Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 28, 2012

Ron Weinland: Oops! My Bad! Jesus Is Coming Next Year, or Maybe After That, or Maybe.....

Ron Weinland preached another sermon on what was supposed to be the last day of earth.  The morally and spiritual bankrupt false prophet and now documented liar, is tripping all over himself making excuses.  He made no mistake, it will still happen, however he is now moving on to a different phase.

Bob Thiel sat down and listen to Ron's sermon and made these notes:
We have proven, by how we live, who we are…We have followed the way God has led us…It’s just a bit farther…
Pentecost 2012 is being proven incorrect for the return of Jesus Christ…Does that negate that I am God’s witness and prophet?  Absolutely not!…
Ron seems to forget this scripture from his Bible:

 “If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him” (Deut. 18:22).

It will be on a Pentecost that Jesus will return…We just didn’t know there would be a little more to the race…Jesus Christ is to return on Pentecost…

Oops!  My Bad!  It wasn't 2012.  It will be next year, or the year after that,or the year after that, or...
All have to examine, reexamine, where they are…So many things we have not understood.  The work of the two witnesses is over…We are going into a different phase…

Over???? You haven't done any work, especially your wife! There has not been a peep our of her.  Nothing to prove she is one of the two witnesses.
Mockers…have to excuse away what they do not want to hear…
There is no contradiction in God’s word…
There is only one answer to where we are…
Jesus Christ must return on Pentecost…What does it mean?..
And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. {Acts 2:19-21}

Beautiful.  I think of the 63,000…There is so much coming brethren.  So much that is exciting…The three and a half years is finished.  The job of the two witnesses is complete.  My job as a prophet and apostle continues…
So now that Ron's failed prophecy has been epic, his job as one of the two witnesses is now over?  When did it ever start.  He has never proclaimed a worldwide message.  Never preached from the streets of Jerusalem.  Nothing.  Never fear though.  Ron will continue on as a prophet and apostle to lie, blaspheme and steal peoples money in order to keep himself,  his wife and offspring in their comfortable lifestyle.  His daughter should be prosecuted for stealing money too!  Lock up the entire family!

Is this {Acts 2:19-21} teaching that the sun will turn into darkness before the Day of the Lord?  No, no, no…In the New Testament, especially, things are messed up…they don’t have the grammar…

Is this idiot serious? The Bible he considers inerrant is messed up because the ancients did not know grammar? LOL!   Those ancients certainly knew about lying false prophets!
Mockers…people will have a ‘hay day’ with it…
You can run another year…
More in 2008 in God’s Final Witness will come to pass…Now we can see…
What follows the work of the two witnesses now being completed?  We move forward…
Jesus Christ did not eternally exist…
It is in God’s hands…I understand the outrage that some will manifest by these words…God has brought us to this point in time…
We move forward ever thankful for the last 3 1/2 years we have not suffered {physically} as we could have…
A few things have to happen..for Europe…to grant people more time for repentance…

It's always someone else's fault.  Dumb church members, society as a whole, but NEVER, I repeat NEVER is the prophet or apostle wrong.
Now we move forward and continue on…We are going to be waiting another year.  For we know it has to occur on Pentecost…We are God’s true church.  There is nowhere else to go.

Yes there is!  You may soon find yourself headed to jail.  I can't wait!


  1. The people who predicted that Ron's prophecy was 100 percent wrong have been proven right, and Ron has been proven wrong.

    And that's all anybody needs to know.

  2. The never to be given again sermon Ron gave yesterday was a fascinating study in "who me?"

    The man runs on the every looping memes that prophecy haunted ministers memorize in their youth, chew and swallow for the rest of their lives no matter how wrong it is. It is easier to run on a known error than see them for what they are with critical thinking and common sense.

    Thiel is an interesting study in "the eye that sees can't see itself." Rod Meredith predicts but doesn't specify so has decades of wiggle room. Ron gets specific and makes an ass out of himself and his followers.

    "Followers"....what a nice name for the sincere yet mostly brain dead , "please tell me what to believe," types.

    Far too many take on the identity of the organization and lose their unique selves. Around here thousands will respond to "who are you," with "I am a Bob Jones student," or a "Joneser" Pathetic example of the loss of the self in the identity of another.

    Anytime you become an "....ist" or an "....ite" you've lost all personal integrity.

  3. PS Ron would not know how to say the words "my bad." When he speaks, he makes it sound like the inclusive "we" didn't understand the awesome plan God has now revealed since the last awesome revealed plan was inadequate and only a glimpse at the awesomness to come.

    Ron is a gamechanger are all prophetically haunted souls. They are never wrong and in need of giving a heartfelt apology. They simply underestimated the amazing plans God has for them all.

    If Ron or Dave Pack's followers ever asked themselves if they really think their man has a special inside track with the Deity, they might free themselves from this foolishness.

  4. The real problem is that Weinland doesn't know Strong's Concordance from a phone book.

    I don't know much about Hebrew and that other language is Greek to me, but I am quite sure that when I got to the all yellow section of the concordance, even I would know something was up.

  5. As I read some of the comments posted I can agree with the basic recognition that the beliefs of people who take religion seriously (especially Christianity) will often appear to be flawed in their ability to think logically. Many comments assume that people should be able to see things differently (generally the way they see things) if their brain was operating better.

