Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Stupid Camels, Lazy Corn Eaters and Soulless Veggies

First it was Arabs eating camels and now it's Mexicans eating corn.  Did you know that Mexicans are lazy because they eat too many tacos made out of corn? (see below)  It never ceases to amaze me with the racist and bigoted things that come out of Armstrongites who think they are of the "pure' strain of Israelites.

The person that posted the little article about Arabs eating camels is now backtracking that that she made it all up.  She did nothing of the sort.  She posted what she actually believes.  She made a fool of herself and is now trying to cover her tracks.  These bigoted comments are not the first that she has made towards others who are not of the Armstrongite pure Israelite mold.

Being a bigot is not an isolated case in Armstrongism.I have heard ministers pound from the pulpit over and over with bigoted comments about "gentile" nations, particularly Mexico.  Mexicans are dirty and unclean because they are non Israelites.  They live in gang infested neighborhoods and live in dirty cities because they are of the gentile strain. Non Israelite nations, such as Africa, are backwards, uneducated, dirty, violent, and filled with darker skinned races. Darker skinned races are stupider than whites. 

To back up her racist comments she uses Kabbalah to reinforce her wanna-be Jewish "beliefs."  According to one weird kaballah teacher, those Arabs that eat camel meat are not only eating their unclean flesh but they are eating the camels character traits.  The "impure sparks" in a camel affect the humans soul which then makes the person (i.e. Arabs) stupid humans. Your DNA absorbs the DNA of the unclean animal and then you become stupid.  With that kind of logic than I guess we know the reason why Armstrongites can be so dumb at times.  All those dumb cows and chickens have joined their DNA with the Armstorngites DNA and they are now just as equally dumb. I grew up on a farm and can attest that cows and chickens are not the smartest animals in the barnyard.

Ideally if Armstrongites really wanted to be pure Israelites then they would be vegetarians like Adam and Eve were.  If they ate a vegetarian diet then the Kabbalah logic listed below would make them pure and clean,  since vegetables have no soul or evil character traits.  That is the logic that is beign trotted out below.

By the way, isn't Kabbalah in the Armstrongite view just as evil as witchcraft? I have heard that said straight from Spanky's mouth. All this talk about the "soul" also flies against Armstrongite thought.  It looks like these Armstrongites need to get their heads out of the Kaballah gutter and back into their Bibles (old testament only, of course).

BAD CHARACTER TRAITS. The Ramban and Rabbeinu Bachyei write that the nature of an animal or bird is contained in their flesh. Therefore, when a person eats their flesh, he not only ingests their nutritional components, but also their
character traits. Hashem, who knows the inherent nature of each specie,
prohibited eating all animals that are carnivorous as well as twenty-four
species of birds of prey (the ten permissible animals are herbivorous). By
eating these animals or birds, we ingest their cruel traits. (Commentary to the
Torah, Vayikra 11:13).

(Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch adds that even animals like the mouse that is
herbivores and not carnivores are prohibited since they are extremely active
creatures symbolizing a general excessive pre-occupation with the purely
physical side of the world. However, eating kosher cow and sheep that are docile
farm animals teach us that although we must engage the world, we should not be
totally pre-occupied with its physical side. (Horeb)

Kabbalistically, we can also explain this concept based on the Arizal's
principle cited above. Just as the impure sparks in non-kosher foods negatively
affect a person's soul, they also affect his character traits. However, this can
be better understood with the medical knowledge that a person's physical and
emotional makeup is determined and controlled by his DNA. The DNA absorbs both the animal nutrients and traits, hence the expression, "You are what you eat."

Based on this explanation, we can also understand why there are no non-kosher
species of fruits or vegetables. These have no soul or evil character traits
that can be absorbed by eating them. In addition, since the ten permitted
animals subsist on vegetative matter alone, there is no food in this chain that
can harms one's soul.

