Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Another UCG Backlash In The Works?

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As everyone knows United Church of God suffered a major rupture and departure of thousands of members last year at this time. Somewhere between a third and to one half of  the ministry also resigned.  This left UCG with a huge drop in income, a church HQ that was understaffed and a field ministry that was pushed to the extremes.

Through all of this you would think the UCG leadership would have been cutting back, looking for any way possible to save money and going on a severe austerity program till income picked back up and membership increased.  Did they?  I think we all know the answer to that one.  It is NO!  The UCG administration went skipping along as if nothing had ever happened.

Families were ripped apart, friendships destroyed, confidences broken and lives ripped to shreds.  "But not to worry, they (COGWA was wrong and we are right!  God is on our side.  We need to move on to bigger and better things.  God says to leave the chaff behind and to shake the dirt off our shoes and that is what we as the UCG are going to do!"

Yesterday it was announced church wide that UCG is starting an expansion program at the Cincinnati HQ.

Income is down, members lives are ripped apart and the Big Boys want more toys.

Melvin Rhodes and Dennis Luker wrote this to the ordained elite:

There is a real need for a larger production area for our media department—particularly for our Web team and video and television production area—including a larger video recording facility. If you have visited Cincinnati and seen our very small recording studio, you will understand how cramped it is and how it affects the overall productivity of our media team. To be more effective, productive and efficient, we need to expand these areas.

A larger, better-equipped, multi-purposed media center would allow us to take advantage of the rapidly changing developments in Internet and broadcast media. A new recording area with multiple sets is envisioned. Included in the proposal is more of a "sound stage" area that could be adapted to handle all kinds of recording needs, temporary sets and future opportunities. The new media center would be one of the largest single areas at the office—reflecting our desire to preach the gospel even more effectively.
 In order to do this they now want members to send in more money. Rhodes and Luker asked these questions:

We want and need your advice and input. Please let us know by the end of January on the below website comment form how you feel about these plans. In addition, we would appreciate your feedback on funding this possible expansion and on the following questions:

·  Would your congregation support this expansion proposal?
·  Could your congregation donate monies from local accounts to help?
·  What are your thoughts on establishing a dedicated building fund?
·  How acceptable would it be to finance a portion of this proposal?

Apostle Malm is reporting that when this was announced in Garden Grove UCG there were a LOT of unhappy people.  They were disgusted that UCG would be doing such an expansion in these economic times and right after the upheaval the chruch is still recovering from.

Like I said before, the Big Boys want more toys and here is what they want:

After years of discord, United is now growing in the unity and stature of Jesus Christ (Ephesians:4:13) and we must preserve this. We are now at a point where we can preach the gospel by leveraging all the tools in our hands without hindrance. But before we consider expanding our media production facilities, we must know the thoughts of the ministry and members.

Expanding the home office at this time would fill important needs for the future. Equally as important, the proposal presented by the administration to the Council of Elders in December ensures that space requirements for the next decade and the foreseeable future would be provided "under one roof" without any need to relocate.

Apart from the media area, the proposal envisages remodeling the Ambassador Bible Center so that our ability to impart in-depth biblical truth to ABC participants is enhanced. An increase in the ABC area would also enable the simultaneous training of the next generation of ministers, instead of at separate times during the year, as happens now.

Remodeling the Ambassador Bible Center would provide the opportunity to have a larger auditorium to serve the purposes of the present auditorium, and also allow taping of Beyond Today specials. It could even be a home-office-based Feast of Tabernacles site if needed in the future.

Considering the many uses the building expansion would allow, the cost is not expected to be excessive. It is not a new building or relocation; it is an expansion of the current building in the same location. It would lay a foundation to meet the growth we hope for in the foreseeable future. Rough cost estimates are in the range from $2,000,000 to $2,500,000. More detailed work is being done to secure a more accurate construction bid for us. We would hope to pay cash for the bulk of the construction and finance as little as possible.

To help everyone understand what is being proposed, we have created this page. It includes initial space plans and diagrams, a link to the video of the administrations report to the Council in December about this, and a box for you and our members to give their comments and feedback. In order to properly understand the space plan diagram, it will be important to view them in conjunction with the video explanation from the Council meeting

If the UCG leadership want this building then I suggest that THEY be the first to take a 50% pay cut in their salaries.  Let Luker, Rhodes, Webber and others give 50% of their income as an example.  Even at 50% these men would still be making over $50,000.00 a year!   Do they realize how many unemployed and underemployed people there are in their church that would LOVE to have this kind of money?

Apostle Malm had this to say about UCG leadership salaries:

UCG elders receive a minimum salary based on years of service, then then get additional amounts for other added responsibilities such as  Camp Coordinators, Feast Coordinators etc.

Regional Pastors get more, as do administrative officials [president, treasurer etc] and  members of the CoE and the Chairman; who is the real head of UCG [the president being merely and administrative assistant to the CoE].

