Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last Sermon of Ron Weinland

Ron Weinland preached his last sermon before the end of the world today.  You would have thought Ron would have instructed his loyal followers on how to deal with the horrendous events to soon unfold.  You would have thought how he would have given them comforting words when they know their relatives and friends will all be killed in the fires of Armageddon.  You would have thought there would be comforting words on how God was going to protect them as members, and to persevere because "...we all know how it works out in the end."

So what do you think Ron was talking about today in his sermon?  Litterbugs!  Litterbugs tick him off!  WTH?

Doesn't he realize the blazing fires of nuclear holocaust and Armageddon will burn up all that litter?  The end of the world is happening in a little over 7 days and Weinerdude is worried about litter.

ht:  Dennis


  1. In less than 7 days he's going to be reduced to litter.

    Anyway, he also spoke about keeping tithes for Pentecost.

    Uh, what for?

  2. Litterbugs too?! Yeah, figures! It's not just his perpetual "end of the world" date-setting that proves this guy's got a serious case of OCD!

  3. Maybe Ron Weinland's legal counsel is negotiating a plea deal in his tax evasion case that includes community service of picking up litter along the highways.

    Or, envision Ron in an orange jump suit working with the chain gang picking up litter along the highways with all the other inmates.

    There must be something motivating Weinland's litter comments in his final sermon before the return of Jesus Christ, the establishment of the Kingdom and government of God on this earth, and the resurrection of the Saints scheduled for May 27, 2012.


  4. I can picture it now. Ron and Big Bad Bubba in matching orange suits picking up trash together along side the freeway. How cute!

  5. Ron was not talking like a man who believed his own words, unless he has something in mind. Wandered all around , started topics and then "never minded" them . He's not an organized speaker with a point. It will be fascinating or tragic seeing how this plays out over the week.

    Ron said his ministry and work was now over. Quite amazing but I have a niggly feeling about just what that may mean.

  6. Lake of Fire COG, that was going through my mind as I read this post.

    If Ron is not a con artist and actually returns to the States for his trial and conviction, he will be able to pick up litter on the side of the highways as part of his prisoner work program.

    Or....he could be cleaning up urine on the floors of the prison's toilet facilities.

    Either way would be fitting. But he should not be allowed to assist the prison chaplain in any way, shape, or form.

  7. Weinland's actually less dangerous than some of the more prominent COGers -- UCG, COGWA, LCG, PCOG, RCG.

    For one, he has very few followers. Beyond that, however, he makes it easy to debunk him, because of his incorrect predictions. This one will falter, and he'll fade into oblivion, much like Camping has. (Or maybe I should say further oblivion.)

    The other groups are more distressing because they continue to warn of "soon-coming" events, but offer no real evidence or timelines. Rod's been saying "soon" since the '50s. Most of the others bought in during the '60s.

    1972 was 40 years ago. At one time that date had major significance in the Armstrongite world. It was 40 years ago. HWA died a quarter century ago. GTA, almost a decade ago.

    At least Weinland had the courtesy to kill himself with his prognostications. The rest of the would-be heirs sort of mosey along, content to perpetuate a belief system based, ultimately, on a gun-lap mentality that has been proven over time to be misleading and incorrect.

  8. Ron Weinland sez-
    May 27, 2012, is the time that I have stated as being the date Jesus Christ will return as King of kings over all government on this earth.

    If Jesus does come next week, I suspect it would be only to kick Weinland in the nuts.

    (Thankfully, here in the Real America, people are totally tuned into Jesus, and know that a few of Jesus's favorite things are NASCAR, marrying cousins, bombing abortion clinics, the Tea Party, dragging gays on a rope from the back of a pickup truck, concealed carry weapon permits, Christian TV, shooting Muslims, holding a grudge about the North winning the Civil War, and the KKK.)

    But, on a serious note, let's get back to the orange jump suit Ron Weinland may wear while picking up litter-
    I heard that Ron Weinland's legal counsel is negotiating a plea deal in his tax evasion case that includes his wifely witness embroidering "www.ronaldweinland.com" onto the orange jumpsuit so people could see The Truth while they drive by him on the highway.

    But wouldn't it be ironic if another crazy person like Michelle Bachmann plowed into him while trying to write down the web address with her gay husband's broken-off dick?

