Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Robert Ardis On the Jews, GTA, HWA, and Petra

In all the weird things that have been said over the years by various splinter cult leaders of Armstrongism I have never heard the following comment before.  It is by Robert Ardis who runs Church of God's Faithful.  In his Midnight Cry rag he writes:

In Mr. Ted Armstrong’s message so long ago, he was
describing in his inimitable manner the plight of the European Jews in the
late 30’s and early 40’s as they were first subjected to Adolf Hitler’s and
Heinrich Himmler’s final solution.

Mr. Armstrong stated that if a forceful warning message and vivid mental
pictures could have been given them of the atrocities that lay directly
ahead for the Jewish people in the Warsaw ghetto and the death camps
of Dachau, Buchenwald, and Auschwitz et al—and if they had heeded
that warning—they could have escaped that most horrible time where
SIX MILLION Jews, men women, and children perished in the gas chambers
and ovens and other evil means of mass-murder by which they died!
Mr. Armstrong very passionately exclaimed; “they would have come and
‘kissed the feet’ of those who delivered the warning message”!

The message that is being delivered here is that if the Jews had heard the warning message from a true church leader i.e., GTA/HWA then they would not have went onto the death camps but instead would be kissing Herb's and Ted's feet for giving them such a warning.

The things that come out of Armstrongites continue to amaze me.

Of course this is coming from the same ministurd that is declaring that Petra is NOT the place of safety but is Mt Sinai (Mt Horeb) in Saudi Arabia.

Can you imagine a bunch of Armstrongites marching into Saudi Arabia with Bible in one hand and a copy of Mystery of the Ages in the other.  Can you imagine the reception they will receive!  Of course I probably forget that the Saudis would be so in awe of the Armstrongites that they would bow to them all as the true people of God.

Moses fled from Pharaoh into Midian (Ex 2:15). Forty years later, Moses and the slave Nation of Israel fled from Pharaoh (Ex. 14:5). God led them by a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day (Ex. 13:21-22). God brought them completely OUT of EGYPT on the last Day of Unleavened Bread. The huge multitude of Israelites, men, women, and children, their flocks and herds were miraculous brought to SAFETY by the Eternal God. They crossed the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aquaba---and entered the Land of Midian---Saudi Arabia of today!

Ardis goes on to write for all you disbelieving heretical Laodicians out here:
To date, the CGF has new knowledge that no other group embraces. This knowledge is often blatantly rejected.

Notice God’s stern warning to those who insist on discrediting or resisting God’s knowledge:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee… (Hos. 4:6).

These are strong uncompromising words from God the Father! If we reject any of His knowledge, we will not be ‘kept from the hour of temptation’. It’s as simple as that!

Once more we get to see the fear factor of of Armstrongism at work.  Scare the shit out of people to keep them in line.  Reject Ardi's bullshit and your salvation is at risk!

I reject the crap of Ardis and have absolutely NOTHING to fear from his weak, irrelevant, impotent little god.


  1. Can you imagine if the COGs ever came to realize...

    "Recently, the archeologists Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University) and Neil Asher Silberman (director of historical interpretation, Ename Center for Public Archeology and Heritage Presentation, Belgium) summarized the archeological findings and latest corrections regarding the historical origins of the Jewish nation. In their words, "The process that we describe here is, in fact, the opposite of what we have in the Bible: the emergence of early Israel was an outcome of the collapse of the Canaanite culture, not its cause. And most of the Israelites did not come from outside Canaan - they emerged from within it. There was no mass exodus from Egypt. There was no violent conquest of Canaan" (3).

    Finkelstein and Silberman point out that there is still no evidence for the existence of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Lot, Moses, and Joshua. There is no evidence that Jewish people existed as an identified people that were enslaved in Egypt. There is no evidence that over 600,000 men (plus women and children - the number could have been over a million) had an exodus from Egypt and wandered in the desert for 40 years. According to the Bible, 38 of these 40 years were actually spent encamped at Kadesh-barnea. This area has been turned upside down for decades, looking for even a tiny piece of pottery from this supposed time. It is not likely that this many people would have lived here this long and not left archeological evidence."
    (The Bible Unearthed)

    When a COG minister says.."When Adam and Eve...," "When Noah alone...", "When language first appeared at Babel..", "When Moses lead Israel out of Egypt...", .....one should cringe.

    The evidence against any of this being anything more than the Priests (In the Babylonian captivity) of a small cultic people giving them a huge pedigree is overwhelming.

