Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 15, 2012

PCG Ministurd: "I've come to whip all you into shape..."

Training Future Church "Leaders" To Be Asses

From a reader:

Here's a story...I was contacted by a friend of mine in Washington State a while back. She was upset because a certain favorite minister there was being replaced by another minister. She told me that the replacement minister had announced that,"I've come to whip all you into shape. Your all Laodiceans!" This minister was so obnoxious and vain, he was coming up with so many insane ideas. My friend told me this minister was training the congregation on how to make a "perfect pot of coffee" because only Jesus Christ would accept THIS MINISTERS perfect pot of coffee. This man and his wife have a daughter in Imperial Academy. The daughter was caught cheating, (because her mother or someone was giving her the answers online), but they were not suspended or disfellowshipped. The teacher was reprimanded though for accusing the girl of cheating. This minister has several children that have graduated from Armstrong College and this family has a prosperous family business that helps fund the Philadelphia Church of God. The other minister was just "recycled" and sent to headquarters. People not found contributing to the "pot" are out! What is that scripture/scriptures?: James 2:2, Acts 10:34, etc. It's all about money with this cult!


  1. More a study in mental illness than ministry I expect. A man can hide much longer in ministry with mental abbarations and problems than in the workplace. It looks like a quirky obedience and sincerity but in fact is just quirky personality that people really do not have to conform to or "obey" as if from God.

    The God Haunted always make interesting study if you can personaly stay out of their way and influence.

    Most of these gentlemen need meds perhaps more than followings.

  2. The day the membership of the variously odd and dictatorial COGs DEMAND accountability from the minister for his words, plans, schemes, actions and ideas will be liberation day...

    Practically every church on earth demands that in some way or another. Even the Ephesian members in the Book of Revelation got to bounce those that said they were special and weren't.


  3. This is the way it is in the PCG. Flurry and his mini-Hitlers have been inflicting this stuff on people from the very beginning.

    The man and his minions are the antithesis of all things Christ-like.

  4. To the PCG minister: You first.

    Lots to fix.

    And, unfortunately, the pharmacy is still closed for the weekend.

    And the earliest appointment you can get with the psychiatrist is May 30.

    Maybe that will work out. With Ronald Weinland telling everyone that Christ will return May 27th, maybe you won't need the appointment. (How convenient it is that Jesus will be returning on a holiday weekend -- that should help prevent a lot of traffic jams and accidents -- it will also help everyone adjust for the work week beginning again on Tuesday. You can't say that Jesus isn't considerate!)

    I don't suppose that the PCG pays any attention to the other ACoGs except to treat them with contempt.

    Hey, don't knock it!

    Contempt is good!

  5. "It's all about money with this cult!"

    I must respectfully disagree with you on that point.

    Perhaps you are thinking about David Pack and his Restored Church, which really does appear to be all about numbers and money.

    Gerald Flurry's PCG cult is about so much more than just wanting lots of money. It also offers liberal amounts of satanic abuse, and filthy old predators galore. It seems necessary to correct you and point out that your description of the PCG is too limited.

  6. I can't tell you how many ministers have told me that they tended to sent to areas that needed to be fixed and how often they were sent to undo the damage of the previous pastor.

    DCP always got moved due to the damage he caused and the near riot conditions the church he pastored eventually got in. He portrays his moves as being sent....but it was always sent away...

    HQ never confronted those minister types that screw up congregations. They just moved them around to screw up other ones.


  7. Reminds one of the Catholics, doesn't it? I always thought it ironic that Herb chose "Worldwide" for the name of his church. Means the same damn thing as Catholic. I even realized that while I was still embroiled in it.

  8. "Gerald Flurry's PCG cult is about so much more than just wanting lots of money. It also offers liberal amounts of satanic abuse, and filthy old predators galore. It seems necessary to correct you and point out that your description of the PCG is too limited."

    Here we go again...

