Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 23, 2012

LCG Spokesman BobThiel Is Not Happy With Us

Self appointed end times 'authority', book promoter and all around Chiro/naturopath, Robert Thiel,  was not happy about an earlier blog entry dishing him for calling non-LCG members non-Christians.

He writes:

Two points. First, we in LCG do teach about Jesus. Second, if this website is going to continue to attempt to state what I teach, try to get it correct. I have never taught that the only Christians are in LCG. For details, please see http://www.cogwriter.com/position-on-churches.htm

If you talk about Jesus why is he always given the short end of the stick in LCG and the COG's?.  It's all about law, law, law.  Jesus gets scant mention except at "passover" time as he is crucified over and over every year in some high school gym in order to cover the previous years sins for LCG/COG members. Microphones magnify the breaking and cracking of matzo's  to symbolize the "broken" body of Jesus. The louder the sound the more miserable the lowly members are made to feel.  Instead of realizing what was accomplished at that cross thousands of years ago was accomplished ONCE for all, instead he has to be re-crucified every year.  Instead of celebrating the last supper as a foretaste of that heavenly banquet prepared from the foundations of the world, it is instead a time of blood lust.

So what about Christians in other churches that Bob claims there is.  Who are they, what are the churches?  Any quick reading through his blog and web site will quickly show who Thiel is specifically talking about.  Those in the LCG specifically and a scant few in other COG's are considered to be TRUE Christians.  Those TRUE Christians were all trained at the feet of Herbert Armstrong's teachings. The may also be a few in other Sabbatarian groups, but don't count on it.

Thiel is NOT referring to Christians in other churches outside of COGdom.  In his eyes all Protestants and Catholics are not true Christians because they are not sabbath keepers, law keepers or holy day keepers.  He has labeled them all as "fake" and "so-called" Christians.  He even has mocked Christianity Today magazine as be "improperly named" for using the word Christian in it's title.  That is, until we ragged on him so much that he changed his accusation against the magazine as "Protestant Christianity Today."

All I can say is that Thiel does not know what he is talking about, even if he is the official mouthpiece of the Living Church of God.  I know Christians outside of Armstrongism that make COG members look like kindergartners when it comes to being "people of the way."  They have ever kept a sabbath, kept kosher or believed in British Israelism, yet are light years ahead of Thiel in understanding. they aren't arrogant, proud or boastful like Thiel is.  I will take that any day over most of the garbage pumped out by Armstrongism.


  1. I have been meaning to eviscerate Thiel's drivel for some time now. He's such an idiot, and it's all the more galling because he uses scholarly language to express the most transparent nonsense--not just the Armstrongism, but the Mayan calendar bullshit as well (to say nothing of his uninformed opinions on atheism and evolution). I'm sure he enjoys having fellow morons fawn over him and buy his inane garbage heap of a book. What a peerless fool this guy is.

  2. Where does Thiel weigh in on CoG7D?

    Are they true Christians or not?

    Thiel isn't really clear on that, though he criticises, insults and slanders the CoG7D every chance he gets.

    If the CoG7D really is a truly Christian Church, then isn't Thiel the Accuser of the Brethren? Isn't he of Satan the Devil?

    Or if he doesn't consider them Christian, then how is it that Herbert Armstrong touted them as having the most perfect religion?

    Then there's the problem of Roderick Meredith's 50 years of being a false prophet. Thiel may make excuses, but there aren't any. The LCG isn't of God, let alone Jesus, what with their false prophet and all.

    And then the really annoying thing about The Church of God News (which is nothing of the kind), the assumption that British Israelism has any viability at all.

    I gave him one free pass.

    If he doesn't stop with his nutty insane crazy posting, it may well be that The Supreme Commander of the Supreme Cult (my cat, which is also running for President of the United States) may just bring back the blog.

    Thiel typifies the Armstrongists: Delusional, arrogant, won't accept the truth, don't look at themselves and their craziness and have the worst judgment in the world because they just don't listen.

    It's all sick and it isn't working.

  3. Theil is notable for his arrogant, condescending tone. He approaches virtually every topic from the premise that he's right and his church is right, so y'all listen up, there can be no argument. It's an absolute turnoff, and in no way could persuade anyone who is not already of shared belief. Theil is the epitome of one preaching to the choir, which is why book and his "Examiner" articles are so laughable. Volumes and volumes of verbage are of no value if they simply take readers around and around in the same tired old circles.

  4. I remember a stupid "minister" who told us that we have to wipe our sin slate clean by taking the "passover". He also said that "passover" can fall on any day of the week. Man, is he ignorant!!

  5. Cut to the chase.
    Thiel is right...in his own eyes and there ain't a damned thing that will change his mind!

    Ain't that right Bob?

  6. "Thiel is right...in his own eyes and there ain't a damned thing that will change his mind!"

    Can't disagree with that, but besides being more vocal than average because of his blog, how does this make him any different from any other dyed-in-the-wool COG member?

  7. The prevailing attitude over in LCG is that they are holier than thou, and my shit don't stink because they are the "spearhead" of the work God is doing. Ok, its been 16 years since Meredith left WCG and started Global/Living. If this work were of God, then why are they still small potatos, and their program is on at 5:00am in the morning? Thiel and everyone else there is suffering a mass halucination of grandeur.

    PS Douglas, I'll vote for your cat, gotta be better than what we've got.

  8. Mish-mash,

    Mikey appreciates that, even though his being put on the "no fly list" is a bit limiting.

  9. Thiel is willfully deceived, and therefore there can be no successful intellectual exchange with him. His sudden appearance on this blog, or any other similar blog may constitute an infrequent event, but neither is it totally uncharacteristic of him.

    He has demonstrated himself as being incapable of being educated out of a mindset time and time again, as truth-presenting bloggers have discovered. Thiel has been backed into a corner, using primary source materials and irrefutable proof to the contrary of his points, yet he still persists. In an online debate several years ago, one such blogger made mincemeat of "The True History of the True Church" by presenting the facts which were ignored and left out, and others have indulged in similar exercises on the topic of British Israelism, the accuracy of HWA and RCM's prophecies, etc. All to no avail. He leaves such discourses trondling out the same mucilage as he did prior to the discussion.

    Bob Thiel does a very bad job of defending the indefensible. His chief value is comedic.


  10. Christ had some words for Bob Thiel and Rod Meredith when they were part of what was once upon a time called Global:

    Matthew 15:13 "...Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

    Global, or as other may call it "Go Baal," has since been rooted up.

    So, now they claim to be part of something Living! Well, verse 13 still applies and it is only a matter of time before Living is also rooted up...time will tell.

    So, where does this leave Bob Thiel and Rod Meredith and their Living group? Well, I'll just let Christ continue to tell us what the end result is for both of them, because we don't need to stop at verse 13. Sometimes it's good to just keep on reading the context:

    :14 "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

    Again...time will tell...for both Bob Thiel and Rod Meredith...and their "living" group!



    Do they really put microphones up to the breaking matzos to amplify their crack?

    Lol, it reminds me of the preacher who claimed to have lowered a microphone down into the earth and he recorded the screams of people burning in Hell.