CoE salaries are in the $120,000 range although this is just the base minimum salary and other possibilities for income are available to them.  Added to this income is a generous expense account.

110,000 plus per year  plus a 9% bonus and a generous expense account with tax deductible housing and utilities makes for a VERY good life for men called to SET AN EXAMPLE FOR THE FLOCK.

And then they beg the brethren to sacrifice!  Remember the words of Jesus Christ:  Mat 23:4  For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
These men should be tithing fully and sacrificing and doing whatever they ask the flock to do.
How many of you get to deduct housing and utilities from your taxable income?  Factor that into the remuneration mix.

Given UCG's past track record on misguided property deals (Texas) you would think they would stop and listen to people.  They claim they will, but ultimately they will not.  The Big Boys want their toys and they will prevail.  The members will be asked to sacrifice and dig deep.  Homes and businesses will be mortgaged to help pay for this "final push."

When will the people ever wake up to the con game?


  1. COE $120,000? For what? Rehashing old sermons on topics they have never done one honest days reevaluation of in content and truth? For furthering their theological education outside of booklets, broadcasts and those same old notes of 40 years ago?

    Some speculate Joe Jr. has given himself a salary of $180,000 a year. That's a couple million almost in a decade. They always deny this I understand and make it seem like they are just getting by on beans as Gregg Albrecht once opined.

    I imagine Jesus is turning over in his gra...no wait, we can't have that.. Never mind.


  2. HQ building is the ultimate Armstrong trait. Even though we are in the "end times" all this extravagance is not off limits. I'm sure it can used later in the "Kingdom" as well.

  3. Just a thought, but why not make more of a commitment to spreading the gospel before buying all the toys? It reminds me of people buying gym memberships and equipment when they vow to exercise more.

  4. This is very toned down compared to the constant harangue of letters flowing out of HWA's office during the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, and nineties. Oh, wait, he died during the eighties, but he would have been doing them during the nineties if he had lived.

    You know, of course, that the split between UCG and COGWA was because UCG wants more of a Rick Warren evangelical church, which uses the ruse of "preaching the gospel" as a cover to build a mega-church, while COGWA wants more of a straight-down-the-line HWA model, which, if you play your hand right, is also supposed to result in a mega-church, but just one of a very different flavor. So Kilough plonks down a cool $9 million toward advancing his "straight-down-the-line HWA model, and the Rick Warren people have to make some bold and sudden moves. And they did.

    And now Denny is spinning it, that since we have finished stabbing in the back and throwing from the train all those people we absolutely HATED, we are suddenly "growing in the unity and stature of Jesus Christ." (Not to say that the COGWA people wouldn't have done the same if the tables were turned.) What an absolute JOKE. Churches have NOTHING to do with concern about ethical or moral ideals of any kind. Those things are merely to keep the masses distracted. Churches are really all about con men trying to grow the revenues for their pyramid scheme, and therefore, themselves.

    Churches are among the most evil "institutions" ever devised.

  5. They want to do all that with their dud, boring commentators?

  6. I will agree to pimp myself out to UCG to give interesting and mind expanding sermons and studies for ...oh say, a mere $50,000 a year. What a bargain!


  7. "After years of discord, United..."


  8. "After years of discord, United is now growing in the unity and stature of Jesus Christ."

    HAHAHA is right!

    Translation: "After yet another STUNNING demonstration that our so-called 'brand identity' is TOTALLY BANKRUPT, and that we are NOT growing in grace, or graciousness, or knowledge of any sort, we need you, dear brethren, to keep drinking the KOOL-AID now more than EVER BEFORE!"

  9. This strikes me as a classic "rally 'round the church" project - something designed to give everyone a feeling of involvement in the overall product.

    The megachurch in my city is doing that right now, for building projects including a natatorium.

    Remember how the old WCG did that c. 1994, with its nationwide campaign to sell Ten Commandments plaques?

    But of course, many of us remember how that turned out months later....

  10. These guys are no different to the poLIARticians who vote themselves obscene pay increases, outrageous perks and cushy retirement pensions--all at taxpayer expense!
    Why don't they follow the REAL example set by Christ and his disciples who preached the gospel to the poor and needy without cost or a wage?
    Why don't they save "tithes" out of their own overinflated pay packets to build WHATEVER!?
    Here's an idea for 'em--Go out into the REAL WORLD to the dirty and grimy streets of our spiritually desolate cities to preach to REAL PEOPLE like Christ and his disciples who don't have access to fancy and shiny toys like computers, internet, iphones, TVs, etc. and have been forgotten, cast aside and hurt by the abuses of these POLITICO-RELIGIO-CORPORATIONS self-interest! And here's a tip straight from Christ himself--give your money to the homeless and jobless poor rather than these CORRUPT imposters who think "GAIN IS GODLINESS" (1 Tim 6:5)!

  11. Paul,

    Of course you are correct. You may enjoy this article, Politicians, Priests and Pornographers which makes the same point you are.
