Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 19, 2012

Badly Dressed Women and Football Players Are Causing Collapse of U.S. Economy

The Prophet Thiel is not happy with the Occupy New York folk.  He blames them for the failure of the American economy, along with immodestly dressed females, gays, and violent sports.  Yes, that's right.  The economy is failing because of sinful dressed women and football players.

I personally believe that, in the USA, factors such as legalizing abortion, redefining marriage, the increasing public acceptance of immodestly dressed females, pornography, violent sports, covetousness, and other sins are the root cause of its economic problems (cf. Deuteronomy 28:15-20).

The Prophet has a solution to all this:

There is a better way as there are appropriate biblical provisions for debt relief (Deuteronomy 15:1-2), gleaning (Leviticus 19:10), helping the poor (1 Timothy 5:3-7; Deuteronomy 26:12-15,.....

Say what?  Help the poor?  The POOR???????  Since when has Living Church of God helped the poor of Charlotte?  When has the leadership of LCG worked in a soup kitchen.  Do the students of Living University  have to fulfill community work in order to graduate?  Have ANY of them EVER worked in a homeless shelter? How many have worked in battered women's shelters?  How many sit for hours beside the beds of dying people?  How many have sat with a drug addict trying to come clean?

Their mantra is:

" The poor will always be with us.  We need to funnel our work and money into preaching the good news about the soon coming kingdom where all pain and misery will be erased.  It is not our place to do this, leave the pagan, fake Christians to take care of these pagan folk.  Out money and time is reserved for the TRUE Church of God members."

So am I being mean and vindictive by saying such a thing about LCG and COG's in general?  LCG would never say such a thing, would they?

The Prophet goes on:

God will solve the problems that plague humanity when He comes–this is part of the gospel–the good news–of the coming Kingdom of God.  Individually people should humble themselves and submit to Him and His ways now, but only few will currently do so.  People may not wish to hear this, but the Bible is clear that there will always be problems with poverty in this age.  Hence, income redistribution per se would not seem to be the biblical solution.

All of this class warfare, the occupy movements, rich vs poor, all of these are weakening the country in order for Baron Guttenberg and the Catholic church to come in and throw us all in concentration camps or make us their slaves in Europe.

The end-time sorrows and troubles in society are still in the beginning stages (Matthew 24:5-8), and will get much worse according to the Bible (Matthew 24:21-22). I believe that class warfare and other protests will escalate and help weaken the USA, Canada, and their other Anglo-nations and likely will also be a factor in them being vulnerable to real warfare: invasion by the final Beast power that the Bible warns about (Revelation 13; Daniel 11:39).

Armstrongism is a fear based belief system that takes partial truths and over blows them in order to make the fit the prophecies they want them to fit into.  Fear is the name of the game.


  1. I see that not only Ron Weinland speaks in generalities, but Thiel and Meredith to do. They zero in on extreme and use that to support their erroneous end times bullshit propaganda.

  2. It's really getting difficult to tell which orifice Thiel and Malm's words are coming out of!

    Basically, they are horrendously overstating any premise which Herbie ever advanced.

    ~Miguel de la Rodente

  3. Good old Patsy, everything Armstrongism is not. We miss ya Pat's!

  4. The question is, when did LCG truly help the poor in their own church? The dig down deep stuff really only goes one way. The coffers of the Meredith business keeps growing, and they live pretty high for people who call themselves bond slaves.
