Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 12, 2012

Apostle Malm: Not Eating Matzo's Every Day During UB is a Major SIN!

The Apostle has spoke again.  For all of you lazy reprobates that refuse to eat a piece of matzo during Unleavened Bread you need to know you are sinning!

If we miss eating ULB on any day it is  NOT obeying God,  It is rebellion and disobedience to the clear command of Jesus Christ; IT  IS SIN:  It is equivalent to  of refusing to take into ourselves the very nature of Christ.

That makes me want to go out a buy the biggest fluffy donuts I can find.  


  1. can you imagine a real God in our Hubbel space telescope age really and desperately needing we mere humans on one blue dot of billions to eat a Matzo?

    I didn't think so...


  2. "It is equivalent to of refusing to take into ourselves the very nature of Christ."

    Spoke like someone who doesn't have the very nature of Christ in him already....

  3. ""It is equivalent to of refusing to take into ourselves the very nature of Christ."

    So Malm is saying Jesus is flat and tasteless?


  4. I have a feeling that if Jesus were to come back, he would slap Malm across the face and ask, "have you learned nothing?"

  5. Just another example of how with Malm, the physical is the only spiritual you'll ever need.

  6. This has been an issue inside UCG in the last year - about how to word the topic in a study paper.

    Some ministers say you have to eat unleavened bread each of the seven days to show you need Christ every day. Others say the Scripture doesn't specifically have that requirement.

    At least they've moved beyond dates?!
