Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Apostate Malm: God Does Not Listen To Sinners Prayers and Will OK Polygamy Soon

The apostate apostle has this to say about prayer and multiple wives.  God does not listen to prayers of sinners and God will allow polygamy after the tribulation because of the shortage of males.  Apparently killed off in one of Malm's wars.

An acolyte of the apostate apostle writes:

Do you think that God is involved in the marriages
of the unconverted or just those in the church.
Lets say like someone in the jungles of Borneo. I think that is the way the church used to see it or maybe they changed it.
Thank You

The apostate apostle responds:

In personal matters God is directly involved mainly in the affairs of his called and hears not the prayers of sinners. Of course his intention is that each man have his one wife. Even that is occasionally loosed by God in mercy, to help in some situations; for example immediately after the tribulation, polygamy will be allowed for a short time due the the shortage of males. is 4:1.
Those who say that the innocent mate must be made to suffer for the sins of the guilty in departing; have lost sight of the law of mercy and the genuine ox in the ditch.
marriage is until death, and the mate who departs from the faith and from their mate is indeed a walking dead person. James


  1. Your post title. Is it supposed to be God does not listen to....

  2. Well maybe if there is a hold on the one man one women rules allowing poligamy for a time, God will also open a window up of time when he will hear sinners..'

    It could happen

  3. ooops "polygamy"

    Perhaps God will be merciful to the wicked for spelling errors at least...??

  4. "the mate who departs from the faith and from their mate is indeed a walking dead person".

    Oh geez. If you divorce and remarry, then you're a zombie? Or a vampire? Cool.

  5. Malm often comes off as being crazy, and occasionally a dick.

  6. The Malmpostle is very confused; perhaps he's in the clutches of Satan.

    Why does he think there will be a shortage of males after the trib?
    Is it because he thinks he'll be married to thousands of males then- including his bride Jesus- thus creating a shortage of males??? (Yes, that would perfectly fit the definition of polygamy.)

    And why would the Malmpostle claim God does not listen to sinners' prayers?
    Does he think God has a list of people He doesn't listen to? And wouldn't EVERYONE be on that list, since we are all sinners? Does God only listen to Malm?

    God DOES INDEED answer people's prayers today, because I saw it on Christian TV yesterday! All you have to do is send for Peter Popoff's Miracle Spring Water and say a special prayer, then you'll get a supernatural check in the mail to pay your mortgage off, be healed of cancer, and maybe even get a transmission for your hot-rod(but only if you have a "Jesus Loves NASCAR" or "Jesus Loves Concealed Carry Weapons" bumper sticker on it)!

    The bottom line is that I am blessed to be able to watch Christian TV, because it shows how the Gospel is being preached in PARF'L WAYZ, and also how Malm is wrong.


  7. "In personal matters God is directly involved mainly in the affairs of his called and hears not the prayers of sinners."

    For most ofthe great figures in the bible, there is little or no evidence they were seeking God in any special way as James Malm would say you would have to. They did not choose God, God chose them, and ths story goes on from there.

  8. Polygamy as an ox in the ditch?

    The mixed metaphores are setting off fireworks in my head.

  9. James Malm wrote: "...Even that is occasionally loosed by God in mercy, to help in some situations; for example immediately after the tribulation, polygamy will be allowed for a short time due the the shortage of males. is 4:1..."

    Polygamy? James Malm continuously preaches we ought to zealously keep all of God's commandments, so polygamy? How does that fit in?

    It doesn't and it's stupid. It's ridiculous. James is also taking Isaiah 4:1 way out of context, because it has nothing to do with tribulation and a shortage of men, which sounds like some of the "junk food" we all received while attendingthe Worldwide Church of God.

    Looking at some context (e.g. Isaiah 3:18, 25-26) it is speaking about the Day of the Lord, that day (Isaiah 4:1), which does not occur until AFTER Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit.

    Junk food can look so appealing; nevertheless, for the most part it's of little to no value.

    Junk food is like looking for them "10 kings" to appear on the world scene any day not, which also won't really occur until Satan is loosed from that pit. James also expects to see them "10 kings" any time now...

    All of the world is deceived and James Malm is not immune from that deception.


  10. "Polygamy? James Malm continuously preaches we ought to zealously keep all of God's commandments, so polygamy? How does that fit in?
    It doesn't and it's stupid. It's ridiculous.

    Please stop calling YHVH "stupid" and "ridiculous"!

    Not only does Biblegod define marriage as being a sacred bond between polygamists, He also defines it as being a sacred bond between a rapist and the person raped.
