behind his huge desk firing people, he told each one, "The Church owes you nothing." 20, 30, and 40 year employees were dumped like trash without a care in the world. No pension, no retirement, nothing. All the while Schnippert, Kelly Joe Jr. and other top brass were making sure they were well taken care of in retirement.

    All most heard was just a "We are praying for you" as you were handed the pink slip.

    Fucking bastards!

  4. I continue to be appalled at Ron Kelly and other recent GCI retired employees as they travel around the country and world posting their pictures so everyone can see how much fun they are having.

  5. When I heard that Herbvert loved to watch westerns, championship wrestling and basketball games on Saturday afternoons I figured I could do any damn thing I wanted too! I have never looked back as I walked out that door.

  6. When I look back on the Feasts, my main memory is an exhausting round of travel, an aching behind from sitting through seemingly endless sermons at least twice a day, trying to get into a good restaurant along with all the other family-laden, tired out members from all over while feeling guilty about not seeming to be able to study the Bible or pray like we were told we should.

    What a relief to leave all that behind.

    Give me a good old rousing Octoberfest with tankards of beer and good German sausage, sauerkraut, boisterous singing, etc. Enough with the "spiritual meanings" supposedly behind it all. HWA asked a very good question with his traditional, "Brethren why are we here?" If I'd had a small percentage of the sense I've since gained, I'd have replied, "Beats me. Let's get out of here."

  7. "The Church owes you nothing."

    Yep, that's how i remember it. I have some now printed emails where Bernie seemed so shocked that I would think the church had any responsibility. I believe there might have been some hope if one had adopted the changes but you also had to be still on the payroll or giving your time to church or free begging to qualify.

    Joe Jr.and the Imperial School Boys got away with it...

  8. I heard a UCG Elder admit at the start of a sermonette several years ago that he listened to NPR's "Car Talk" on the way to the service.

    That didn't seem quite right to me. But now he's an ordained minister - so maybe he repented of that?!

  9. I heard that Herbvert loved to watch westerns, championship wrestling and basketball games on Saturday afternoons

    Any confirmation on that claim?

    We do know he liked to play cards.

    Look, if you can't prove what you say, at least you can Go Fish!

  10. And yet the ministers would quote Mark 2:27, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath"--with a straight face!

    If I felt like I needed somebody's permission to do whatever in hell I felt like on Saturday, I would quotemine this jewel and have it mounted on a ring.

  11. Douglas asked,

    "Any confirmation on that claim?"

    I used to work in Big Sandy for a man who, as a student in Pasadena, had served on the volunteer sabbath security patrol. He told me about patrolling around HWA's house and being invited in to explain the basketball game to him. HWA's eyesight was so poor that he needed help to understand what was happening on the screen.

    My boss had the same emotional reaction to seeing HWA watching sports on TV on Friday night that the rest of us would have had, but HWA had no such qualms.

  12. Strict observance of the Sabbath was just for us "dumb sheep" to make us feel righteous. HWA was above all laws including those he touted to others as god's immutable and never changing laws. How else could he have slept with his own daughter?

    Narcississtic psychopaths are just that. We were all conned by one of the best.

  13. He told me about patrolling around HWA's house and being invited in to explain the basketball game to him. HWA's eyesight was so poor that he needed help to understand what was happening on the screen.

    There may have been more dribbling at The House of Herbie compared to any basketball game going on!