  9. It's always been about money with ALL of these ACOGs and nothing more! And they're just following in the footsteps of ol' ponz Herbie! They tell you to tithe your money to them so they can preach the gospel for "free" and you'll get even more on your return to tithe on, but they will never tell you tithing money is actually unbiblical or their "free" material is really just propaganda to hook new recruits all paid for by YOU! Good scam they got going on there ain't it?! These ministers are no different to matchstick men selling a giant ponzi!

  10. Selling snake oil out of a back of a wagon on a dusty street.

    "Step right up!"

  11. I love the graphic- that crest for Herbert W Armstrong college.
    It looks like it has arms and legs and even a mini dancing "crest within a crest", with a little "strong arm" on it.


    But, the graphic designer forgot to put a fistful of dollars in that "strong arm's" hand, and have it pounding a lectern.

    PS: That minister(who makes the only coffee fit for Jesus) sounds like a real doozey.
    As far as I know, the only coffee mentioned in ancient Christian scripture is in the Dead Sea Scrolls in the instructions on giving a coffee enema with a gourd.

  12. Yes, me and my thirteen year old son just weren't what the PCG wanted around anymore. We were thrown out, (again) by Brian Davis Feb. 2012...All because I've been on his "radar" ever since he secretly disfellowshipped me back in 2006 and the PCG had to end up paying for my divorce. I use to think they had done that for "little ole me". Now I realize after being thrown out this FINAL time, and getting my brain back, they were just putting up with me so the whole mess wouldn't REALLY get blown out of proportion. Well,they've got a surprise coming!...Oh, by the way...the goofy minister who made the "perfect pot of coffee" for Christ... has the last name "COCOMISE". I guess if I can get trashed and slandered, they might as well too! Brian Davis makes me SICK!!...JERK!

  13. Talk about Brian Davis and his LACK OF WISDOM...By the way...I'm the woman who was recently THROWN OUT OF THE PCG by Brian Davis for trying to defend myself against his trumped up charges. I've been ON HIS RADAR ever since he SECRETLY DISFELLOWSHIPPED ME back in Feb. 2006 and the PCG had to hire TWO attorneys to defend the PCG and pay for my divorce. My thirteen year old son had no say in the matter...but he was thrown out too! Brian Davis has a thirteen year old son also. My son was in YOU, youngest member in the choir, attended PYC Camp last year, WAS attending Imperial Academy Online, and was just becoming popular and getting a lot of positive feed back on his accomplishments. Oh, but don't let your son OUTSHINE Brian Davis' son or any of his kids. THEY ARE THE MOSTEST SPECIALISTESTEST!! Truth of the matter, Brian Davis is a Big Brat. He has all the wrong traits...jealosy, envy, competition, vengence, slanders people, etc.
    Back to my original story about Brian Davis...My local minister approached me a couple of years ago and told me that MR> DAVIS was wondering if I would consider apologizing to a couple of members in Washington State for something "I SUPPOSEDLY SAID TO THEM" I was caught off guard, as usual, and did not know exactly what he was talking about. So I believe I just innocently said, (and this is before I was DISFELLOWSHIPPED, JUST RECENTLY BY BRIAN DAVIS, AND STILL HADN'T GOTTEN MY BRAIN BACK)... O.K....Then I thought...I DON'T THINK SO!!...I called up MR> DAVIS and told him MY VERSION of the story. Well apparently he had CHOSEN to only listen to one side of the story...Because of course, he has me ON HIS RADAR, looking for any little thing to jump on me about. What's that scripture..He that answers a matter before he hears it it is SHAME AND FOLLY?
    I always heard "Brian Davis knows a lot" He may know a lot about the Bible, but he sure doesn't live by it! Back to the story...After telling my side of the story MR> DAVIS could no longer ask me to apologize...AIN'T THAT SPECIAL!

