Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 26, 2013

Alton Billingsley: Interracial Marriage Was One Reason For the Flood

More racist wit and wisdom from the little flock:

Interracial Dating and Marriage: Mr. Armstrong also taught against interracial marriages in articles and sermons to the membership. (See Mystery of the Ages, pages 166-170.)  The Church supports this teaching. This was a major problem, among others, that brought about the Flood during Noah’s time that destroyed all of humanity during that time except Noah and his immediate family (Genesis 6:1-22 and Genesis 7:1-24; Luke 17:26-27).  God loves dearly all races but wants them to remain in their own culture.

At the same time, the Church in this era has always accepted mixed marriages that were in place before coming to be members and still do without discrimination.

Alton Billingsley


  1. Stop! You are killing me with all this craziness! People are looking at me as I laugh at this stuff in Starbucks.

  2. And Brethren...

    It is evil and wrong to have GAY MARRIAGE.

    However, if it is INTERRACIAL GAY MARRIAGE it is a "supersized double whammy" evil and sin. Let me never hear of interracial gay marriage amongst us EVER!

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

    (Write In Candidate for UCG President)

  3. Thankfully the UCG has moved past this nonsense.


    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

    (Write In Candidate for UCG President)

  4. 'And God said, "Behold it is good. Well not all that good. Terrible actually...drown it"

    That OT God just CAN'T be Jesus father or Jesus was adopted.


  5. Yeah, not bad for a church that believes in salvation by race, Joe.

    Now, if you can just move past the British-Israelism nonsense...

  6. S.O.S.

    WCG got its teachings on interracial marriage from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Moses was married to a black woman, and Joseph married an Egyptian, meaning that the WCG's sainted Manasseh and Ephraim were actually of mixed blood. Also, if you read the Torah, you will discover that gentiles actually were able to gain citizenship in the Old Covenant if they became circumcised and observant of the laws of Torah.

    In the post-exilic era, we find mixed marriages being broken up, and gentile wives being put away, but this was not because of skin pigmentation, it was because of the bad influence of pagan religions on the Israelites. The focus was on avoiding practices which would lead to the necessity of another captivity.

    I believe that HWA was a man of his times. During his upbringing and formulative years, minority people, particularly African Americans, were just recovering from slavery. Literacy, culture, and financial success were yet on the horizon for them. Much happened during the later years of the twentieth century, but HWA's stereotypes remained intact as his concept of God's way. Pity, too. He missed out on some really good friendships and shared experiences.


  7. WHile he's not making a direct quote this time, he's paraphrasing Armstrong in MOA.

  8. I thought HWA's second wife whom he eventually divorced (although he forced those happy marriages to be broken up because they were previously divorced) was non-Caucasian. Romona looked Asian or Mexican to me. HWA is the very first one to break all those teachings that WCG remnant churches are adhering to. Hypocrites!

  9. If I remember right Ramona was part American Indian. The painted up hussy was the reason Herb stopped make-up again in the church.

  10. The big money people and world government want to erase all the races so they can kill off our identities, thus wiping out the basis of the nation state, and hawking the same commodities to all (MacDonalds burgers in Moscow and Hong Kong). It's all about globalism, money and control. That's why marketers are "leading" the way in the promotion of interracial dating, interracial sex. And it's why globalist want mass immigration. Wake up zombies.

  11. I.e. It's all about globalism, money and control--NOT the "evil" of "racism" i.e. wanting to preserve your identity, heritage, culture, language, and people.

    Why do they LOVE to use hate speech by shouting "racist" or "racism" every chance they get? It's propaganda. Wake up zombies. Stop listening to the mind control box and take back you mind.

  12. Races have survived throughout all of human history, and there has always been intermarriage.

    There are also too many powerful people with agendas to allow us to get to the point where there is only one homogenized race. Globalists are by no means dominant, and even if there were, we know how disruptive various guerillas and tribes which totally lack any sense of nationalism can be.

