Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 12, 2012

If One Day You Lose Everything....


  1. Chewy (because she looks like a Wookie) the Shih Tzu seems to love me unconditionally. For this perfection, I'm thinking she is highly converted. :)

  2. "That Day you will realize how many friends you have."

    If the record continues as it has, none of them will be Armstrongists.

    Although... a few of them may come to the service in the rain by the grave to gloat.

    If they last that long.

  3. Well, it is income tax time......

    Even though it feels as if one is just scraping by, it's nice to be self-employed. That is, right up until you figure how much you owe!


  4. Sorry, none of your Armstrongite friends will be there to help. They'll be out slaughtering the infidels.

  5. "Pearl," who escaped Orthodox Judaism, put it this way:

    If your "religion" tells you who to marry or what to do or even what to wear...and you are seen to be in violation of the "rules" you'll be left feeling isolated and you'll lose your job, your children, your family, your friends, your whole identity...That isn't a religion! It's a CULT!

    Sounds all too familiar now doesn't it?!