At least the person that posted the little ditty about corn eating Mexicans had the wherewithall to say they had never seen it proven but then goes on to use violent drug gangs as proof that Mexicans aren't lazy.

Oh, so blogger posted that? Actually, I have read something similar about corn-eating vs wheat eating cultures and cultures that worship a female goddess vs. those that worship one male God.

The story was that Mexicans were peaceful and  lazy because they ate so much corn in tacos, etc., and the wheat eaters were warlike. I guess that is proven wrong by the recent war between the Zetas and "13" gangs over the drug routes into the USA. Or maybe they are rich enough not to eat so much corn?? Eating more white bread perhaps.


  1. Rather sad commentary on human prejudice caused by the concept of "us vs. them" in religion. If there are the chosen ones, that means the rest of humanity is unchosen. Sad.

    All of us are the same. Our country of origin is different. We did not choose either our parents nor where we showed up. We didn't choose the philosopy of our upbringing or even our names. Names are just given to sort us out from others. We didn't chose our language or anything in the box we were born in. Nor were our parents given any other choices as to the box they came in.

    I think we feel more safe in a hostile world when we think "a thousand shall fall at thy right side and ten thousand at thine left hand, but it shall not come nigh unto thy dwelling." Even though we know it is not so in reality. It helps us right up to the moment it proves to not be true.

    Being special helps us cope. But the fact is we are all the same, made of stardust with five holes in our head to process the narrow range of frequencies presented to us to experience a small part of
    our world.

    Whoever wrote this and believes this is living in fear and the opposite of fear is NOT bravery. It is love...which casts fear out

  2. So corn = peace? Wheat = war??

    A simple check of U.S. college football should disprove this.

    The Nebraska CORN-Huskers long have been a dominant football program (except for a slump in recent years).

    The Jayhawks from my alma mater Kansas (the WHEAT state, as most old license plates will tell you) do well to make a bowl game once a decade.

    Now tell me which grain promotes more fight and less sloth!

    At least Kansas has basketball season. :-/

  3. All of us are the same



    Well, not exactly.

    Aptitudes are inherited, so various races and family groups have inate abilities to do things others do not have the ability to do. Various body types are inherited. Some men are colorblind. Some people are tone deaf. Body types have inherited biases, influenced by the environment.

    With that out of the way, we can concentrate on what is really important: Family pets!

    Did you know that the Bible is staunchly against dogs? No Christian (or Jew, for that matter) should own a dog? Dogs are foul beasts that lick up the blood of ungodly people, such as false prophets.

    Scripture is clear that dogs will not enter the Kingdom. You can read it for yourself in the King James: Dogs are bad! Bad dog!

    This is absolute proof that the Republican Dog Owner Armstrongite ministers are not of God! They are reprehensible beasts!

    Moreover, many Armstrongists know the truth: Your dog may be possessed by demons! Dogs are unclean! If an Exorcism occurs for a family member, the demon may enter your dog! And since Christians are not supposed to have dogs in the first place, there is no exorcism for them -- you will have to send them to the pound for doggy doomed execution!

    Don't give the demons a home in your dog!

    Flees from the wrath to come!

    Here's hoping you have a howling good time with this.

    Bite me.

  4. When I say we are all the same, I am not referring talents, genetic gift, intellect etc. I am referring to everyman's right to respect, compassion and care.

    The story of the Good Samaritan, unknown to the person who wrote this Mexican nonsense notwithstanding, comes to mind.

    There was no discussion of whether the Samaratin was educated, poor, stupid or retarded.

  5. When I say we are all the same, I am not referring talents, genetic gift, intellect etc. I am referring to everyman's right to respect, compassion and care.

    You know, just because a human is sleeping in the alley, you don't get to light him on fire

    The story of the Good Samaritan, unknown to the person who wrote this Mexican nonsense notwithstanding, comes to mind.

    There was no discussion of whether the Samaratin was educated, poor, stupid or retarded.