  14. The Philadelphia Church of God talks a lot about "being a family". What they mean is: If your part of Gerald Flurry's family , OR your a long time SUPPORTER in the church with LOTS OF MONEY TO CONTRIBUTE. You can be the BIGGEST ASS in the world...As long as you give them MONEY...that's all that matters!

  15. VERY IMPORTANT>>>...The Philadelphia Church of God tells it's members NOT to get on these web sites and read any of these posts. If your found out...YOUR OUT!! Wonder why?...Because you might find out that Gerald Flurry's most FAMOUS BOOK, "Malachi's Message",(which is usually the book that lures in ex WWCOG members and others, and the whole foundation of the PCG, AND just happens to be ,according to Gerald Flurry, the "Little Book" mentioned in Revelation 10) was basically COPIED from Jules Dervaes "Letter to Laodicea". OR... that Gerald Flurry IS NOT "that prophet". Read it for yourself in your bible: IT WAS JESUS! How Gerald Flurry came to call himself "that prophet", was after letting one of his members convince him he was "that prophet"...I KID YOU NOT! I've heard the story from Flurry himself. ALSO...you might find out that Gerald Flurry edited Herbert W. Armstrong's "Mystery of the Ages" recently. This was what Gerald Flurry ACCUSED the Tkach regime in the Worldwide Church of God of doing to that book. OH... and you just might find out that Gerald Flurry(who was disfellowshipped from the WWCOG for writing "Malachi's Message", HIMSELF has DISFELLOWSHIPPED David Ben Ariel from the PCG for writng "Beyond Babylon" Ain't that special...Wish I would have gotten on these sites BEFORE me and my little son were DISFELLOWSHIPPED by Brian Davis of the PCG...EX WWCOG and PCG Member

  16. Just one last Brian Davis of the PCG Story...
    After finally being OFFICIALLY invited to services and after many attempts to contact a local minister (who purposely didn't call me back and who was disfellowshipped shortly before the PCG had to hire two attorneys for me and the PCG) in 2004, the day went like this:

    My six year old son and I arrived at the designated "secret meeting hall" that day which also happened to be the day of the yearly "barn dance", which to me didn't sound like anything I would be interested in attending. Well, I suffered through services...my neck killing me, as I had an injury to it previously. I could hardly wait for the meeting to be over as I mentioned my neck was REALLY bothering me. So right after the final prayer, I sat back down and was gathering my stuff to get ready to head out the door. I know longer sat down and there was a man standing to my left beside me glancing down at his cell phone and ORDERING ME, "We've got to talk!". I was thinking, this must be Brian Davis, even though I had never seen or met him. But I remember seeing this person sitting back to my left several rows away from me during the service. I was thinking, "How did he get over here so quick?" It's like he TRANSPOSED HIMSELF. Isn't that called demon possession? It was weird, to say the least. Anyway I was thinking to myself, "I don't want to talk, I want to GET OUT OF HERE. But MR>DAVIS insisted on it, and quickly ushered me and my son (along with the minister who later took all the blame and got disfellowshipped), to a motel room. The service was at a motel conference hall. MR> DAVIS, and MR>???(fall guy), sat on a sofa to the left of me , along with my son. I sat in a chair. About the first thing out of MR>BRIAN DAVIS'S mouth was, " And you've got to sit still during services". He was shaking his finger at my six year old son, as he sorta playfully barked out that order. I was busy thinking, "My neck is killing me. I need to put some medicine on it. How am I going to do that?"...to be continued...

