Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pack's Agenda For Schurter And Other Defecting Ministers

Don't I Look Like The Most Important Person On Earth Today?

Davie Pack is taking full advantage of the Dale Schurter defection from UCG.  Poor Davie has been getting so much negative publicity that he sees Schurter as the new mouthpiece to stem that flow of negativity.  Poor Davie may have jumped his guns on that one because the reaction form a LOT of people is pure shock that Schurter did what he did.  People are amazed that Schurter would join up with such a wacko as Pack. What Schurter and these other soon-to-be defectors are becoming is Pack's lap-poodles.

Davie is on a steamroll to gather in as many new members as he can. He has a multimillion dollar Auditorium and college campus to built within the next three years.  The only way his fledgling cult can do that is with more members and more income.

In his typical arrogant and self righteous mindset he gives the reason behind his new web site that features Schurter and hopefully more UCG ministers who defect.  He wants their voice to counterbalance all the negative publicity he gets.  Plus, he wants you to know that his church, The Restored Church of God, is experiencing mind boggling new growth that is unparallelled in Church of God history.  I guess two new members for a minuscule cult IS mind boggling.  Who knew!

Longtime Ministers Speak Out About The Restored Church of God and David C. Pack

About This Website

This website’s purpose is to highlight the unparalleled growth and fruits of The Restored Church of God (RCG), and to counter many years of falsehoods and misinformation regarding the Church and its leader. It will feature ongoing posts, including eyewitness accounts from a number of ministers who have left Worldwide Church of God (WCG) offshoots for RCG. Readers can look forward to information on the rapid expansion of the Church and Work, as well as its educational institution, Ambassador Center. Additional ministers who come with The Restored Church of God will also contribute. Answers to readers’ questions considered helpful to a broader audience will be posted.


  1. I can't imagine Dale will keep his site open long. He is going to catch hell and all sorts of advice about how impossible it is to work around and for Dave. He'll no doubt pick the ones he posts. He couldnot and would not dare print all the comments he is going to get.

    M.T. Cranium

  2. Dave is attempting to make himself look normal and balanced by putting Dale out there as one of his leading supporters. Its a political move. I also believe Dale is expecting the Titanic COG (United) to hit an iceberg any day now sinking all hopes of retirement checks. I think this move is going to backfire on them. Dale even says in his letter these are the last years of the last days. So why build a building? There's plenty of empty corporate space you could buy and renovate.

    I know no one out there knows me. I'm a former COGer that still has touch with family and friends in several organizations. Me, I'm a Messianic Jew now. They have thier issues, but the prayer shawls look cool and we have more holidays that are normal. Hanukah is a blast! I have to tell you my heart is broken over this. Even though I didn't keep in touch with Dale and Mona, they were good friends while they were here. He had so many good ideas.

    I've gotta go refill my perscription for Prozac and blank this out of my mind.

  3. Why whoopie dee and peanut butter!
    I wonder how long this will last.

    Last thing I remember about ol' Dale was that he caused some great controversy through a PT or Good News article advising readers to begin hoarding food because the end was so near. That was back in the 1960s.


  4. OMG! I have never seen this copy of HWA's portrait before. Doesn't Pack know that there is no glory in copying someone else? It just shows you this man has no value within him. He's just an empty vessel, like a mirror, reflecting things, rather than producing them.

  5. Davey Pack is reaching into his pants to pet the dead animal down there!

