Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dave Pack Gloating Today That He Stole a UCG Minister

Dave Pack with his puffed up chest is even bigger today as he gloats about stealing Dale Schurter from United Church of God.

Longtime Minister Comes with RCG: We are pleased to announce that a senior minister in God’s Church, Mr. Dale Schurter, has resigned from the United Church of God (UCG) and, with his wife, Mona, come with The Restored Church of God (RCG). Mr. Schurter was first ordained in 1965 after graduating from Ambassador College in Pasadena. He served for 19 years on the faculty at Ambassador’s Big Sandy campus, and has pastored members in Texas, Louisiana, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania.

All brethren in the splinters, regardless of affiliation, will want to visit the website often, where he and other ministers formerly in splinter groups will make exciting announcements and take you inside RCG, but also counter the years of misinformation, spin and disinformation about RCG and its leaders. He will regularly post many kinds of information, and answers to questions sent by readers.

So what exciting announcement are we all in for from Dale and the rest of the backstabbing ministers who have jumped from one church to the next over the last few decades?  Now that they have joined the largest and most important work that has ever been in existence since creation will they be thrust into new prophetic positions or will they just became Pack's lackeys in his new mini-me cult college he is building?


  1. Oh great! Another boring speaker pulling out his 40 year old sermon notes to rehash for the umpteenth time!

  2. I am truly shocked. Mr. Shurter seemed like one of the most balanced and kind ministers I've ever met. He helped my family through terrible times when my mother died of cancer. I think he was either brain washed or drugged. Pack is sick in the head and I can't believe this happened. If I ever get a hold of Dale's email address, I'm going to beg him to reconsider, like it will matter what a peon like me will say

  3. I give Dale six months of contact with Dave to drive him nuts.

    Unless he's looking for a paycheck no one else will give him.


  4. Mish Mash: If you read Shurter's letter on the link in the next post you will find his address. Good luck! He has went over to the dark side big time!

  5. What exciting news! What thrilling times in which we live! It is so inspiring to see what God is doing in his church!

    Oops! I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  6. And James says that God resists the proud.

    Dale can certainly help Dave build a big digester for the new campus being built this year.

    Of course, trying to swallow the swill of false prophecy, ego and delusions might make it the "indigester".

    Not sure, but UCG is probably better off without him, as they proceed to an all volunteer ministry (except for the Home Office Grand Poobahs).

    These days I have to limit my interest in the ACoGs, since, after awhile, it would be easy to just lose it and go postal, seeing how nuts they ALL are.


    Paul Ray

  8. Very strange that Dale Schurter would go with The Packatolla given the past family connections with Clyde Kilough's wife, Debbie (COGWA).


  9. @Paul Ray - ROFL

    Makes me wonder if Basement Cat is somehow involved:)
