Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 20, 2012

BREAKING SPECULATION: Apostle Malm: 70% Chance Tribulation Will Begin Late This Year

You would think that apostle Malm would keep his mouth shut, consider the soon coming failure of Ron Weinlands end time predictions.  However, apostate apostle Malm considers himself to be more informed and more in tune with God than Weinland or most of the splinter group leaders.

Today he made some more predictions well informed speculations on what will soon be happening.  He wants to make it clear that this is NOT a prediction, but a WELL INFORMED speculation.

Events and trends in the Middle East  are now becoming much clearer and the following scenario is certainly possible.  Events could happen in many different ways.  This is NOT a prediction; it is a reasonable informed speculation based on present information and trends.

I still say that there is at least a 70% chance that the tribulation will begin late this year.
I can guarantee you 100% that apostate Malm is a liar and nothing will happen at the end of this year regarding the end times.

Here is the scenario apostate Malm sees leading up to this tribulation:

Israel has a history of taking action behind other major media events.  For example they entered Gaza killing several people to trigger the last major Gaza war on the last US presidential election day.

This predilection makes the idea that they would use the July 28-Aug 12 London Olympics to act against Gaza and keep that story on the back pages seem quite reasonable.
Speculating that they would move against the Gaza militants during the London Olympics and be ready to move forces North by mid August;  one could almost expect an allied ultimatum or attack on Syria around late August. 

These events set up the possibility of an international peace conference in conjunction with the UN General Assembly meetings in the third week of Sep.  With a new pope set up in Rome on or near 16 Sep and calling for a new order in Europe which has already been prepared and is ready to be established.


  1. We now have handicapper Malm. Or perhaps more like hedging one's bets.

  2. "there is at least a 70% chance that the tribulation will begin late this year."

    This means that in 70% of observed cases in the past, when world conditions looked like this, the world did indeed end. 30% of the time, it did not. The obvious implication of this statement is that this fellow is claiming that he has lived to see the world end many times before.

  3. In response to a commenter that criticzed him:

    "Be careful in your reading. I said it could begin, subject to the setting up of the abomination; not that it will.
    I suggest that you follow the wisdom of Gamaliel and wait to see when all these things fall into place.
    I also suggest that you go to the Prophecy category, and actually read the material before launching an unwarranted assault on something that you seem to know nothing about.
    The proof of anything is in the fulfillment and the ultimate reality.
    If not this year than in another and very very soon. James"

    I particularly love how he tells someone not to speak about something they "know nothing about"

  4. I guess Malm figures that as long as he inserts the word MAY before trumpeting his prophetic predictions about the day and the hour of the apocalypse, then each time he is wrong, he is absolved from being a false prophet all because of that three letter word.

  5. I predict a 70% chance of tribulation followed by a 50% chance of scattered persecution as a lukewarm front pushes through.
