Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, March 18, 2013

Non-Ordained Prophet Thiel Mumbles, Bumbles, And Is Disturbed By "Wretching Demons" On His Video Set

The non-ordained self-appointed prophet has a new video up concerning the upcoming persecution of his personality cult by the Catholic church and Ecumenical Christians.

If you thought that his previous videos were bad, this one is beyond pale!  He mumbles and bumbles around as he tries to find scripture, pronounce names and deal with unclean spirits who continually make noises in his den studio set.

In the first 15 minutes you will hear all kinds of weird sounds. 

Either the non-ordained self appointed prophet needs to perform an exorcism or stop allowing people to sit in on his video recordings.  It will not take long till the prophet issues an edict that children will not be allowed in his presence when he speaks.

It's really, really bad Bob!  Really!  You have made a fool of yourself again.  Sorry, I guess that was persecution.


  1. It sounds like someone in the room is having some serious allergy problems.

  2. This is too funny. Obviously the prophet never got to experience "Ambassador Quality" otherwise he would never have allowed such a sad piece of poorly researched information out. Bad set design, crooked bookcase, worn out books, dirty blinds, mispronounced words, belching kids, snorting men...this cant get any better!

  3. Though I would point out, RodM, that it appears the microphone is indeed of "Ambassador quality" - it's SO good that it picks up virtually EVERY sound in the room, including a toddler bored out of his little mind (and rightly so!), and other gaseous and wheezing audience members!

    It's embarrassingly obvious that Bob doesn't even "proof-view" these amateurish videos before he anxiously posts them out on Youtube for all the world to see!

    The various Spokesman Club directors I've had through the years would have banned Bob for life, he is such a pathetically poor presenter. And this guy actually believes he was ordained a prophet to finish "the Work" in these tumultuous end times?

  4. Bob's overall speaking level seems much like my experiences at bowling alleys: the first game (which is quite poor) is usually the highest score, with each subsequent game getting progressively worse and worse and worse!

    That's probably why I don't bowl much anymore!

    Bob, perhaps you ought to follow suit. Might I suggest you go back to concocting herbal potions - effective speaking obvious just ain't your thing!

  5. The self-overrated BT and Leo windbags never stop, and feel the need to "explain" everything. Both need a day job.

  6. These sounds are obvious wretching demons trying to interrupt this great and classic sermon from this prophet...or is it that prophet...I forget.

  7. Hey, Anon 12:43, that Red Bull must have worked: you posted around 20 words this time! So, unlike Bob Thiel, you're actually improving in clarity as time goes on. Bravo!

    But if I may say in my own defense, at least I can explain something, and on-topic, whether you agree with it or not. I think you'd agree that's more than you seem capable of doing, at least judging by your past ambiguous six-word posts!

    Have you ever read a book? I just wonder because your mind seems to somehow get dreadfully discombobulated when confronted by more than a few short sentences.

  8. Once again, Thiel proves an axiom by exemplifying the negative of the axiom: "When God gives one a job, He also gives one the ability to accomplish it".

    Good luck getting this stuff on TBN or Daystar.


  9. There is much worse on Daystar and TBN.

  10. I listened to the message, up to 10 minutes, and could not concentrate on anything except for the noises, which were categorized into groups of snorts, throat clears, taps, growls, shufflings, blorps and beyorps, dripping sounds, Ayaas, wooos, and other sounds. It was an absolute complete distraction from the sermon, I don't know how anyone could possibly get through it and listen to the message.

    And then there were the weird sounds in the background. ;)

    Seriously, and no kidding around, I think there were three possibilities here: A toddler too close to the mic ? (doubtful, voice is too adult like), a sermon sit-in with some obvious challenges (I tend to lean with this one), or a wild snorlax (hey, you never know!). On the first, I don't understand why he would have a toddler crawling around the floor sticking a microphone in his mouth. Second, if true, though I can appreciate the fact he is willing to have any individual regardless of personal challenges sit in on his recording the sermon, for the sake of all the listeners that would never understand any of this sermon due to the obvious distractions, I would be smarter about it and do the recording at one time, and preach to the challenged person at another time, because the distractions did make the recording impossible to listen to. Third, I wouldn't have a clue where he got the wild snorlax.

    Regardless of what happened, or why, this, is one of the worst produced sermon videos of any denomination of any church I have ever listened to, EVER.

  11. I didn't take the time to watch and listen to the video, partially because I don't want this garbage in my mind.

    However, from the descriptions, are we saying that people were actually belching and farting during this "sermon"???? That sounds pretty rad even for an amateur prophet.

