Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ron Weinland: FEAR is Coming!

Ron Weinland, the imprisoned Church of God felon/ false prophet has written another missive from jail.  As usual it is filled with fear based nonsense.  Though this time more than usual.  This article is all about "fear".

The Weinerdude writes: 

It is wise to stop and ponder what is now directly in front of us. Fear is coming! It will strike every person. It is time to deeply consider that reality and seek to be better prepared for when that hour arrives, for it is coming quickly.

Fear has always been the biggest weapon of the Church of God.  Fear of the "world."  Fear of unconverted relatives and family members.  Fear of doctors. Fear of medicine.  Fear of psychiatrists.  Fear of Germans.  Fear of the Lake of Fire.  Fear of not qualifying.  Fear of pork products in your food.

Fear made people send in huge amounts of money. Fear makes members submit to abusive and tyrannical leaders.  Fear separates family members from family members and friends. Fear causes members to send in 40% of their income and more. Fear causes them to mortgage their homes and businesses to give to the church.

The fear monger continues with:

Fear Is Fast Approaching:
Yes, fear is about to strike mankind in a massive worldwide manner and on a scale that has never before been remotely close to what is coming. Not even the flood in Noah’s day struck such fear. That is why you need to seek God’s help now to be as prepared as humanly possible for what is about to become a reality. No one will escape! Even God’s people will initially be struck by great fear. Yet we are not to live in fear, but instead we are to conquer it through faith and understanding of God’s plan and calling. Though we know and believe what is coming, it will still be a very trying experience, but it is not to be feared.

Apart from God’s Church, the worldwide confusion that is deeply embedded in every religious, governmental, and economic system   spiritual Babylon   is now struggling to stay alive. Satan doesn’t want his system to end and is fighting to keep it alive, but it is now imploding on itself. The very thing Satan worked to create (spiritual Babylon) is the very thing that is rapidly moving toward a complete state of self-destruction. The ways of mankind do not work as they are based upon the ways of Satan, which do not work.
Is the Weinerdude implying that confusion is NOT found in the Church of God?  If anything is struggling to stay alive right now it is the Churches of God.  Hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups, all claiming that they are the only  holders of the "faith once delivered."  Underground groups are active in COGWA, LCG and UCG right now which will cause further pustules to develop over the next year or tow.   New foolish prophets continue to arise like Thiel, Pack and Weinland, Flurry and E.W. King.

We are now at a stage in this final time for mankind where some of the greatest deceit and pride-filled lying is being promoted in order to move masses of people into a false confidence and security about economic governmental stability. This is being fostered most by those nations who are exercising the greatest pride and arrogance over others.

Weinerdude is right that we are now in the age of the greatest deceit ever in the Church of God.  Pride-filled liars and fools promote themselves to the masses as the enlightened ones who are the only ones to offer them a real chance at salvation and escape to Petra. Truth only resides in them and not in the groups they broke off of.  Other pride-filled fools are building mini-me campuses to impress the world as they use struggling members tithe money to fund their utopian nightmares.

Fear is what keeps the Churches of God going.


  1. The only thing that keeps cash flowing into the coffers that keeps the cults afloat is fear. As the COGs continue to fail to attract new titheslaves, the retention rate of kids continues to decline, and the stalwart old timers continue to die off, fear will have to continue to approach faster and faster, just to stay in business!

  2. Pull the other one, Witless Weinland! It's got bells on!

    Hmm, seems to me, the Seventh Seal was opened on March 18, 2008...and here we are five years later. Shouldn't the tribulation be over by now? OH WAIT.

  3. I wonder what it will be like when the prison ministry arrives to talk to him about giving his heart to Jesus?

  4. I thought God gave Christ's followers not the spirit of fear but the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7) all of which I'm afraid Weinland is showing very little of...

  5. Weinerdude talks of the ways of Satan, which do not work. Eh, would that include tax evasion, Ron?

  6. To think that their perceived path of escape or solution to this fear is more rigid adherence to unneccessary legalism!

    I just have to laugh out loud sometimes! If they could only get one thing straight! And, that would be the answer to the question, "Who are/were the Judaizers?" HWA taught that the Judaizers afflicting Paul's gentile churches were those who sought to enforce Jewish case law, or Talumudic law, ie the infamous extra Pharisaic dos and don'ts on Paul's gentile Christians. Clearly, this makes no sense at all in light of the fact that the first Jerusalem Council said nothing about these dos and don'ts, in fact the unanimous opinion was that circumcision (the linchpin of the Abrahamic and to an even greater extent the Mosaic covenant) was to be made non-mandatory for Gentile converts! And, there are huge implications to that, as many of the Mosaic rituals were restricted to a select group, the circumcised!

    Is it any wonder why Paul counselled tolerance for brethren of different consciences? Clearly, something very different from what the Armstrongs taught us was taking place through the New Covenant. Truly, a convert was not required to first become an observant and clean Jew prior to becoming a Christian!

    All of the weirdness coming from the successors of Armstrongism should come as no surprise to anyone, because of the foundational basis and ongoing fruits!


