Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Legalistic COGers Devastated

The diehard COGers on Yahoo are devastated.  They learned today that Häagen-Dazs  ice cream is not kosher.  So what's the problem?  Is there little piggie juice in it or what?

Nope, the issue is that some legalistic rabbinical  fools have declared that Häagen-Dazs is made with milk from farmers who are not Jewish and who use cows that are not kosher.

Milk produced by non-Jews without Jewish supervision was forbidden by the sages of the Talmud due to a concern that it may be adulterated with milk from a non-kosher animal.

So all of you Christian and atheist dairymen/women out there had been stop selling your milk to Häagen-Dazs.  You are polluting ice cream with your dirty, filthy, unclean, pagan milk!

In an update sent by the rabbinate on Sunday, the kashrut department said that because Häagen-Dazs is made with unsupervised liquid milk, as opposed to milk powder, the marketing and sale of the ice cream in establishments and outlets with kashrut certification is not acceptable and constitutes “a severe infringement of kashrut procedures.”

“We request from those providing kashrut certificates not to permit the sale of this product in places with [kashrut] supervision,” the notice read. “One should not take into account the opinion of kashrut advisers in this matter who request to continue selling this product, and if the management of any chain insists on selling them it is possible that ‘kashrut [license] withdrawal’ may be enacted against them, according to the law.”
So what's a poor legalist supposed to do?  This Rabbi had this to say:

Asked what Häagen-Dazs lovers should do instead, he replied, “Love God more than ice-cream.”

Asked what Herbert Armstrong thought about it, they found out that there was Häagen-Dazs served in his home all the time.  If HWA ate it, so can I!  

Surprise! ‘Häagen-Dazs not kosher’



  1. Man, Armstrongists have a masochistic view on living. So sad.

  2. Well thats a Jewish concern and really only for Jews.
    This does not effect churches or christians in any way.
    Milk need not be kosher for non Jews as they do not observe what is called chalav yisrael, whereby the milk from a non Jewish farmer is declared not as good as that of a Jewish farmer.
    By not as good we say that we cannot be sure what animals they mix into the milk.
    In Talmud we know that long ago the gentile farmers used to mix different kinds of milk. They would mix horse milk and cow milk for instance to expand the amount of milk they could sell.
    It was precisely because of this practice that making sure milk was chalev yisrael was instituted.
    That is the reason why.
    Chalav Yisrael actually was a recent thing in the US. Most orthodox Jews will drink milk without observing chalav yisroel as really because the law in the United states and most western nations today forbids mixing types of milk.

    I am Jewish by the way, raised Orthodox.

  3. These Talmudists are just as looney with their rigid buraucratic regulations to supposedly "build a hedge around the law" when in reality they're nothing more than LOOPHOLES designed to AVOID Old Testament law!
    Then again our laws reflect the same insane mentality! How far from the original intent of the American Founding Fathers have we come who knew the wisdom in the Roman maxim, multiplicatio legorum corruptio republica...

  4. Well, the following certainly leaves Häagen-Dazs out of it and makes this issue irrelevant, according to Jewish standards:

    Diabetes -- made from the best stuff on earth.

  5. I did some research on Vitamin D enriched milk (virtually all commercially available milk these days) a few years ago. The Armstrongists shouldn't be drinking any of it, ever, or eating any of the thousands of store bought foods which have milk as an ingredient.

    Why? Well, it seems that swine are known as being the most potent sources for Vitamin D, and that's what is used in our milk. The stuff is reduced to its basic chemical elements in the processing and preparation stages, but the fact remains that virtually all milk and milk products on the market today do contain an ingredient which does come from pigs.

    Knowing this, I really don't understand how the ACOG legalists can even continue eating. Yet, apparently they are only worried about the Haagen Daz. Too much!


  6. But there's more hopeful food news for COG'ers today.

    The company that makes Twinkies and Wonder Bread filed for chapter 11.

