Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thiel: It's All About ME and Baron Karl zu Guttenberg

The Drinking Beast

Apparently stung by the mounting criticism of his incessant speculations about Baron Karl Guttenberg (a German - and we all know what THAT means to Armstrongites) as the King of the North, he has written a long screed today justifying his speculations.

Prophet Thiel wants you to know that he is a lone voice crying out in the wilderness about Baron Guttenberg.  He also wants you to know that he is the worlds foremost authority on Baron Guttenberg over anyone else in the COG.

So where does he gather so much of his information that forms his speculations?  From an old Catholic manuscript that talks about the "Great Monarch."

As a student of prophecy, I found it interesting that Karl zu Guttenberg has characteristics that seem to line up with Catholic, Byzantine, and biblical prophecies related to an end time European leader.  Catholic and Byzantine prophecies seem to refer to this individual as the “Great Monarch” or “Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,” while Bible prophecies tend to call him the final King of the North of Daniel 11 and the Beast of the sea in Revelation 13.

Some of that information that Prophet Thiel has latched on to are these silly reasons:

  1. His name will begin with the letter K (Karl does).
  2. His name will be Charles (Charles is the French and English version of the name Karl).
  3. One of his names will be Joseph (this is one of his many names).
  4. His name will be 80 characters in length.  
  5. He will be educated since birth (he was).
  6. He will speak English to those in his empire (he is fluent in English, but has no empire yet).
  7. He will have dark hair (he does).
  8. He will be balding in the front (he is).
  9. He will have an eagle/aquiline nose (he seems to).
  10. He will be handsome (it has been suggested that he is).
  11. He will be a knight/duke, for “a valiant duke will arise from the ancient German house” (a German Baron who is a military leader seems to fit this).
  12. He will be ecumenically-oriented (the Baron married a Lutheran)

Read Prophet Thiel's blog entry for the entire convoluted series of speculations:

 COGwriter Speculations on Karl zu Guttenberg Shown Correct

Now to show how annoying his article is, I have copied portions of his sentences so you can see the narcissistic bent he is on. It's all about him.  He knows all and has LCG backing him up.  He throws in LCG a couple of times because many of his detractors are complaining to LCG about him.
I have been one of relatively few to regularly post prophetic articles about him, and seem to be the first newswriter to specify that Karl zu  Guttenberg may become the final King of the North of Bible prophecy and Great Monarch of Catholic and Byzantine (Eastern/Greek Orthodox) prophecy.

I personally have been following and reporting on Baron Karl zu Guttenberg since late 2009 (see America to be Replaced By China or Europe?) as one who may play an important role in the future of Europe and the entire world.
While I have long been wondering who may become the final King of the North, the release of my book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect in September 2009, provided even further motivation to look for such a leader.

On February 13, 2010, I published an article about him,...

On February 20, 2010, after noticing certain comments that then German Defense Minister Guttenberg made about NATO, I posted...

A week ago, I posted an article containing some news items
 I noticed that I had written...  (My favorite!)

On May 12, 2010, I began to report about him...

On June 3, 2010, also at my Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted...

I posted an article titled Guttenberg to fulfill warning from Los Angeles End Time Prophecy Examiner?

On June 14, 2010, when he caught some flack about some of his statements related to Afghanistan, I posted...

Also, in June 2010, in my article Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?, I posted the following:...

On August 6, 2010, at my Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted...
On October 21, 2010, at my Los Angeles Church History and End Time Prophecy Examiner column, I posted...
On February 25, 2011, I posted...

...a few days after I posted...

On March 4, 2011, I posted...

In that same March 4, 2011 post, I wrote...

I have had my eye on Karl Guttenberg since late 2009 when I initially reported about him

 As I reported before....

...is consistent with that speculation on my part...

I posted: If he becomes more involved in issues with the Vatican, a religious order, and/or the EU, watch out!

On May 10, 2011, I posted the following...

So, before he announced his exile, I suspected that he may fulfill exile prophecies.

I re-posted one of the old Eastern Orthodox prophecies about the Great Monarch

This is something that I covered at this National Church History and End Time Prophecy column on November 21, 2011

In that article I mentioned “23 items to consider as to why Karl zu Guttenberg could possibly fill the role that he now seems to be advocating,”  thus I felt that part of the purpose of his speech was to 

...notice something Karl zu Guttenberg said that I reported on November 30, 2011

I, as well as LCG, wrote back in March of this year...