  7. Lyric from "For What Its Worth"
    by Buffalo Springfield...
    (Billboard #7, January 1967)

    Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you're always afraid
    You step out of line, the man come and take you away

    We better stop, hey, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down
    Stop, hey, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down
    Stop, now, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down
    Stop, children, what's that sound
    Everybody look what's going down

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  8. I remember after listening to World Tomorrow broadcasts and my father's embellishments of them in the mid-40s, when I was 4-5, I would pull the covers over me at night and not breathe. I was practicing hiding from German soldiers, who would soon come to our cabin in the woods to hang me on a meat hook.

    I was even more afraid for my younger sisters, who were still small enough for German soldiers to toss them into the air and catch them on their bayonets, as they were prophesied to do. Even after Germany lost WWII, Armstrong and my father still looked forward to the time they would rise again and finally get around to doing these things.

  9. I don't recall Jesus receiving lots of money in order to be saved. COGs, and for that matter any other cult that relies on their members to fund them through fear are evil.

  10. Do the COG leaders have world leader equivalents? Garner Ted was like Bill Clinton -- a good-speaking, charismatic womanizer. Dave Pack is like that North Korean dictator -- a boastful little boy that is an impotent laughing stock. Any more?

  11. RCM is Castro... he never dies.

  12. Fear! Yes, with fear, one could be at his wit's end and give up any logical reasoning.

    No wonder, those in the WCG splinter groups are just like being in the Catholic countries during the Middle Ages - a bunch of ignoramus witch-hunting superstitious self-righteous deluded garbage of this world. Or they refuse to admit to themselves that HWA has duped us and we were all taken for a ride.

    I really wonder these people are so afraid of the Great Tribulation when they are already living in a type of tribulation and those false self-appointed ministers are types of the False Prophet. Rather than cast those tribulation worries to Christ, they put their trust and confidence on church organizations and on human ministers to give them salvation, both physical and spiritual. The remnant believers now in these WCG splinter groups are indeed mental wrecks, totally devoid of simple thinking and logic.

    They fear for something in which they are already there! What an irony.

  13. Retired Prof's comment above should not be glossed over by anyone.

    People really thought that way. Kids growing up really thought that way. Read it again. That is a horrific way to live, and seriously damaging to all.

    Our lives were filled with uncertainty. This world was temporary. There was no point in planning for the future or counting on it, other than the horrible things that were likely to happen by 1972.

    It led to fear, anger, cynicism, abuse, and all sorts of dysfunction. It did not produce what we espoused as the fruits of the spirit. When we read those, it led to more inner conflict; why weren't we feeling those things, instead of the abject fear we were plagued with?

    Weinland is a typical example of a meaningless little dictator trying to inflict his mental derangement on others. There is no question in my mind that he is dangerous. His sphere of influence is small, but it's incredible to me that anyone would fall in line behind him.

  14. Retired Prof said, "I remember after listening to World Tomorrow broadcasts and my father's embellishments of them in the mid-40s, when I was 4-5, I would pull the covers over me at night and not breathe. I was practicing hiding from German soldiers, who would soon come to our cabin in the woods to hang me on a meat hook.

    I was even more afraid for my younger sisters, who were still small enough for German soldiers to toss them into the air and catch them on their bayonets, as they were prophesied to do. Even after Germany lost WWII, Armstrong and my father still looked forward to the time they would rise again and finally get around to doing these things."

    MY COMMENT - I still have vivid memories of the dark and cold January nights of 1972. I would hide in my bed under my covers trembling in fear of the beginning of the great tribulation as prophesied by God’s Apostle and the church’s ministry. Occasionally, I would get out from under my covers and look out my Laurel, Maryland bedroom window to see if I could see the Germans that were ready to strike in my neighborhood as God’s punishment on America. Years of sermons, co-worker letters and congregational chat had prepared the way for the final climax with the German attack. There was even a gruesome Armstrong booklet entitled “1975 in Prophecy”. According to Armstrong theology, the great tribulation was to begin in January, 1972. God’s Philadelphian people were to be taken to a place of safety in the Middle East land called “Petra” while the remaining Laodiceans were to go through the horrible great tribulation with the rest of the world, and Christ would return to earth in 1975 commencing the wonderful world tomorrow.


  15. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself [fast approaching]."
    -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  16. Assistant Deacon wrote: "Weinland is a typical example of a meaningless little dictator trying to inflict his mental derangement on others."

    And neither should your words be glossed over, AD, for they strike to the very heart of what drives many of these incredibly emotionally insecure minor-leaguers like Weinland, Thiel, E.W. King, Dave Pack, etc. - their urge for others to partake in and share with them in their underlying mental sicknesses. Though such gurus may not even be aware of this at the conscious level. "Misery loves company" - and these guys are among the most miserable wretches on planet earth, along side all the other hucksters and "legends in their own minds."

  17. Right on, Leo. I mean, really -- "The Authorized Biography of David C. Pack?"

    How self-absorbed can a person be?

  18. Well, Obama wrote TWO autobiographies before he was ever elected President, so....

  19. Obama is not president, he is an emperor. Clue in!

  20. "Truly, a convert was not required to first become an observant and clean Jew prior to becoming a Christian!"

    Yes, and this is exactly what the Church used to teach, Bob.
