Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dale Schurter Resurfaces Claiming He Is Suffering "Intense Persecution"

Poor little Dale is suffering from persecution!  Are we making your miserable life even more miserable?

One thing I have learned over the years is that when an Armstrongite claims persecution they are generally lying through their teeth.  Armstrongites have NEVER faced persecution like they perceive they are. Real persecution is what is happening to the Copt's in Egypt, Iraq and Syria.  Persecution is the 50 some million Jews, gypsies, gays, JW's, Russians, etc., that were killed because of ethnic cleansing in WWII. Persecution is what happened to the Christians martyrs killed in Rome's coliseum.  Being pussy whipped by a few blogs is NOT persecution.

You despots in leadership positions in the Churches of God that claim persecution, while sitting in your quarter million dollar homes around your dinner table with a spread of food before you as classical music plays on your stereo on Friday nights, have NO idea what persecution is!

You, Dale Schurter, are one sick puppy!

There also continues to be persecution for me, some quite intense. All who have regained spiritual sight will suffer persecution. As we participate in this end-time Work of proclaiming the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God, along with the trials we also experience joy. Both will continue to increase “as we see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:25).
Dale starts out his appalling letter with this:

Thank you for the encouragement we have received from so many of you. What a joy to have returned to the Body of Christ, with God’s Government in place and all its parts zealously doing the Work, headed by Jesus Christ!
It's all about control! Government that makes members lives a living hell is NOTHING to be joyful about! I have news for you bud, Jesus is NOT present in your organization. Never has been and never will be!

Apostate Schurter continues:

My wife and I are so thankful to God for answering our prayers to be led to where He is truly working. We had become severed from the True Vine, but are now reattached. As some of you may know, I have studied and employed biblical agriculture for decades, and understand what happens when a branch is cut from a vine or tree. The environment in which it falls will determine how long it will remain alive and able to be reattached, grafted back into the vine before it completely withers and finally dies—then to be gathered and burned. Brethren, I was withering as a part of Laodicea, as “blindness and nakedness” crept into my life and work. I had taught against taking on a Laodicean attitude and lifestyle for decades. Yet I had drifted into it myself. What a sobering reality!

Yes, denigrate the WCG and UCG which paid you hundreds of thousands of dollars which you took eagerly over the decades.  You stayed on the dole in UCG stealing their money for years when you were researching and teaching things that UCG did not agree with.  As for your "biblical agriculture," your experiments at Big Sandy have left infertile ground that can only support pigs right now.  Some fruitful vine that produced!

You continue:

After we prayed diligently for a solution, God performed a miracle and led us to The Restored Church of God. It was a jolt, to say the least, but so heartwarming to confirm where the Head of the True Church is continuing His Work—and not only continuing, but greatly expanding it. The fruits are truly manifold. I cried with inner joy! We had again found the faith once delivered to the saints, the Government of God, the Church of God headed by Jesus Christ, an apostle in place, and a dedicated ministry, staff and brethren—all on fire—vibrant and very busy doing the Work of God!

News again bud, the "faith once delivered" was NEVER lost.  Millions of Christians have know about it for centuries. I also have news for you, that if HWA ever came back, he would not recognize the filth that RCG preachers.  Even he would be appalled!  Thanks for confirming that your apostate leader has now declared himself an apostle.

Apostate Dale writes about his reeducation process he has been through recently:

Last week I had the privilege to again travel to The Restored Church of God’s World Headquarters in Wadsworth, OH, and engage in an uplifting and motivating three-day work experience. The urgency and work ethic there are inspiring.

I certainly do bet it was an "experience" to be told to abandon the things your have been fraudulently preaching for the last few years as revealed truth.  Apostle Dave  can't have his minions running around dreaming up new ideas and thoughts.  If his brain did not manufacture it, it is not worthwhile.

For those of you not turned off by revolting garbage, you can read the rest of Apostate Dale's pathetic letter here:  What a Joy to Be Back in the Body of Christ!