Notice something that I posted on December 9, 2011...

...this is something that I am now, and have been for some time, watching for. And yes, I also suspect...

 ...what I feel may happen with him....

Also notice something that I had posted at the Examiner.com on December 11, 2012

While I do not  yet 100% know if the Baron is the final King of the North,

Why would I have concluded items about the Baron BEFORE these events happened that they may happen?

The first is that I try to follow Jesus’ admonitions...

Because of where we appear to be in the prophetic timeline, the writing of my 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect book...

Notice what I posted on March 11, 2011  ...

When I was working in 2010 on the article...

...it occurred to me that if the Baron is the one, that he may try to fulfill some of the Great Monarch prophecies, hence I felt that some were thus likely to be fulfilled....

I, thus, still consider that Karl zu Guttenberg is one to watch.

As a student of prophecy, I found it interesting...

I agree with Paul Thigpen...

It is quit apparent that Spanky Meredith's narcissistic personality has rubbed of on the Doctor of Prophecy.

It is also apparent that we should all be bowing down at Thiel's feet because of his prophetic voice that is crying out.  Apparently our salvation depends on what he writes.  Ho hum.

Check out this link for further information about Thiel and his Obsession with the Beast.



  1. suggested that he is handsome?
    The guys a fox.

  2. That's really funny. Especially the "I" thing. It's the same thing one notices in every sermon given by Dave Pack. I once sat and tried to count Dave's "I"s in a sermon and gave up.

    I like the fact that of the 24 times the Apostle Paul is called and Apostle, it is Paul himself that does 22 times. The other 2 are from Luke, his biographer of sorts. Aside from that...nothing.

    One of the reasons most scholars have said that the Apostle Paul could not have written Hebrews is because the style is so different and contains no and insignificant number of "I" in the text.

    Anyway, I have half or more of those traits of the Beast so if perchance I am the one. I will be very good to my friends :)

  3. Robert probably only suggested he was handsome because to overstate it would get an odd look from RCM. His wife is a hottie but I guess there is no prophecy about her.

  4. 1. His name will begin with the letter K (Karl does).

    My middle name does too

    2.His name will be Charles (Charles is the French and English version of the name Karl).

    See above

    3. One of his names will be Joseph (this is one of his many names).

    I know people named Joseph

    4.His name will be 80 characters in length.

    Dennis Karlton Diehl Rochester New York but rooted in Esslingen Germany of Hilversum Holland

    Hey so is mine!

    5 He will be educated since birth (he was).

    Oh no problem here. I was asking questions right from the first slap

    6.He will speak English to those in his empire (he is fluent in English, but has no empire yet).

    Exactly the same here! I speak English and have no empire yet!

    7. He will have dark hair (he does).

    I did when I was his age!

    8. He will be balding in the front (he is).

    No...looks just like High School for some reason

    9. He will have an eagle/aquiline nose (he seems to).

    I seem to have a nose too!

    10. He will be handsome (it has been suggested that he is).

    Oh pfft! me too! (Note how Robert says "it has been suggested." This is to avoid "Not that I noticed or anything."

    11. He will be a knight/duke, for “a valiant duke will arise from the ancient German house” (a German Baron who is a military leader seems to fit this).

    I duked it out at knight once and am from the ancient german house of Diehl. I went to God's West Point and was a Christian soldier marching as to war!

    12, He will be ecumenically-oriented (the Baron married a Lutheran)

    Oh boy, I can identify with all faiths. I was Presbyterian, had Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Pentecostal friends! I married into a Lutheran family!

    I"m running at over 90% chance here that "And yes Brethren, I am the Beast." Send it in!!

    Actually , cutting through the Gordian Knot of New Testament symbolism or the Church at that time in history, there is a great chance that, to the church, Vespasian was the Beast threatening the nation and the Apostle Paul was the false prophet that was found wanting as an Apostle by the church in the Ephesian letter in Revelation. Even Paul admits "all Asia (Ephesus) has forsaken him.

    What life energy is poured by those that are piously convicted yet marginally informed....

  5. And in his typical ADHD way, Bobby Thiel has already moved on to Telesphorus’ Day or perhaps 3 other postings by the time this blog entry is approved.

    There's nothing like being prolific and obsessive compulsive with an almost gay delusional bent to pant after that sexy sexy handsome dreamy beast of Revelation.

    Unfortunately, the Beast will live out his years without an empire and die, just like the Beast of the 1970s everyone was so sure of back then did.