  6. But Dennis, the "Stupid Camels, Lazy Corn Eaters and Soulless Veggies" idea is so retarded!

    If you really want to dermine if your food is pure, use a witching food pendulum! And the water witching works too!

    Just ask the Science Department at Eastern Washington University! They knew they had natural underground water springs, so they hired a water witcher, which is why 3/4ths of the Science Building foundation "floats". The building was so unstable that one professor had to wait until midnight Saturday night to take seismic measurements because students walking in and out of the entrance would invalidate the measurement data.

    So Armstrongist science does work.

    Just not the way its expected to.

    If it does.

    Which, in this case, since there's no scientific basis for it, it doesn't.

    I say we can disprove Armstrongism using nothing but science and logic.

  7. "The DNA absorbs both the animal nutrients and traits, hence the expression, "You are what you eat."

    The person who wrote this knows nothing of DNA. I seldom see such ignorance at this level but here it is, coming from a armstrong worshiper.

    "Therefore, when a person eats their flesh, he not only ingests their nutritional components, but also their character traits."

    Again we have a completely ignorant human here who knows nothing of biology. This is akin to the wisdom of having witch trials in old Salem. Deadly ignorance.

    As for Mexicans, I grew up with them. They have close and loving families, high morals, and faith in God. Something the armstrongites lack.

    You see, the armstrongites do not have close families and do not reach out to help anyone not of their belief system. They are amoral. They discard their children and relatives who have a different slant on life as to religion.

    They (armstrongites)have not faith. If they did they would live their lives on a higher plain. They would not defame their god by their actions and unclean words that spew from their mouths. They would not support child molesters. They would not support those who (because of position) within their closed society, harm the weak or prey on the elderly.

    No, the armstrongites are people who have sat at the feet of sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists and learned THEIR ways, not the ways of a loving and kind god.

    I say let them continue to speak such blasphemies. For what sane human would join such group(s)?

    Let them instead be filled with those who are dying, hopeless and the mentally insane. The day will come when the churches are so filled with such human excrement that a final flush will carry them all away. May that day be soon!

  8. James: If I remember right the person who posted the crap about DNA being absorbed claims to have a biology (or science) degree. It must have been a correspondence course degree or something else, because no biologist or science graduate would make such claims. Maybe she got her degree from Ambassador when Doug Winnail was teaching biology. That would explain a lot....

  9. Pseudoscience and magical thinking again! Anyone can claim to be anything. The key is what will true adherents to the discipline say when the prognostication is subjected to peer review. I think we all know the answer to that one.

    Of course, the epithet, "science so-called will be forthcoming from the magical faith-based prognosticator.

  10. Embedded paradigms, once again, I'm afraid. Since Armstrongism was an eclectic collection of things widely recognized as heresies, along with improbably conspiracy theories and the personal tastes of HWA, people once part of that movement misguidedly utilize that methodology in explaining just about anything which they feel the mainstream does not understand.

    This assimilation of traits and characteristics is rooted in tribalism. In indiginous cultures, warriors would drink the blood of vanquished enemies, (human and animal) assuming that they absorbed those enemies' strengths. It is pure ignorance. Chemical reactions, such as the breakdown of foods in the presence of certain acids as in digestion, do not process the spiritual to create assimilatable nutrients. That second process occurs through a completely different channel.

    I think our erstwhile biologist is in search of a greater concept. If he wanted to argue, as an example, that foodstuffs rich in L Glutamine might nourish the brain, combatting depression and enhancing intelligence, those of us who have studied amino acids would probably be more interested in whatever else he had to say. Also, who would disagree if he linked malnutrition to a wide variety of negative traits? Unfortunately, he's based his premises on superstition rather than science.


  11. In my neck of the woods, the Mexicans seem to be the hardest working of people - though they may be here illegally. They do all the heard work the fat government bureaucrats with big butts couldn't do without risking a heart attack.