  12. Bahahahahahahaha! That was the most ridiculous thing...and does anyone remember anything he said? Talk about some distracting sounds...

    OTOH, he didn't have to upload this thing to YouTube, did he? He evidently has a pretty good camcorder but it's not a professional production. It's a homemade job and he needs to get the kids out of the room while he pretends to be giving a sermon to a church.

  13. Bob should take a cue from Gerald, and apply the Flurryite rule of DVD/CD sermon-shredding.

  14. "There is much worse on Daystar and TBN"

    I can't speak for the American channels mentioned, but the Miracle channel up here alternates between weird Moonie-like preachers shouting at large crowds and/or selling green hankies/bottles of God's spit, with amateur-quality preachers that are probably on a par with Thielogical Bob. (I personally won't give the man the view statistics so I can't say for certain if he's worse than Green Hanky Guy.)

  15. Where in scripture does it say, "Be sure to bring persecution on yourself?"

    Because that's what BT does with productions like this one. For him to then point to persecution as a sign of his righteousness is totally disingenuous.

    Just when you think these guys can't come up with anything more bizarre....

  16. Wikipedia on Mania

    "Mania varies in intensity, from mild mania (hypomania) to full-blown mania with psychotic features, including hallucinations, delusion of grandeur, suspiciousness, catatonic behavior, aggression, and a preoccupation with thoughts and schemes that may lead to self-neglect."

    -- Semple, David. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry", Oxford Press, 2005.

  17. Leonardo said...
    Bob's overall speaking level seems much like my experiences at bowling alleys: the first game (which is quite poor) is usually the highest score, with each subsequent game getting progressively worse and worse and worse!

    Somebody needs to put up the "BUMPERS" on Bob's lane!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  18. He keeps saying "the Church of God". How many are there now? Over a dozen? Or is he finally admitting they are all synagogues of Satan for trying to be Jews when they are not?

  19. Assistant Deacon wrote: "Just when you think these guys can't come up with anything more bizarre..."

    AD, "bizarre" is quickly becoming a high-level art form within the multiple hundreds of COGlets. I've finally come to the point where I don't allow myself to think the "nothing can beat this" thought any more! Because whenever I do, I'm inevitably proven wrong by yet another new hard-hitting, dynamic, professionally produced video churned out by "Dr." Bob Thiel, or the next pompous set of dogmatic assertions thundered forth with no supporting evidence or rationale whatsoever by either Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland or any other in the endless line of self-proclaimed prophets who God has presumably raised up to lead yet another "one and only TRUE church of God" into the rapidly-approaching end times.

    It just never stops because the population of gullible suckers who actually take these morons seriously appears to be growing exponentially!

  20. Anonymous 4:36 wrote: "He keeps saying "the Church of God". How many are there now? Over a dozen?"

    A dozen?! Maybe back in the late '70's that might have been an accurate count.

    But the most recent number I keep reading out on the Internet is between 600-700 distinct and squabbling larger organizations, smaller home-groups, websites, etc. Though I'm not sure how accurate that range is, nor if there's any way to verify it.

    Several years ago there was a guy I knew who used to work on the landscaping crew out in Pasadena who claimed to be the one, true COG - just himself alone (as his wife had long since left him), and his incredibly bizarre website. But like M. John Allen's prophetic ministry, apparently it went belly up awhile back for lack of sufficient funds.

  21. Well, some aspiring apostle or prophet ought to start the "Finger Pointing Church of God".

    On second thought, not!!! Actually that's already all of them.


  22. Better register that name as a website, Byker Bob - the FPCOG, because sooner or later you'll be able sell it to some splinter group down the line!

  23. I'd register it myself, except I'd rather wait until some splinter group registers it first, and then sue them over it.

  24. Dr. Bob this is so bad that you make Pack and Flurry look good!

  25. The irony of it all is it are the COGs that are doing all the persecuting of the true Christians. Of course the COGs are so blind, self-righteous and full of pride they can't see that.

  26. OMG! Bob is taking up his first Offertory collection. He's even reaching out to the poors in Africa.


  27. Are the COGs really "doing all the persecuting of the true Christians"?

    No way!

    "True Christians" often persecute other "True Christians" whose beliefs differ from their own.

    I doubt that there's any "persecution" from the COG's that's actually bothering anyone much, because the COG's are all splintered and without much voice.

  28. "'True Christians' often persecute other 'True Christians' whose beliefs differ from their own."

    Yep. Just ask the Bible bangers who picketed the Feast site in Victoria one year. (I think, but am not certain, that they were SDAs or Baptists or some unholy combination of both.)
