Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 17, 2012

Van Robison on "All Humans are Captives"

All Humans are Captives

In the "United" States of America we have been led to believe that we live in "freedom."  We don't live in freedom!  We are all captives and prisoners on planet earth.  We are prisoners to taxation in all its forms, which is nothing more than armed robbery.  We are captives to the "laws" of men, which are nothing more than force, compulsion, violence, fear, threat and intimidation that if you do not conform, you will pay the price for non-compliance.  Human governments and the religions of men are very much alike, in that they both take captives.  We are captives physically and psychologically.  We don't really have freedom of choice, because if we did life would be drastically different.  During the age of prohibition, the government (mafia) decided that it was "illegal to manufacture booze, because the government did not approve.  Consequently the gangsters working for the government smashed, destroyed and otherwise demolished every "illegal"  alcohol operation that it discovered.  It was the "law."  The "laws" of governments are all man-made.  What gives human governments the "right" to use violence against those who resist their man-made edicts?

Christians by the millions think that God is the author of human governments based upon such passages as Romans 13 and other verses.  I have emailed some websites that proclaim that they are "Christian Cops" and
cannot be persuaded that God is in fact NOT the author of human governments.  This in fact proves that what is called "the Bible" has such an influence upon human thinking that many live their lives on the basis of how they interpret the so called "Holy" Bible.  It seems to me like a sick mentality that cops will attempt to entrap drivers on the road and ticket (armed robbery) them for speeding, when we all know that those same cops will themselves speed against the limits even when not on call or duty (obviously they are all hypocrites).

Humans are very self-deceiving.  They play-act and pretend that "violators" will be ticketed or arrested, while they themselves have no problem with tasering people on the pretense of "necessity."  Many have died at the
hands of cops who tasered innocent human beings.  In the Phoenix airport a few years ago, the "security" people actually killed a totally harmless woman in their stupidity and senseless over excitement.  Believe it or not, this type of situation has happened many times to very innocent human beings.  The abuse of human beings is legendary and is very common in life on earth.  And yet "Christians" by the millions think God is the source of abusive human governments and the source of churches, man-made religions and human "authority" over their fellow man.

I would suggest that God is NOT the source of control, abuse, authority or power over human beings.  Life itself proves that humans were NEVER intended to have power and control over their fellow man.  The religious minded and the political minded have yet to learn this lesson, even after thousands of years of human experience.  The Worldwide Church of God is no exception, and is also guilty of taking captives for the purpose of $money and all that $money can buy.

Human governments are not God anymore than are "pastors", churches or the religious beliefs of humans.  Herbert W. Armstrong may have been sincerely deceived (who really knows?), but he was most definitely a false preacher.  Only the simple minded would believe that in the "United" Sates of America we live under "freedom."  For those who have no clue, the U.S. has military bases in over one hundred countries around the world.What for?  World domination?  It is the same old story over and over and over, to demonize another country or ruler of that other country and then destroy them as a pretense about "security" and "defense."  We are not all that naive and gullible.

All humans on earth are captives and prisoners to governments of men and to the religions of men.  Is there a rocket ship to another inhabitable planet without human government and without man-made religions?

Van Robison


  1. "We don't live in freedom! We are all captives and prisoners on planet earth"

    Wow... With such a bleak outlook on things, it's no surprise that your need for hope far outweighs your common sense.

    "Christians by the millions think that God is the author of human governments based upon such passages as Romans 13 and other verses."

    And that is exactly why they scare the hell out of me. And who's the GOP frontrunner right now? Christian extremist Ricky Santorum. Riding in to save the day and put gawd back in charge. Where's that barf bag I saw earlier?

  2. Jace wrote "And who's the GOP frontrunner right now? Christian extremist Ricky Santorum. Riding in to save the day and put gawd back in charge."

    There are counter balances in place for men like Ricky. Its called the pen and public opinion that will reign in the fundamentalist.

  3. I believe that too many people tend to think in binary terms. In this case, pure freedom, versus pure slavery. But, basically, this is a topic best suited to percentages. You simply cannot have true or pure 100% freedom, because that would end up being anarchy, and only one individual could have it due to his or her activities radically infringing on the freedom of others.

    However, if one carefully analyzes and plans his/her life, one can cause the percentage of freedom to rise to a livable, or tolerable level. Sometimes we can be enslaved involuntarily. Illness can enslave us to the medical profession. There are so many obstacles to freedom, that you could spend hours or days contemplating them all, and what they actually mean in your everyday life. I used to think that as a biker, I enjoyed a higher degree of freedom than the slaves or citizens around me. I learned that the "slaves" and their negative stereotyping of me could often cause a set of limitations all their own.

    About a year ago, I heard a lecture on NPR. The speaker was outlining exactly what one must give up to obtain everything that he has. This applies to career, or climbing the corporate ladder, marriage, furthering one's artistic endeavors or hobbies, successful parenting, and nearly every other area of measurable achievement. Obviously, achievement, and material possessions can often curtail freedom. One of the old hippie ethics was the refusal to be tied down by these things. Now if only we could have gotten them to take baths!

    It would be very bad to fixate on the areas of lack of freedom in our lives, so long as they are tolerable. Positive people generally focus on what is obtained in exchange for one's surrender of freedom or sacrifice. And, that's something that is still very possible to pursue here in the USA. In totalitarian countries, there generally is no payoff, unless you are an oligarch.


  4. I think this might be the second time I've agreed with you, Bob. Keep up the good work!

    By the way, Rick Santorum for High Priest of America!
