Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, October 7, 2011

Zambia COGWA Calls Out Kubic For False Allegations

I imagine Kubic is NOT happy about being called a liar!  Remember UCG is now controlled by the worlds most converted men since they kicked out all the reprobates.

From: Kambani Banda [mailto:kbanda@zamnet.zm]
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 5:41 PM
To:vic@kubik.org‘ ; ‘bev@kubik.org

Subject: Your false Allegations

Dear Mr. Kubik:

It is disappointing that I am being drawn away from necessary preparation for the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles to respond to the public message which you have disseminated on the Internet and among God’s people. Based on the level of upset and division you are causing within the Body of Christ, you leave me with little choice but to personally respond to your false claims and set the record straight. This is an open letter, and it may be shared with others. While I would normally try to avoid a public response to false allegations such as these, it is necessary to give an answer to your outrageous charges. 

Let me note at the outset, it is with much regret that I write this letter; however, after the many months of your concerted efforts to drag me through the courts of this world, along with the actions of two of your ministers (one local, and one from the United States) in August, I feel that I must now address the postings and public “prayer requests” that you have spread abroad accusing myself and other members here in Zambia of theft.

Such accusations are patently false, yet you have never once tried to discuss the matter (or complaints) about such with me or the other members you have slandered (as the Scripture would require of you). Rather, you have pursued spreading false accusations, and total mis-information about the alleged “rustling” of cattle in Zambia .

Your public statement, which has been questionably dubbed a “prayer request,” has the effect of making me and unspecified members of my congregations appear to be criminals without conscience. This is slander, and you have violated the ninth commandment (Exodus 20:16) by disseminating this false testimony against your brethren. I implore you to retract your false accusations and issue a public apology for the benefit of those whose reputations have been damaged by your actions. You are also doing a great disservice to your own members by manipulating their emotions with these false statements on the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles

To be clear, nobody in my congregations has stolen any cattle. Not from your fellowship, not from anybody. We have not taken a single animal from your members. Such an action would be a crime, and more importantly, this would be a sin before God. 

If you truly believe this has happened, then you believe that crimes have happened. Cattle rustling is a serious offence in Zambia , an offence for which one can be imprisoned. Since you have already shown yourself more than willing to resort to the legal process by filing lawsuits against a brother, why aren’t you willing to go to the police with these allegations? Why haven’t your informants in Zambia taken this story to law enforcement? 

Let the truth come out, and I challenge you to back up these allegations with strict proof if you are serious. You know Haben and Winter to be faithful members of the church; however, you should understand, that if these men are falsely imprisoned as a result of fabricated and slanderous accusations, there will be a price for you or others to pay based under Zambian law.

While you are personally aware of how the Church of God has operated in Zambia in recent memory, due to your Internet propaganda, perhaps a few reminders are in order. First, the Church of God in Zambia runs a nongovernmental organization, and the nongovernmental organization shepherds assets for the benefit of the brethren. Among the organization’s assets are a few head of oxen. The organization is responsible for caring for these oxen and ensuring that our church brethren get equitable access to the animals. No single individual owns the animals in question; your allegation to the contrary is a false statement. These animals are a community resource, and brethren are allowed to use them on a rotational basis for a limited period of time. While one or more people may have suddenly claimed a baseless personal property interest in some of the oxen, you should know better. 

As you might recall, under the policies of our NGO entity in Zambia , two heifers per family are initially given as a loan to members of our organization, and eventually, these animals may or may not become personal property. You should recall that the heifers become personal property only when a member family repays their loan, and loan repayment is in the form of one calf per heifer. Since each family is given two heifers, each family must then “pay back” two calves. However, unless that condition is satisfied, the loaned animals must be returned.

The facts in this matter make one wonder how you came up with the specific allegation that our members “rustled” seven animals. This is a complete fabrication. 

