Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Theological House of Cards

Check out this story of a woman who went through the WCG changes, left the church came back, spent ten years in GCI and then left again.

Sandy Blank went through the big doctrinal changes in the Worldwide Church of God, became thoroughly disillusioned, and walked out. After having a powerful conversion experience she went back to Worldwide (now Grace Communion International) to try to make a difference, but left again after 10 years. In “My Theological House” she describes her experience using a punchy metaphor that captures the feeling of desolation that comes from leaving a Bible-based cult.

Her entry is here:  My Theological House


  1. Sounds remarkably familiar. Except, I don't think me or anyone else I know ever actually built on top of those foundation stones. As far as "Christianity" is taught and practiced across the world, I am really not sure that there is anything to be built on top of those. At least nothing of benefit to the individual. Although I can imagine a few things built upon it to benefit the church overlords.

    The difference is, I looked down and saw the foundation stones of the religious belief which had been impressed upon me since birth, and recognized that not only did I not know any of it to be true, but that there was no way that anyone else could know that any of those things could be true either. Unless, of course, God showed up in their hedgerow one morning and demanded they remove their sneakers.

  2. "I looked down and saw the foundation stones of the religious belief which had been impressed upon me since birth, and recognized that not only did I not know any of it to be true, but that there was no way that anyone else could know that any of those things could be true either."

    I couldn't have put it better myself.
