Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 18, 2013

Non Ordained Prophet Claims His Personalty Cult Will Be Persecuted For Not Wearing Crosses

It has long been known that the non-ordained self-appointed prophet Bob Thiel has an intense hatred of the cross.  No one can forget the absurd comments he made after the Milwaukee LCG killings  when local citizens erected crosses in honor of the murdered LCG members.  The non-ordained prophet went ballistic damning the concerned citizens of blasphemy and insensitivity towards the LCG.  LCG backpedaled and apologized for Thiel's disgusting commetns and attitude.

The non-ordained self-appointed prophet is back claiming his cult members will be persecuted because they will not wear crosses when the Catholic Church issues its decree that all citizens of the world must wear crosses.

Jesus foretold persecution. Many are aware of some of the early persecutions, but few understand what teachings true Christians were persecuted for in the fourth century and beyond–some may seem shocking. At least two major persecutions are prophesied to come. Which doctrines are expected to be causes for the coming persecutions? Are the Greco-Roman churches planning on persecuting Sabbath-keepers, those who do not accept a non-biblical Mary, and those who do not wear crosses?

While many seem to not wish to pay attention to this subject, the reality is that persecution has existed throughout history against those with Church of God doctrines.  Jesus predicted that as well as more persecution to come.  Some may be shocked by certain doctrines that Christians have been persecuted for (and often by those who profess to be Christian).

Those in the true Church of God have always been the side being persecuted and has never been on the side of the persecutors.  And this will be true again in the future.

The only persecution the Church of God has experienced in the last 70 some years has been it's own hated of non-COG members.  It has publicly lied about,. mocked and ridiculed Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and Jews for decades.  Any other persecution has come from fellow COG members and leaders who now are split into hundreds and hundreds of personality cults.  Each one claims it is the best and has the only truth as it ridicules other COG's. 


  1. As I've said many times before, they need to do a bit more research on the topic of crosses.


  2. "when the Catholic Church issues its decree that all citizens of the world must wear crosses"

    Hmmm, well, Thielogical Bob is pretty far off the script from what the Church taught when I was growing up, which was that the Catholics were going to force everyone to keep Sundays and pledge allegiance to the pagan gods of trinitarianism, and/or worship/bow down to the Beast. Crucifixes will be the least of anyone's worries!

    It is more than a little ironic that the ones who ARE trying to legislate Sunday-keeping and trinitarianism, are the various "Evangelical Christian" political powers that are gaining more and more ground, in both Europe and North America.

    As far as FORCING people to wear crucifixes, I have yet to see ANY denomination insist on this.

    I personally find anyone in the Church who wears or displays a crucifix, to be missing the mark (it is the equivalent of wearing an electric chair after all), as it idolizes a forever-dying god, instead of the resurrected Head of the Church who those who are converted in this age, should worship with our hearts, not with any pharisaical outward displays.

    Note that the above is only my opinion; I certainly don't judge anyone who wears, displays, or bows, to a crucifix; I respect their free will right to make their own choices.

    I also want to add that most Anabaptist churches, as well as the early Quakers, still raise many of the same objections to crucifixes that the Church did.

    Wearing crucifixes, and t-shirts with crucifixes on them, does seem to be part of the standard Evangelical "uniform" in the Church, these days; unfortunately for them, it makes them stand out for all the wrong reasons. Plus, they get a lot of grief from the worldly for it, which just confuses me as to why any of them think it's a good idea at all.

    More than likely, they're all just going along with the crowd, which is sad in its own way.

  3. "when the Catholic Church issues its decree that all citizens of the world must wear crosses"

    Hmmm, well, Thielogical Bob is pretty far off the script from what the Church taught when I was growing up, which was that the Catholics were going to force everyone to keep Sundays and pledge allegiance to the pagan gods of trinitarianism, and/or worship/bow down to the Beast. Crucifixes will be the least of anyone's worries!

    It is more than a little ironic that the ones who ARE trying to legislate Sunday-keeping and trinitarianism, are the various "Evangelical Christian" political powers that are gaining more and more ground, in both Europe and North America.

    As far as FORCING people to wear crucifixes, I have yet to see ANY denomination insist on this.

    I personally find anyone in the Church who wears or displays a crucifix, to be missing the mark (it is the equivalent of wearing an electric chair after all), as it idolizes a forever-dying god, instead of the resurrected Head of the Church who those who are converted in this age, should worship with our hearts, not with any pharisaical outward displays.

    Note that the above is only my opinion; I certainly don't judge anyone who wears, displays, or bows, to a crucifix; I respect their free will right to make their own choices.

    I also want to add that most Anabaptist churches, as well as the early Quakers, still raise many of the same objections to crucifixes that the Church did.

    Wearing crucifixes, and t-shirts with crucifixes on them, does seem to be part of the standard Evangelical "uniform" in the Church, these days; unfortunately for them, it makes them stand out for all the wrong reasons. Plus, they get a lot of grief from the worldly for it, which just confuses me as to why any of them think it's a good idea at all.

    More than likely, they're all just going along with the crowd, which is sad in its own way.

  4. oops...not sure why that posted twice, sorry. Feel free to delete the extra one, Gary.

  5. As long as the Catholic Church does not force me to wear "Bell Bottoms" or listen to "Donny Osmond" ever again, I think I can roll with it.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  6. Oh, and Gary, you are going to have to provide documented evidence of how the Church mocked and ridiculed all those religions you mentioned; I don't remember hearing much about any of them when I was growing up, though I do remember reading this article in the PT. Which hardly "mocks and ridicules" Islam. That article is a far more balanced viewpoint, IMO, than either the Evangelical fear-mongering, or the splinter groups insisting THEY are the Beast Power (even though Muslims are not Sunday-keepers, and they reject trinitarianism for the idolatry that it is.)

    All that said, I find the present-day Church to be far more distressingly anti-Semitic, potentially bordering on the neo-Nazi, than it ever was, when I was growing up.

  7. Bob's a fool. According to his logic the JWs are more likely to be the true church since they refute the cross even vigorously.

  8. Crosses are a way to broadcast to others that you live in "Stupidtown", like them.

  9. Then I am proud to say I am "stupid" since I wear a cross. Have worn it since the day I left the cult of Armstrongism.
