Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Apostle Malm Health Crisis

Apostle Malm updates his health condition: 
As far as editing is concerned, please remember that I am in an advanced stage of diabetes with serious eye problems; I have no help on this effort and I am now reaching the point where I am almost too blind to do this work at all; and I do not get enough support to hire an editor or secretary. Those who complain should maybe think about helping out?
For everyone’s infomation I have just begun to take certain suplements that may help reduce the retinal bleeding and cornea swelling; hopefully improving my syesight; this will take several months if it works. The prayers of the brethren are much appreciated. james

While I wish him a speedy recovery, I wonder how much of what he is going through is because of negligence.  COG history proves that some people refuse to get proper medical health thinking that they can pray it away or an anointed cloth will do the trick.  I  hope this is not the case, but.....


  1. Previously he claimed to be dyslexic. Now his eyes are bleeding and swelling up like water balloons instead?

    As much as I feel this is a harsh thing to say, humanity as a whole might be better off if his eyesight did fail.

    Also, he doesn't need an editor or a secretary, all he needs is to turn on SPELL-CHECK which costs exactly ZERO extra dollars.

  2. I have no help on this effort and I am now reaching the point where I am almost too blind to do this work at all; and I do not get enough support to hire an editor or secretary.

    Oh, well, if he goes blind at least he won't be able to "see" all his prophetic predictions turn out all wrong.

  3. Also, he doesn't need an editor or a secretary, all he needs is to turn on SPELL-CHECK which costs exactly ZERO extra dollars.

    SPELL-CHECK is ok but most self-appointed religious hucksters would prefer to hire a secretary with nice big boobs. Just ask GTA.

  4. That kind of severe diabetes and sugar explains a lot.


  5. Harkening back to the 1960s and the Radio Church of God, pushing of red meat and alcohol along with other cringe worthy practices (such as drinking fresh raw whole milk), may well have set the stage for this and a host of other health problems. Also, ignoring standard medical procedures early on could contribute to later problems in life. Using lots of raw honey certainly didn't help the diabetes problem in the long run for tens of thousands of people who have reached their senior years with needless health problems they may not have had if they had never come in contact with Armstrongism.

    In many ways, the Worldwide Church was hazardous to your health.

    It is sad that an Armstronist minister has had both feet amputated in the past two years from complications from diabetes. I cringed when I learned what he was eating and he knew he had diabetes. It's really really bad and needs careful management.

    And here's a hint if you're over 55: Get your shingles shots. Simple prevention can give you protection from terrible excruciating chronic pain.

    Faith is one thing.

    Stupidity is another.

  6. If his work is of God, then God will heal him so that he can get it done. I'm not holding my breath because of the nature of his "gospel".

    Seems as if he's also got a faith crisis, which is understandable. Sight is one of our most precious gifts.


  7. First, Malm whined and wanted a laptop.

    Now he's whining and wants a secretary.

    What's next? He'll want someone to pull his pud for him?

    When he said he lacked food I offered to send him produce from my garden but he never took me up on the offer.