    A major, MAJOR triumph for all the ministers who have preached against them for decades. :-)

  7. Hey Donna: I saw your post on the Yahoo group today. I have been a long time member in that group. I joined soon after it was formed.

    Scripture teaches that liars are rejected by God. Why did you lie in the post you put up today?

    No minister in their right mind is going to be discussing specifically this blog or other blogs during their sermons. If they did then they are covering their butts because they were exposed for something.

    You need to repent of your catty attitude! I personally am appalled at some of the sick things that you write about the unconverted people of the world.

    Liars will not make it into the Kingdom!

  8. Anon:

    I remember GTA standing on the stage in Jekyll Island in the big tent one year having a fit over Wonder Bread. While he was talking he took a couple of slices of bread and payed with them till he had formed a ball. Then he bounced it on the stage declaring this is what you are feeding your kids! Of course at that time all diehard followers should have been eating stone ground, course whole wheat bread flavored with molasses. Unless of course you were in the ministerial dining rooms where you got lovely flurry white bread crescents and rolls with your catered lunch each day.

  9. Frank, you can relax about the liars that won't make it into the Kingdom. They're no worse off than anybody else.

    We will all just disintegrate into our constituent molecules and re-enter the nutrient stream that circulates through the biosphere. You see, the Kingdom is coterminous with the universe. We have always been, are now, and always will be a part of it. Chemically speaking, I mean.

  10. Ha Ha! Donna took the bait! She produced a letter from the COG's biggest idiot Cox where he rags on web sites critical of him. Anyone that uses the writings of Cox as truth needs their heads examined! What losers.

  11. If this Donna person is filled with such hate why does she stop by here and read all the time? She sounds like a little first grader running off to tattle-tale.

  12. Byker Bob, I thought you were joking. But apparently you weren't. I found plenty of websites indicating processed pigs are turned into Vitamin D3.

    Now I understand why raw milk was promoted in WCG in the 1980s - more anti-pasteurization than anti-pork.

  13. I think Donna has some deep seated anger issues and needs some professional help. I saw she was whining on Facebook tonight.

  14. No, Richard. I do like to spoof and joke occasionally, but this vitamin D thing is the righteous truth.

    I always wondered why such legalists as WCG did not insist on totally keeping the Kosher laws. It's as inconsistent as all getout. I know we didn't give any credence to the intertestamental texts of the so called "Apocrypha", but the story about the contaminated oil, the miracle that the sacred temple oil lasted until a new batch was able to be produced, and the Festival of Lights certainly provides some insights into how seriously matters of "minor" contamination were treated by the kingly/priestly lines of the Old Covenant. Since old school WCG basically taught that the NC was simply Jesus' sacrifice replacing the animal sacrifices, thus modifying the OC, you'd think they would have taken the Kosher laws more seriously.

    By the way, this Porcine vitamin D contamination of milk is something I accidentally discovered while doing my own research into vitamins. Seemingly, it's something COGdom is completely ignorant of, and none of them have even reacted to it, which is totally surprising, considering.


  15. Did you see where Donna posted a story about a dead man impregnating a women in a mortuary? It was hoax and she fell for it. Hilarious! Anything weird and an Armstrongite will fall for it.

  16. Bob, I did some online probing into this milk matter over the last couple of days.

    Some milk jugs have the "circle-K" kosher symbol on their labels. The one in my refrigerator did, along with Vitamin D-3 in the ingredients.

    But others do not have that symbol. So apparently concerned COG'ers need to watch for that. Thanks for a thought-provoking comment!

  17. Here is a question. What is soap made of? Isn't if made of animal fats, among other ingredients? Do devout cult members rub animal fat all over their bodies? Perhaps even swine fat? My, can't some of this fat be absorbed through the skin, causing untold damage to internal organs? Oh my. Perhaps they should switch to Kirk's Castile soap, made from botanical products, no animal by-products. Stop the cancer epidemic! Avoid all "unclean" products, internally or externally.
