Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

GCI Taking Magazine Online Because of Money Issues?

Grace Communion International is taking their Christian Odyssey magazine from print version to an online version.  Citing rising printing costs, this move is deemed necesaary. 

As the cost of printing and mailing increases, small circulation magazines and newsletters have to think seriously about abandoning a print edition and going on-line as what is called an e-zine. We knew we would have to do it with Christian Odyssey sooner or later. Well, it’s sooner. The next issue of Christian Odyssey will be the last one we produce as a printed magazine. After that, we will continue with an on-line edition.

We realize there is a risk in making a move like this. Some will welcome it and find the electronic format exciting. Others will not like it at first, but, as I did with my Kindle, they will get used to it. However, I am afraid some will be tempted to throw up their hands and say, “Count me out.”

We really don’t want that to happen. So we are making our next issue a transition issue, in which we will do our best to explain how everyone can have access to Christian Odyssey. Even the most dyed-in-the-wool technophobes may be surprised at how easy it is, once you know how (or have grandchildren, who seem to be born knowing how).

Many are wondering if the continuing drop in income is part of the issue.  There was a period of several years the WCG was losing a congregation a week. Regular church attendance still is in decline as of 2012

As congregations continue to shrink in size many are leaving to local churches that are well established in their local communities. Most don't want to sit around and watch their congregation die a slow painful death.

Since WCG/GCI no longer controls or owns The Plain Truth, they used Christian Odyssey as their vehicle to church members on Christian Living.


  1. Maybe they could go to newsprint...you know, say, like the Christian Science Monitor, or something like that. Or was that tried already?

    Do they refer to their mag as the CO? They could introduce a magazine for members only and call it "CO Too."

  2. Ah, yes, Assistant Deacon. "CO Too" would be sure to get a warm reception all around the globe.

  3. And GCI existence is necessary because...?