    Wait another 40 years and a better Beast will show up. Maybe he will be a body builder.

  6. The Supreme General of the Supreme Cult asks the question:

    Does Bobby Thiel take cold showers so he won't steam up the mirror?

  7. Perhaps we could all chip in to enable Doctored Bobby Thiel fulfill his fantasy wet dream to give Baron Guttenberg a massage!

  8. The more I watch the Dr. the more I get the feeling he is "light in the loafers." I also get that feeling about many of LCG's elders and ministers and especially their HQ employees.

  9. The "Beast" is another prophetic fantasy based on Jewish zealot fantasy (Daniel) and someone's probable nightmare or nightmares (Revelation).

    Daniel is a complete fiction. Revelation is nonsense born of a tortured mind. The world is full of nuts of this calibre spouting the same kind of drivel today. They will always find gullible people who will follow them, some for a short time, some all their lives.

  10. OK. Rubber meets the road. Somebody with more time than I should write to this Guttenberg, provide Thiel's link, and ask if he has any plans to become "The Beast", or is even familiar with Bible end times prophecy.

    Obviously, there is the possibility of lying, but at the very least, this dude should be made to know what Thiel is saying, and precisely who Rod Meredith and the LCG are, of course being very careful to tell the whole truth and include in the weird history the Terry Ratzmann masacre.

    Any activists out there? Seems like this would be right up Casey or Jace's alleys.


  11. Byker Bob, why would you forget about me.

    Just wait until Saturday.

    If The Supreme Cult blog doesn't go viral, then probably nothing will.

  12. Bob,

    You are correct on this. Thiel is making this man out to be the potential mass murderer that the "Beast" of the LCD believes in. I have mentioned this to another that has more time on his hands and is very trustworthy as to his character. I think he is going to send this out to the proper authorities. I will know more later.

    As to Thiel's rag I did notice the narcissism of "me" "I" and "myself." Blowing a horn has consequences. Thiel should be prepared to pay for them.

  13. Pathetic worthless Thiel, Meredith and LCG aren't worth Baron Guttenberg's attention.

  14. Don't you see - Dr. Thiel has a book to sell.

    And it has 2012 in the title, so it has a bit of an expiration date on it.

    It's all about P.R.

  15. For what it's worth, the Apostle Paul referred to himself, I, Me, My, over 86 times in the six chapters of Galatians.

    Dave Pack calls himself "Mr. Pack" over 23,472 times in his autobiography. Strangest autobiog I have ever purused through. We won't even try to count the I's in it or any one sermon

    M.T. Eyes


  16. I agree with Douglas Becker! Was HWA ASD/OCD or even suffering dementia in the last 20 years of his life I wonder? I've heard he was a habitual masturbator (but what guy isn't nowadays?) and kept a "flog log"--OCD much?!--besides his D&R with Martin, allegations over incest, etc. which tears to shreds his mis-perceived role as some kind of "moral authority" on sexual Q&As. But, the only reason I ask is because of the obsessive compulsion he and his followers seem to have engendered over Bible issues that when studied from a Biblically honest and critical perspective are actually found to be either no longer valid or allowed more freedom under the New Covenant in choosing how its to be done like triple tithing, endless prophetic speculation, "going to the Feast" etc. I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if HWA knowingly or not attracted wealthy OCD/ASD types into the WCG that led to the cultish mindset of later years and with the Tkach era brought about so much "cognitive dissonance" that even now after so many years the sheeple are still being fleeced and taken for a ride because they are TOO AFRAID to study the Bible and prove for themselves what God REALLY SAYS about this or that without resorting to the standard HWA/COG cult-speak to prove it for them. Typical OCD/ASD behavior--fearful of change!

  17. Are you sure it wasn't Gerald Flurry of the Philadelphia Church of God that first came up with the idea about Zu Guttenburg? That's all they talk about in the PCG.

    I personally think Brian Davis of the PCG could almost be a spitting image of the description of "The Beast" in Revelation. The only difference is, Davis' lineage is more likely from the descendents of "Warwick Davis", that actor that played in "Willow"...check him out!!

  18. Earliest mention I could find was from PCG. Thiel ripped it off pcg lol

  19. The article above is called

    Germany—Another Shaky Coalition and Young Blood
    September 28, 2009 • From theTrumpet.com
    An up-and-coming German politician to watch

    That link didn't work for me.