    I like the part of the Ten Plagues where all the cattle, including the HORSES, and all the animals get boils, grunge or crushed in hail or die...only to be resurrected when Pharoah gets on his horses and chases Israel into the Sea. Those are tough horses to be sure! :)

    I suppose one could ride a boil covered (painful) murrain soaked, hail clunked pestilence slain horse but not sure how. Drowning, to the horse, must have been a godsend...hey it was!!!


  2. "CGF has new knowledge that no other group embraces
    Notice God's stern warning to those who insist on discrediting or resisting God’s knowledge
    If we reject any of His knowledge, we will not be 'kept from the hour of temptation.'"

    There it is again. I can just imagine the conversation...

    (cue dream sequence harp music)

    Whose knowledge? It's "God's" knowledge? How can I be sure you're right about that?

    "Because we got it from the bible."

    But, isn't that very old knowledge that everyone has?

    "God opened our minds to it."

    And you're saying he didn't "open" anyone else's mind, instead, he told you that he's going to punish everyone else whose mind you are not successful in "opening."


    (cue dream sequence harp music)

    Yes, yes. I am a messenger sent from God. He will punish you if you don't listen to me. And send me money. Today, if possible.

    The oldest trick in the book! Literally!

  3. Anonymous said….
    “I like the part of the Ten Plagues where all the cattle, including the HORSES, and all the animals get boils, grunge or crushed in hail or die...only to be resurrected when Pharoah gets on his horses and chases Israel into the Sea.”

    Fine – except of course that’s not what the Bible says.

    For example, with the hail the expression is ‘all that was in the field, both man and beast’. In other words - out of doors, not under cover.

    The Egyptians knew what was happening – a few verses before this is stated ‘He that feared the word of the LORD among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses: and he that regarded not the word of the LORD left his servants and his cattle in the field.’

    An Egyptian with any sense was going to move their animals under cover, where they would survive.

    And where do you think the elite forces of Pharoah’s cavalry were going to be? Not out in the fields, they would be in the stables at the various military barracks.

  4. I can see them trying to March into Saudi Arabia because they are fools who follow anyone who comes along with an opinion.

    I can see them also being beheaded for being such fools as to march into Saudi Arabia.

    I can see them say how God can protect them as they march into Saudi Arabia.

    I can see how they would disown this asshole want-a-bee Herbie when he says they MUST march into Saudi Arabia.

    Another lunatic in the Armstrong camp. The question is, which will cause a massive die off in a cog? You know its going to happen. Its just a matter of insanity and time.

  5. "Fine – except of course that’s not what the Bible says."

    I know the apologetic. The events never happened in reality as advertised. It's a cultic origins story which was the point.

    It's like discussing whether and just how the Three Bears could really talk to Goldilocks.


  6. Anonymous, when discussing the literary merits of Shakespeare, it is normal to discuss what he actually wrote, not some invented texts of the critic.

  7. Did I miss something ? What is he saying is new truth? That Jesus is here or that only the Father knows this. If only the Father knows then how does Ardis know that Jesus has been here since 1997?

    What a waste time and resources there guys perpetrate.

  8. Maybe Pharaoh had some horsies in an underground bunker that had an air purification system which filtered out Magic Dust just in case this sort of thing might happen.


  9. Here's a reality check. Approximately 165,000 Christians were martyrred last year around the world for their belief in Jesus Christ. That is an incredible number, and the story has been largely ignored by the mainstream media. Were we speaking of Muslims, this would be front page news!

    For all the ferocious barking, and the ridiculous stunts, how many courageous Armstrongites do we know of that have been martyrred, not counting Terry Ratzmann's victims?


  10. I would like to hear if the "165,000 Christians were martyrred last year" story is verifiable.

    (Just like I'd like to see verification of Byker Bob's story of people being raised from the dead recently in the name of Jesus.)
    I'm still waiting for an answer on that one.

    But, like Arizona's governor Jan Brewer's tall tales of illegal immigrants beheading people there, all three above stories DID make it into World News Daily.
    (So they MUST be true, lol!)

    BTW, it is a fact that Christians told 7.86 trillion "Lies for Jesus" last year.


  11. Trying to figure out if the comments made here are by people who believe in God or do not. Or in fact, just wanting to bash a certain group. And if comments are made by people who dont believe the Bible, where are the hundreds or Thousands of comments on the Catholic church. The largest Cult on Earth. And yes, I believe in God. And I have attended Church of God services. These comments are for the most part incorrect And taken out of context. Just one example, not One group(CGF or other)says One Single Thing about MARCHING into Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. If so, Im sure someone here can enlighten me as to WHERE this is stated. Marching In? One article quote would be fine.
    Thank you.