    Anyone who believes that globalists will eventually destroy distinctive races should study the history of communism, and some of the great revolutionaries communism produced, such as Che Guevara. Trying to control humanity is like herding cats even in a violently repressive totalitarian state. We may lose some of our freedoms to globalist thinking, but freedom outlaws everywhere will always defy totalitarianism.

    Conspiracy theorists are basically paranoid individuals who spoil their lives and the lives of all close to them through their irrational fears. However, I blame HWA for all of the ex-Armstrongites who have become conspiracy theorists, since such theories were one of the bases of his teaching.


  13. "Races have survived throughout all of human history, and there has always been intermarriage."

    That overlooks modern transportation, globalization, and government policy. This is the modern age, things are different.

    "There are also too many powerful people with agendas to allow us to get to the point where there is only one homogenized race."

    Then why is it well underway? There are more non-white babies born in the USA now than whites.

    "Globalists are by no means dominant..."

    You have not been paying attention to what's going on in the world. It's the modern age. A whole new ball game. Free trade, economic integration, NAFTA, the EU, international bankers (IMF) and on and on.

    "...freedom outlaws everywhere will always defy totalitarianism."

    The USA is meekly caving in to the constant theft of civil liberties. People are complacent and in the dark.

    "Conspiracy theorists are basically paranoid individuals ..."

    Nothing like tainting everyone with the same uninformed brush.

    "I blame HWA for all of the ex-Armstrongites who have become conspiracy theorists..."

    Yeah, he never should have told us the Catholic church was pagan (which it is). He was a conspiracy loon, for sure on that one! Ho ho ho.

  14. I'm not racist; I don't like Obama's black half either.

  15. I missed the globalist agenda, it was buried in too many i.e.'s. Sorry.

  16. Did Jesus Christ say ANYTHING at all re inter-racial sex? I don't believe so. And yet these religious thugs and bullies thought they were God's answer to all the world's ills. So what was their solution to this "problem"? Break up families and ruin peoples lives. I'm sure they'll have a lot to answer for come judgment day. As Proverbs 11:29 says, those who bring trouble on their own families inherit the wind.

  17. Hey global theorist, (I assume based on sentence structure and choice of words that you are also the holocaust denier), whatever floats your boat.

    You show an amazing lack of understanding of history and human nature, particularly concerning the ancient world empires and their various techniques, but also about modern tribal or guerilla warfare. I just hope your worst case scenario world view makes you happy. You may also want to aquire some tinfoil. You're going to need it, because your beliefs are actually more distorting than Armstrongism.


  18. Anon (April 27, 2013 at 1:56 PM) writes, "Ho ho ho"

    Uh, oh! Is Santa against the Catholic church, too?

    I don't THINK so!
    You'll be in for a TOTAL SURPRISE in the future. Praise God, I'm SPIRIT FILLED, and hence, KNOW the truth with my ULTRA SUPER DISCERNMENT!

    Jesus was a martial artist, who did some Jujutsu on lots of pagan stuff like the the Easter Bunny, Wedding Rings, Santa Claus, and Voodoo, and was so AWESOMELY POWERFUL a martial artist that he was able to turn them all Christian!

  19. HWA was a martial artist too, and he did some Jewjutsu on lots of Jewish stuff and made it christian instead.

  20. If what Mr. Armstrong taught about Noah three sons all were white and two of them married non what woman then that would make Ham and japhets the father or bi-racial people. The only ones that are "white" fully would be the children of Shem. Mr. Armstrong also taught that in Eve's ovaries were the genetic code that led to some of Adam and Eve kids being born black and yellow. I have this theory of mine and it is a theory because only God knows for sure what really happened. Let's suppose that in Mrs. Noah there was also the same genetic code that would produce black and yellow offspring and I go one step further, suppose that Noah and his wife had three sets of twins, and that Shem, Ham and Japheth had a twin sister. Two of the twins were what we call white, two of the twins were what we call yellow or Asian and the other set of twins were what we call black. That is a greater possibility then Ham and Japeth marrying a woman of another race. Since Mr. Armstrong suggest that God is against interracial marriage then He would have allow the other two sons of Noah to come upon the Ark as a result of a great sin.