    “The real problem” is not as simple as we would like to believe. I make no claim to being an expert in this area, but in my studies of religion, theology, and psychology over years I came to recognized that there is a psychology of religion and like dealing with other psychological problems there is a need to correct a person’s view of religion rather than destroy their religious beliefs. I personally attempt understand what a person believes and get some insight into why they hold those belief without passing judgment on their lack of intelligence or mental stability.

    I do not agree with “Anytime you become an "....ist" or an "....ite" you've lost all personal integrity”. We do not need to sacrifice our integrity to accept Christianity and treat people with respect who may be doing what they believe is right for them. As long as we have human beings we will have a religion that gives a hope for something better. What we need to do is encourage people to be living examples of what a better life would or should be.
    Albert B.

  6. Not all fun and games

    A distraut woman reached out to a blog after her husband became abusive because of Roderick Meredith -- she was concerned for her children in the midst of her husband's melt down.

    Other stories of dysfunction and abuse from other of the Armstrongist cults have been emerging for years. Some are now cropping up with PKG as some family members are abandoning their families and spending money to follow Weinland in Camping style obsession.

    From the point of the victims, it certainly is not fun and games as they become desperate for bare survival in a terrifying circumstance, all precipitated by a selfish lying cult leader.

    Where will these people go?

    What will they eat?

    Who will help them?

    If it were the Tacoma area, I know resources which could help out. I have contacts in the Tacoma Rescue Mission. I know Joe Stortini and could have people referred to the emergency temporary housing shelters. There are other resources here as well. Other areas, not so much.

    Armstrongist cult leaders, even in United, have made life a living hell (like the Regional Pastor who sicked a stalker on a hapless woman who happened to offend him) for innocents.

    Unfortunately, if you have no skin in the game and don't have much empathy, it's just plain funny to you.

    I assure you that there is neither joy nor humor to the helpless victims of Armstrongist cult leaders.

    And as long as Armstrongism exists, it will continue, go on and on and this will happen over and over and over again.

  7. "It will be on a Pentecost that Jesus will return…We just didn’t know there would be a little more to the race…Jesus Christ is to return on Pentecost…"

    MY COMMENT: If that were the case...they would definitely miss Him, since they don't even observe the correct day in the first place.

  8. Yes, it will go on and on. Delusion has that as its inevitable effect. Once you're invested in the program, abandoning it is unthinkable. You'll grasp at anything to keep the mirage going.

    As for the "correct" day, who cares? It's just another barley harvest festival. All Middle Eastern nations had them. The harvests were pretty important. They meant the difference between plenty and starvation -- and guaranteed there would be plenty to drink at the feast of booze.

  9. Ron, as others, lives in a very small and self absorbed world.

  10. Ron Weinland: WRONG!

    Deuteronomy 18:
    20 But the prophet who speaks in my name presumptuously that which I have not commanded him to speak, or that speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.
    21 And if you say in your heart, "How shall we know whether or not the LORD has spoken these words?
    22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if it does not follow, nor come to pass, the LORD has not spoken it, but the prophet has spoken presumptuously: you shalt not be afraid of him.

    False prophecies are the work of false prophets. Ron Weinland's prophecies have been proven to be lies. Therefore, Ron Weinland did not just "get it wrong" he is a false prophet. But besides the fact that his prophecies were lies, He has also falsely attributed his lying words to have come from the mouth of God! In ancient Israel, Ron Weinland would have been executed already for this.

    For anyone who continues to follow Ron Weinland (or any other false prophet), what part of WRONG do you not understand?

  11. "For anyone who continues to follow Ron Weinland (or any other false prophet), what part of WRONG do you not understand?"

    Once one can grasp the fact that there are NO true prophets, the topic clears up substantially.

  12. "We are going into a different phase…"

    Yes, the next phase for prophet Ron's will be a prison ministry. Hey, apostle Paul had one of those.

    Seems legit.

  13. These stupid unlearning Armstrongist "prophets" are worse than the spiritual equivalent of manure. At least manure fertilizes, so you can't really use that term to describe them, though they smell just as bad. No, I'd have to classify them as some sort of retrovirus.


  14. Byker Bob said...
    These stupid unlearning Armstrongist "prophets" are worse than the spiritual equivalent of manure. At least manure fertilizes, so you can't really use that term to describe them

    No, now think about this... It's all relative. "You know, relatively speaking you make me what I am.." (John Denver) We need false religious views as the dung to make us learn to think more critically and come to better conclusions. You need lying prophets to spure one to finding out just what is true. You need stink stink so people can finally stop and take time to smell the roses. If everything smelled like Roses, no one would notice how nice they can smell!

    We need the darkness so light can come. We need the ocean so we can enjoy the beach. We need the sour to make truth more sweet.

    If you clean a fishtank too well and use comletely clean water, the fish will die. The mind dies without a challenge from that which is not true in the final analysis.

  15. oops...that we me. M.T.Filters

  16. I was watching a program over the Memorial Day weekend about WWII that reminded me of the Weinland debacle.

    When Japan had suffered greatly, and Tokyo was largely destroyed by firebombs, Japanese Emperor Hirohito would still not surrender.

    He wanted to retain his "divine" status and title, and the perks(including power and control) that came with it.

    He even gave a speech in Japan then, twisting things and portraying himself as the people's hero and THE one they needed, tho that was far from the truth.

    His words were something like, "Well, things haven't gone as we thought they would, but...(bla bla bla bla...I am divine and you need to rely on me.)