Excuse me while I go and throw up.....


  1. Thank you for this blog! I am so disgusted by these lying crooks in the Churches of God and their manipulative ways. Glad to see you nail his ass!

  2. What Dale is saying is that he has been through a re-education camp.

    He wants the reader to also share in the in-comprehensive joy of the collective.

    Yes Dave Pack, chosen by God to replace the 26 year dead apostle of incest, Herbert Armstrong!

    What a calling it must be! What joy Dale must feel as he leads others into the collective!

    Just who does this ass think he is going to bullshit into joining this group of hacks? Is this the best the rcg can do to finance their new cult campus?


    Persecution in the so-called COG splinter cults usually works in the other direction. Here is just a very brief review of a couple cults.

    Philadelphia Church of Fraud

    The GOONS that Gerald Flurry set up as "ministers" in his Brother-Hating Cult of Fraud like to fix up some younger members with sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators two or three times their age. If they don't go along with it, they get kicked out and told how much the GOONS and perverts have tried to "help" them. These Satan-sent, Satan-directed GOONS and perverts are very persistent in doing nothing but evil continually. Very intense!

    United Church of Fraud

    The BUMS who got "credentialed" as "ministers" in the (Dis)United Cult of Fraud like to support evil under the guise of "showing love." Young girls can have their breasts fondled by dirty old men who pretend they are just showing "grandfatherly affection." An entire cult full of so-called "ministers" cannot seem to see anything at all wrong with such behavior, but can quickly kick out the entire extended family of anyone who complains about it. This has been the UCG's method of operation from the start right up to the present time. They support all manner of EVIL under the guise of "showing love" while they quickly kick out anyone who simply tells the truth about what is going on. These UCG BUMS are very persistent in supporting evil behavior and utterly refuse to repent. Very intense!

    Other groups could be mentioned as well, but it is basically the same old story. The so-called "ministers" in these cults get power and money. The true believers who go to these deceitful cults get nothing but satanic abuse.

  4. Yes, and as I had posted a couple days ago on another thread, about 165,000 Christians actually suffered martyrdom for their beliefs last year. And, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to verify that, just few mouse clicks.

    Most martyrdoms occur in an environment of institutional atheism, such as the communist countries, in countries ruled by tribal warlords, or most recently in India, where Hinduism is entrenched. Kind of puts a couple of negative comments on some small niche blogs into perspective, doesn't it? Sticks and stones...., as they say.


  5. The only "intense persecution" that I am aware of in the Armstrong Churches of God over the past 50 years was in Milwaukee when an enraged Terry Ratzmann walked into LCG Sabbath Services and shot some brethren dead.

    Leave it to the Armstrong Church of God to get "Just what do you mean intense persecution" wrong!


  6. Richard:

    The Milwaukee murders were not persecution. They were the direct result of Rod Meredith and many of his hopeless sermons. Death came from within, not from outside forces.

  7. NO2HWA,

    Yep, you are right! I stand corrected. I must have had a "brain fart".

    So let me re-phrase my initial reaction to reading the term "intense persecution" which Schurter claims to be suffering. Like everything else from Armstrongism - from German bombs dropping on America in 1972 to "Did you know 'Waterhouse' means go water the house of God" - laughable claims of "intense persecution" chews up a bunch of time, means nothing in the long run, adds nothing to humanity and only serves to increase the coffers of Church of God con men.

    Oh, and the closest thing to physical violence and martyrdom in the Armstrong Churches of God after 50+ years of sermons on the subject of persecution for belief and Fox's Book of Martyrs was the time Terry Ratzmann blew away a bunch of people in the LCG - and that wasn't even real persecution, but a whackjob from within the Church who went off the deep end.

    Attending an Armstrong Church of God could get you killed - not for Christian belief, but from one of the whackjobs sitting next to you every week.

    So Schurter suffering "intense persecution" is very laughable. Nice words. No real substance behind it like everything else related to WCG and HWA.