On the other hand, our organization did recently receive back one overdue ox from an individual who appears to be associated with your church and who has been openly hostile our fellowship. This individual was legally bound to return the animal loaned to him when the loan period expired. There was no mistake about this. With this in mind, we had a responsibility to ask for the return of the ox in an orderly manner, so that it could be loaned to another family. The individual in question was given notice of our desire to have the animal returned. While we sensed that the individual was not happy about being required to return our brethren’s property, this did not deter us from seeking to act in the best interest of the brethren, and according to well-established rules regarding the ox pool’s permitted uses.

Fortunately, two responsible representatives of the local NGO visited this individual and cooperated with him in effecting an orderly, consensual, and peaceful transfer of the asset. No objections were raised, and he seemed to understand why it was that the organization property had to be returned. Contrary to the false statements in your postings and “prayer requests” being circulated, no force was used; no “rustling” occurred; no “thieving” occurred; no hostility ensued; and nothing sensational happened. The only thing wrong with this scenario was that our organization did not receive back its property sooner than it did. On the other hand, forceful or violent confiscation of the animal would have been a sin and likely a crime, even under these circumstances. As a pastor, I would not condone that within my congregations. I have investigated the situation and have interviewed the witnesses. I am more than satisfied that nothing improper occurred here. In sum, this individual has no moral or legal claim to the ox. 

Mr. Kubik, you are probably aware of other provocative and ugly acts committed against us by persons associated with your fellowship in recent months, and you may have noted that we have done our best to turn the other cheek each time, and to not publically address them. In August, a visiting minister (of UCG-AIA) from the United States threw a rock at the door of the home of one of our members residing at the church farm as a caretaker, breaking it in the process. Further, one of your ministers broke into the church property by chiseling the locks thereon and taking with him an energizer used to power the fence.

While we had hoped that you would eventually leave us alone and peacefully separate from us, you don’t seem intent on doing so. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you to stop all forms of harassment and slander against our organization and against our brethren. Please leave us in peace. Recently the courts ruled that you, Victor Kubik, have no sufficient legal interest to mount the claim you were purporting to make. As you well know, you were struck out of the legal proceedings you initiated against me in my personal capacity. Yet it seems that you do not recognize the court’s ruling, even though if you were in Zambia, you could well be cited for contempt of court for your public misrepresentation of judicial proceedings (I refer in particular to your internet post on August 19 entitled “Breakthrough on the Verino Property”) in which you categorically stated that the Court had ruled in your favor!

While we believe your recent public efforts to falsely accuse individuals of criminal behavior is slander, and actionable in a court of law, we do not believe the Scriptures allow us to sue a brother in the secular courts. Settling your abuse and our differences aside for a moment, we still consider you a brother and we respectfully ask you to start behaving towards us as a brother. 

While you may not be happy that I chose to dis-associate myself and our relationship from United Church of God, AIA, this is no reason to take a brother to the courts of this world, to refuse to meet with him (myself) privately, to publically misrepresent the outcome of judicial proceedings , and now to publically spread totally false accusations, while preying on the sympathy of uninformed Church members around the world, beseeching them to “pray to protect the Zambian brethren” from evils of cattle rustlers, as if someone’s person or livelihood are in jeopardy. And then as if that is not enough, to cite these “thieves” as members of our current Church fellowship.

On behalf of our brethren in Zambia , I beg you: refrain from any further slander or harassment. And also, please leave my brethren in the Church of God , a Worldwide Association out of this by holding back on any further innuendos regarding their leadership’s alleged involvement in this controversy (they have not been involved in this incident or in the recent litigation that you commenced, as these are local matters). I challenge you to critically examine yourself regarding your recent actions. I hope you are able to do this and keep God’s Feasts with a clear conscience. 

Kambani Banda


  1. Victor Kubic has been involved in other questionable incidents, each one of which has also involved Dennis Luker.

  2. Yep! The "day of atonement" is here. It seems like the worst in human nature always comes out of the "churches of god" during the "day of atonement". Hey, doesn't fighting over cows lead to tribal wars?

