Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 19, 2012

Apostate Malm: I am preparing the way for the Two Witnesses

Apostate Apostle Malm now claims he is preparing the path for the Two Witnesses to come forth.  I still am  amazed at the delusional idiots that always seem to come out of the woodwork of Armstrongism thinking they have some powerful message that people want to hear.  So far the track record of every single one of these men (and a couple of women) have been proven to be 100% wrong.  Yet these delusional idiots still come forth.  Liars all.

These are a few of the things the Apostate Apostle Malm says he is called to do:

To sow the seeds of knowledge, so that those who do fall into correction may remember and turn to God in true repentance; so that the correction will bring forth positive fruits.

 To restore some of those things which have been forgotten.

To reveal new understanding that was promised by God to be unsealed at the end time, and to aid in the increase fo spiritual knowledge promised for the very last days.

To prepare the way for God’s two prophets by alerting the brethren to the signs of the times and alerting the brethren to the situation within the church and the great falling away from Christ which has come upon us.

And finally, this is an overall effort to prepare the bride of Christ for the resurrection and marriage by pointing out the blemishes that need to be corrected and removed.


  1. Today we reach yet another low in Malm's descent into self absorption madness. I think he would come out ahead if he just turned off his computer and got a hobby.

  2. Apostate Malm: "I am preparing the way for the Two Witnesses"

    MY COMMENT - LOL No2HWA, you couldn't pick a better photo of two smucks dressed in sackcloth posing as the Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelation. The photo shatters a life long image drilled into my brain from the WCG of the Two Witnesses prophesying in Jerusalem with all power shortly before the return of Jesus Christ, and their martyred bodies to be seen around the world.

    Of course, in 1960s/1970s WCG, the Two Witnesses of the book of Revelation were speculated in the Church to be a father/son combination - Herbert W. Armstrong and son Garner Ted Armstrong (although for historic accuracy, I never heard either Armstrong utter such foolishness publicly).

    But, your photo reminds me of the song with words that go, "What if God were a smuck like one of us".


  3. Richard: there are still some in Armstrongism who think HWA and GTA will be resurrected to fulfill that task.

  4. Richard says,

    "But, your photo reminds me of the song with words that go, 'What if God were a smuck like one of us'."

    He definitely is not a schmuck like one of us. He is worse.

    Consider the story of Abraham and Isaac. God told Abraham, "You got to kill your son. Cut his throat now." When poor old Abraham was on the point of carrying out the divine order, God said, "Aw shucks, can't you take a joke? I was just funnin' you. Slit the throat of this ram instead."

    Abraham was the poor schmuck. God was the horse's ass.

  5. Oh, that poor, sad sack Malm and his little delusions of grandeur. He's just tooting his own self-righteous and self-important little horn.

    He's as crazy as an alzheimer's patient dropping acid. If he's doing anything of any importance whatsoever, then I'm preparing the world for the second coming of the Cat in the Hat, foretold by the great Prophet Suess (peace be upon him).

  6. Malm might be preparing the way for two young men in nice white coats to come and take him away, ha ha....

  7. Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if the real Two Witnesses won't even know who these self-anointed pre-prophets are that are trying to attach themselves to them even before they arrive on the scene! They probably won't even have any ACOG experience at all and would be like "Herbert who?!...Which church?!...I'm sorry, but I don't even know what you're talkng about!"

  8. Oh this isn't exactly new.

    Malm stated many months ago that he is the one who will pass the baton to the two witnesses. And while you'll never get him to admit it explicitly, that's supposed to happen this September because the "timing is perfect" and won't line up like that again for many more years (and he's not expecting to live another year or two).

    I expect as September draws closer with no signs of the tribulation actually starting, Malm will grow more frenetic.

  9. "Passing the baton"? Yeah, I remember that feast film. What a load of crap that was. I guess James Malm still believes in it. Plus he's arrogant enough to tell other people that he, and he alone wound up with this fictional "baton" in his possession? What a load of crap. Some things never change, do they?

  10. Sadly, I now realize that Malm is nuttier and more delusional than I once thought him to be.

