Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 29, 2013

Jesus Pranks


  1. While sitting at lunch in Tiberius on Galilee, I threw some break over the railing only to have catfish four+ feel long rise slowly to partake. I think I know the secret of walking on water in Galilee.

    Don't worry about "blasphemy" Mr. Anon. Jesus gets a laugh out of how we have tried to figure out the stories. Besides, it never actually occurred so relax. Jesus took no offense.


  2. Actual picture of the Sun of God coming in the clouds of heaven and walking on the Sea of Galilee


    Astro. T. Ology

  3. God has a wonderful sense of humor.

    After all, he invented HWA and GTA, United's 'Council of Elders', Laurel and Hardy, Rodney Dangerfield, and Christine O'Donnell.

  4. and don't forget Sarah Palin and the Three Stooges! yuk yuk yuk

  5. United's 'Council of Elders' is the...


  6. Yes, God has a wonderful sense of humor!

    He created Jay Leno, Jerry Lewis, the jailbird Ron Weinland, Jim Carrey, the idiot Rod Meredith, the late Jonathan Winters, Dr. Robert Thiel (hey Moe; hey Larry!), the multi multi millionaire little Joey "I shrank the Church and absconded with all the assets" Tkach, to name a few.

    Yep, that God has quite a sense of humor telling us all through his Apostle that the return of Christ would be in 1975 in Prophecy, and then NOT sending his SUN as promised.

    You know God has a sense of humor when he allowed the multi multi millionaire little Joey Tkach to abscond with all the Church assets paid for by the tithes, offerings, Holy Day Offerings, special offerings - and don't forget the all important Building Fund - of the dumb sheep.

    "It was like stealing candy from a baby" said Pastor General Joseph Tkach, Jr.

    You gotta love God's sense of humor!


  7. This is what happened, last time someone suggested the United Church of God was "better than the rest"!