  3. Thoughts on this debacle:
    Not to wrong any one in speech (Lev. 25:17)
    Not to carry tales (Lev. 19:16)
    Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18)
    Not to testify falsely (Ex. 20:13)
    Not to decide a case on the evidence of a single witness (Deut. 19:15)
    To treat parties in a litigation with equal impartiality (Lev. 19:15)
    Not to render iniquitous decisions (Lev. 19:15)
    Not to favor a great man when trying a case (Lev. 19:15)
    Not to render a decision on one's personal opinion, but only on the evidence of two witnesses, who saw what actually occurred (Ex. 23:7)
    Not to swear falsely in denial of another's property rights (Lev. 19:11)
    Not to deny falsely another's property rights (Lev. 19:11)
    Not to defraud (Lev. 19:13)
    Not to covet what belongs to another (Ex. 20:14)
    Not to crave something that belongs to another (Deut. 5:18)
    There are always 2 sides to every dispute.

  4. No heroes, no good ACOG and no bad ACOG. Armstrongism has continually been shown to be a man-made corporate entity, with the Armstrong doctrines always producing bad fruits, no matter how often they are tried, and no matter who assumes leadership.

    Sadly, with the continuing splintering and resulting fight for control over assets, innocent and often very poor people end up being hurt as they attempt to deal with life and death survival matters. This is simply one more example in a huge evidentiary trail that Gamaliel was correct!


  5. But, but, but!!! Anonymous, you only gave us Old Testament Scriptures! They can't apply to this situation!!

    I mean, the head office minister has precedence over any elder in a foreign country! Haven't you learned that yet?

    No! No! No!

    We must take the UCG ownership... er... leadership's word for it, in spite of any facts!

  6. The UCG lets people carelessly assume that it teaches obedience to the laws of God. In actual practice, the laws of God were broken in the UCG from the start.

    Good laws like "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor" were totally ignored from the start of the UCG. Outright liars were welcomed into the UCG under the guise of showing "love" to them while their victims were expelled if they even so much as simply told the truth about what was going on.

    This is a problem that came down from the very top leaders of the UCG.

    In the past, HWA had taught that he was leading the "Philadelphian era" of the Church and that after it a "Laodicean era" would arise. HWA also once warned that those of the "Philadelphian era" were in serious danger of becoming also those of the "Laodicean era." While claiming to be doing quite well, their behavior would actually be so bad that Jesus Himself would have to send them into a "Great Tribulation" to get cleaned up.

    Having seen firsthand the absolutely vile behavior, high and low, in the UCG and other groups, large and small, it looks like HWA might have nailed that prophecy pretty good.



  8. The only problem with that THEORY is that there was no "Philadelphia" era, and there is no "Laodicean" era. That was just ANOTHER lie perpetrated by a lying false profit. They were and always will be liars and con men.

  9. Maybe if the King James Version had changed the spelling of that verse to "cattle after the cattle kind...."

  10. The only problem with that THEORY is that there was no "Philadelphia" era, and there is no "Laodicean" era. That was just ANOTHER lie perpetrated by a lying false profit. They were and always will be liars and con men.

    Absolutely right about there being no Philadelphia era and Laodicean era, Steve.

    But it makes me feel sad. No Sardis Era either. And saying that Sardis is Living, but is dead, is so appealing because of the LCG!

  11. Seven True Eras of Yet Another False Church (Well there never was a "True Church" but we'll let that slide for now.)

    1. Church in Fuss Asses-

    Known for finding fault in every last thing one does.

    2. Church in Smugma-

    Known for being pastored by know it alls who study their own booklets, never read outside the box and came in a very small box to begin with.

    3. Church in Perjurmum-

    Known for lying when asked about every rumor under the sun which turned out to be true.

    4. Church in Ei Yi Yiya-

    Known for doing one stupid thing after the next to hurt, depress and disillusion those who were seriously sincere and honorable folk.

    5. Church in Farred Us-

    Known for luring said honarable folks into their employ and then reminding them "we owe you nothing," as they took everything we, our parents, and grandparents gave them to play with.

    6. Church in Fill Ya Dupe Ya-

    Known for pouring way too much myth and fantasy into our heads at way too high a cost and then taken over by gangsters and thugs from Chicago.

    7. Church in Gotcha-now-see-ya

    Known for getting away with it

