Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 26, 2013

Alton Billingsley: HWA Reappeared in 2006 Though He Was Still Dead

One of the crazier splinter cults of Armstrongism is another California based group called The Church of God Faithful Flock, lead by Alton Billingsley.

According to Billingsley, Herbert Armstrong reappeared on earth - though still dead - in 2006 when Billingsley had old radio programs added to his web site.  There is little talk about Jesus on the COGFF site but countless things about HWA.  Even their opening page has Herbert Armstrong plastered all over it.  No Jesus, no cross, no grace, no new covenant, just Herbert Armstrong. The idolatry is on par with Gerald Flurry's addiction.

Alton Billingsly

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong died January 16, 1986. And with his death, Christ placed a hold on the preaching of the Gospel at that particular time for He would not use an apostate who replaced him to continue with it. In 2006, Mr. Armstrong reappeared, though dead, via of his Restored Works—with the last ditch-warning 20 years, 2 X 10, after his death by the use of websites made possible by satellites.


  1. Last year sometime, I couldnt sleep and started flipping around the TV channels in the bedroom at something like 4 in the morning (much to the chagrin of my wife!)

    LO and Behold, it was Garner Ted Armstrong on channel 876 or something, on a rerun. It looked to be something from 15 years ago or so.

    It was shocking and hilarious to me when old Ted looked at me thru the screen and said in classic GTA tone and voice ...


    Yet , here was "Dead Ted" himself communicating with me from the dead!

    Very strange!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

    (Write In Candidate for UCG President)

  2. Joe: If you pull up GTA's web site that is run by his son Mark, you will see GTA is the predominate featured speaker. You would never know the guy was dead.

  3. Good one Joe.

    Tweet: Billingsley must be about 95 by now!

  4. Stay down Herb, you did enough harm the first time.

  5. 'In 2006, Mr. Armstrong reappeared, though dead, via of his Restored Works—with the last ditch-warning 20 years, 2 X 10."

    Could he also have returned warning 20 years 4x5? Or is that cheating in some way? 2x2x5 maybe?

    Necro-evangelism is creepy.


  6. Herb appears daily at the UCG home office, Joe. His portrait hangs right there next to Loma's.

    No sign of Ramona, though. Or Dorothy, for that matter.

  7. I agree that COGFF is one of the craziest groups that ever came out of the WCG. Mr. B. has made many ridiculous speculations/prophesies that have not come to pass. He makes the members look like kooks. He has lost many members over the year (even thought it is doubtful he ever had more than about 250 people with him). I know this because I was once part of this organization.

  8. This tells me all that I need to know about Billingsley. He's lost it, no need to even argue that point.


  9. All those who remain faithful to the teachings of HWA to these very days are in for a shock in the resurrection to find out that they (including us who were once believers in this cult) were taken in for a ride. They have allowed a man to stand in between Christ and the faithful. They have only themselves to blame for refusing to use common sense in making judgment on spiritual matters.

  10. It is never too late, though. The rule when we stumble and fall is to rise up and start all over again. It doesn't matter how long we have been enmeshed in this cult system; just start all over again. But we have to grow in grace and knowledge, not just restricting ourselves to the HWA and WCG-remnant churches point of view. Once we look at what the opposite sides have to say, we can have a panoramic view and we can make better judgment.

  11. "All those who remain faithful to the teachings of HWA to these very days are in for a shock in the resurrection to find out that they (including us who were once believers in this cult) were taken in for a ride."

    Oh, the irony. Prepare to be shocked, faithful Anon 6:08. You may think you're off the ride, but your comment says otherwise...

  12. Anonymous 9:36, how do you know that it won't be you experiencing the "Oh crappppppp!" moment at some distant time in the future? I surely wouldn't want to build my castle on your house of sand! I'd much prefer to have a surprise my way than yours.

