Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gnats and Camels

This is courtesy of Van Robinson, a reader of this blog:


*Man-made religions all strain at gnats, with their do's and don'ts.
*The Internet is a veritable library of websites by innumerable sources, proclaiming what they believe as "truth."
*Human religious leaders will often lead the gullible and the naive down a path of gnats.

*Jesus taught that the pharisees strained at gnats while swallowing camels and this is typical of the religious minded.

*The religious minded will focus on days,  physical buildings, physical temples, dress codes, head gear, tithing, titles, credentials, religious "education", Ink on paper called "the Bible" as if God is the Bible,
"religious languages", scholars, "pastors", "prophets and prophetesses", "end times", television preachers and quoting "the pastor said", or some "prophet or prophetess" said, or upon following someone that is a
charismatic leader and speaker, or someone that is thought to be of influence.

*Jesus taught that swatting at gnats as so many do, is a narrow minded focus, while this type of tunnel vision blinds the mind to the far more important issues of LOVE, COMPASSION MERCY, EMPATHY and HUMILITY.

*Many church groups and countless church goers are GNAT SWATTERS.
*Gnat chasers think that going to church, observing days, tithing, financing pastors so they can go fishing, hunting and play golf, while poor people struggle to make a living and other gnat ideas, is what makes a "Christian."

*It is human to swallow camels and strain at gnats. 

*There is no greater and more important life principle than "love your neighbor as you love yourself" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "blessed are the peacemakers", based upon Jesus Christ.
*Gnat chasers are more concerned with Saturday church, Sunday church, meetings, days and religious issues than "LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE BEFORE MEN, THAT THEY MAY SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS and GLORIFY

*Camel swallow(ers) bypass HUMILITY and draw attention to their own self-importance, as all religious leaders do.

*Cult beliefs always involve swatting gnats, because their ideas of what "truth and righteousness" are, are simply the cult leaders camel swallowing nonsense.

*What is more important---to love others, or to go to church?

*What is more important---tithe to the local "pastor" or feed your children and family?
*What is more important---listen to preachers preach, or be led by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit?
*What is more important---read the bible everyday for life, or produce the fruit of love, compassion, mercy, empathy and humility?

*Gnat chasers make a religion of bible study, going to church and following human religious leaders (who themselves are deceived, they just don't know it).

*Gnat chasers deny that they are gnat chasers.
*Gnat chasers think that gnats are so important that they swallow camels.

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