  17. continuing...To try to sum up the whole "nonsensical" meeting...All I remember is MR> DAVIS looking at me, critiquing every little thing he could find about me. NOW, I know it was meant as a DISCOURAGEMENT TACTIC. He sat there with his lips pressed together as he cocked his head from left to right, and with this "grinning smirk" on his face, (which I have come to know him use when he is trying to intimidate you and show his AUTHORITY. So he was discussing my "tattooed" lips, as if that was the most astonishing and evil thing he had ever heard of. He kept cocking his head left and right and still had that STUPID look on his face. AND THEN I MENTIONED my eyebrows were tattooed also. He about fell backwards, (if he could) off the sofa. The other minister mainly kept quiet...just sat there with his arms crossed in front of him and beady-eyed, making a few comments here and there. MR>DAVIS talked about how HE "Ate a lot of salads". I thought, "SO WHAT?" At some point MR> DAVIS made the comment:"And if I ever tell you to wear a skirt up to here, (and he brushed his hand across his thigh above his knee). I thought, "What the ....!!" I was still wondering how I could somehow interrupt the "GREAT GODS" and put some medicine on the back of my neck. I kept rubbing my neck, but no one seemed to care to ask me if I was in pain, of course. So, I decided, I had enough RUDENESS from these two so called MINISTERS OF GOD,(BOO!), and I jumped up and rushed to the restroom, (which was directly in front of me). I noticed out of the corner of my eye, MR> DAVIS turning to his left and looking at MR> ???(fall guy). During that split second, I knew exactly what they were thinking. MR> DAVIS was SHOCKED, to say the least, that I, (little ole me, of no significance in the world), was actually interrupting THE GREAT BRIAN DAVIS'S INTERROGATION/INTIMIDATION MEETING. He had NO CLUE what I was doing as he could CARE LESS about how I felt...I don't remember how the meeting ended. All I remember is MR> BRIAN DAVIS came across as arrogant,proud,vain,and RUDE...B.S.


    I am the woman who was disfellowshipped along with my thirteen year old son(who didn't have anything to say about the matter but was THROWN OUT OF THE PCG BY BRIAN DAVIS ANYWAY,... BUT BRIAN DAVIS'S KIDS ARE THE MOST SPECIALESTEST!!) this final time February 22, 2012...

    Brian Davis DENIES he told me to leave my husband...

    Well, BRIAN...do you remember this?...

    REMEMBER sitting around with me and MR. Brown in that room that day when you were SUPPOSEDLY counseling me about LEAVING MY HUSBAND?...REMEMBER ME ASKING YOU, "Why should I leave?" And you told me, "B, he could give you a disease". And also, "B...You've been burying you're head in the sand too long!" And I asked, "You REALLY think I need to leave him?" And you and Mr. Brown BOTH shook you're heads up and down...Doesn't that mean YES??? AND at some point, Mr. Brown says..."When me and my family were being persecuted in Ennis, we had to leave THE WHOLE TOWN AND MOVE AWAY!"...Mr. Brown was planting that idea/thought in my head as you are fully aware... Right Brian Davis???...REMEMBER THAT
    CONVERSATION??? I told you if I left it would mess up a lot of things...



    CAN YOU STILL MAKE THE STATEMENT, "B...I was getting you mentally prepared"...??

    Oh, and later, (before you called me up out of the blue and SECRETLY TRIED to disfellowship me)...Mr. Brown told me YOU CLEARED IT THROUGH MR. Anderson for me to go up to Washington. REMEMBER THAT??

    Oh, but I am suppose to think of all that as getting me , "MENTALLY PREPARED!"...RIGHT!



  19. Brian Davis and Andrew Hessong are true criminals. They should be punished be our law system before they find their punishment from above.
    Shame on you both! You are deceivers, abusers, power and money hungry bastards!

  20. Brian Davis = abuser, liar, egocentric, money hungry, deceiver, arrogant, rude, consumed with vanity and power, destroyer of families!

    Andrew Hessong = man who blindly follows the steps of Brian Davis.

    You both should be sitting in jail for all the atrocities you are guilty of!

  21. ..not to worry dear one. the wolves in sheeps clothing are obvious to those 'little ones'. mind your business, stay aloof but always respond kindly...keep your private life private, trust no man...or woman. one day soon, very soon, the covers will be thrown back and the hipacrittery wolves exposed. they can all just ho with satan now. we know where he going...forever!
