Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day of Atonement

Relive those wonderful, fun filled days, when you were forced to fast as a child in Armstrongism.


  1. I loved this Glynn!!

    It's so true and you brought back Day of Atonement fasting memories in detail!

    In Washington, D.C. for several years the Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement were held in a movie theater located in a major indoor shopping mall. Between morning and afternoon services on the Day of Atonement, we were allowed to walk the mall between services. I remember walking by the entrance to the steakhouse on the Day of Atonement where we ate on the Feast of Trumpets between services just a week before, looking at my watch at the time and then releasing a great big sigh. I was starting to get hungry!

    It was years later when I learned HWA drank coffee on the Day of Atonement while the dumb sheep fasted.

    Anyway, I enjoyed your humorous WCG recollections of the Day of Atonement.


  2. Children in my area, and probably elsewhere, were never expected to fast.

  3. One of my FB friends who is in United posted last fall that their son -- who is five years old -- made it to noon on the Day of Atonement.

    People actually commented praises to him for being such a big boy. Not big enough for HWA's cup of coffee, I suppose, but big, nonetheless.

  4. Children in my area, and probably elsewhere, were never expected to fast.

    WOW! That must have been in Canada, where people had an extra dose of the Holy Spirit!

    Down my way, in the Northeast USA, I remember a kid with untreated medical issues who went into convulsions from fasting per Herbert Armstrong's demand. I don't remember if he died, but I know there were other kids who died in this area because parents followed Herbert W. Armstrong's demands, at threat of losing their eternal lives.

  5. I remember a lady fainting on the day of atonement during the closing prayer at services. It was pretty awkward. Everyone waited for Amen before helping the woman get back up.

  6. I was made to fast starting around age 6. It was horrible. Then years later I learned that Herb was drinking water, coffee and orange juice while the little kids were suffering.

  7. YES, YES, YES, Children were expected to fast. And for children, it lasts a lot longer in child-time then for adults. It was an absolute expectation once a kid hit 6 or so.

  8. "Everyone waited for Amen before helping the woman get back up."

    OMG. I literally spit part of my coffee out laughing, reading that. Fortunately I didn't get anything on the keyboard.

    How believable that is. So typical of HWA's church back in the day. Anybody who lived through it knows the story. I'm talking the 1950s and '60s, in particular. Rife with stories like that, and worse. Just unbelievable, looking back now.

  9. The perfect Canadian WCG never made their kids fast till they were responsible teenagers. Oh to be so perfect.

  10. I ate some raisins on the Day of Atonement while I was pregnant. I'm sure I out my eternal life, as well as the eternal life of my child, are at risk. You know, visiting the sins of the "fathers" to the seventh generation and all. Of course I wasn't in Canada...

  11. And can't spell on this stupid mini-tablet either.
