Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ron Weinland: Your Failure To Follow Me is A Personal Issue Between You and God

The imprisoned Church of God felon, Ron Wienland is blaming members and ministers that have  left his personality cult recently involves a personal issue with ones relationship with God and not him (Ron Weinland).  These people have left his cult because Ron's April 4th prophecy did not come true.

A Personal Relationship with God:
So “what if” someone were to leave God’s Church over something so trivial as what did or did not happen on April 4th? If something so small were to lead to a reason to leave, then there is nothing you can do to change that, for it is a choice God allows because He does not seek to control anyone’s life. It is a spiritual matter, completely involving a personal issue of one’s own relationship with God. No one controls that relationship, but ourselves alone within our own life. Something God helped me to learn a long time ago is that each person’s spiritual life is in his or her own hands and in no one else’s. People can easily influence others (especially those closest to them) to doubt, be suspicious and questioning of others, to have wrong thinking, and so many other hurtful things in life because that is just the natural tendency of selfish human reasoning and of natural pulls.

According to Weinerdude, anyone who causes his personality cult members to doubt, question or be suspicious of his teachings is because the person causing it is full of selfish human reasoning.

The imprisoned felon had predicted that the "second trumpet" would blow on April 4th.  As you all well know, it did not.  Nada!  Zippo!  Never fear though, there just might be something different in the works!

But “what if” the Second Trumpet did blow on or near April 4th? Do you “know” that it didn’t? I don’t! Perhaps it did blow and something is in the works that began at that time in order to accomplish what that trumpet defines. Are you watching (physically and spiritually), staying on guard in battle, and sobered by your belief of this end-time? As one minister who is watching and keeping alert mentioned, even the 9th could be a pivotal day, since it is 40 days to Pentecost, which is still “near” 3 pm. Such observations are a matter of spiritual alertness and wisdom for aiding one in keeping on their toes mentally, with soberness of mind. That does not mean we will see anything on the 9th or that anything of significance will occur, but it is part of being ready and living soberly.

Did you know that every single one of you reading this are mindless imbeciles if you do not acknowledge that a great spiritual war is going on?  Apparently Ron's imprisonment is meant to be spiritual warfare against the church.

Every one of you is without excuse if you do not recognize that a great spiritual war is now being waged. Your ability and realistic degree to which you can see this is one of the measures of your true spiritual state and relationship with God. Have the battles and trials around you increased or decreased over the past few months compared to previous years? Are battles around the Body of Christ less today than a year or two ago? Jesus Christ likened the difficulty that will be experienced in life prior to his arrival with that of a woman in birthing labor. That labor and pain does not diminish as birth nears, but it increases.

Ron is getting ready to cover his ass when his prophecy that Jesus is retuning on May 19th fails to happen.  He writes:

If it were only another observance of Pentecost and nothing more were to happen on May 19th, would the Church of God cease to exist? Would it go some place else or is it already somewhere else? Would the truths of God cease to exist or do you believe that we even have them? Do you know? Do you have doubt about such things? If so, why? Only you and you alone can answer such questions before God.
I do not believe in a “what if” concerning May 19th, but suffice it to say, if it did happen, as with May 27th, then I would deal with it in exactly the same manner. You see, I know that the Church would still be here and moving forward, waiting on God and Christ’s guidance into greater and stronger truth. The “present truth” and our understanding would shift somewhat as it always does when God reveals more and it would be clarified more so we could be in ever-growing and increasing unity with God   as it always has been. We fight a spiritual war and we continue to advance forward. God’s people are “God’s” people, and there is NO fear in any of that, but only growth in spiritual strength, boldness, peace, and confidence in God leading His people, His way, and in His perfect timing. Our lives do not revolve around “what ifs,” but in “what is” as a way of life to be lived in truth and in spirit before our great and loving Father.
I can make a 100% accurate prophecy here. Jesus will NOT return on May 19th.  Ron Weinland will still be in prison as a contemptuous, abusive lying felon.  That his equally nutty wife will NOT be a "second witness" and his money laundering daughter will still be misusing members tithe money to pay for her personal expenses.  100% guarantee it!


  1. Noted:

    "According to Weinerdude, anyone who causes his personality cult members to doubt, question or be suspicious of his teachings is because the person causing it is full of selfish human reasoning."

    That "you're just using human reason" thing always puzzled me. "Just what kind of reasoning do you do?" Of course they thought they reasoned like God, Jesus and the Angels but proof was hard to come by.

    It's ALL human reasoning. Including the Book and text


  2. So, if I were to believe this, it would mean that I would also have to believe that Ronnie could say literally ANYTHING, and he could not be held accountable? It would be a problem between me and god? Is Ronnie boy trying to insinuate he's infallible? Funny. That's not what the jurors thought...

  3. Secular-Humanist-Buddhist WannabeeTuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7:43:00 AM PDT

    I looked him up found a news article with a picture of his $357,000 home. It is quite beautiful and appears to be on a street called "Weinland Drive" or something like that. It is hard to keep a humorous attitude when I have just an inkling of the harm these religious nut-cases did, especially to the children, who had no choice. Sorry, I can't laugh right now. A character on "Mad Men," Sunday night said "People will do anything to relieve their anxiety." I would add that they will also believe anything, think anything, and say anything to relieve anxiety. Be careful what you believe.
    Link to picture http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20121114/NEWS010704/311140084/Doomsday-prophet-learns-punishment?nclick_check=1

  4. I am aware that anxiety is completely normal. So when I start to feel it, I just don't worry about it. That's the way I stay secure.

    Stacy Kewer

  5. LOL!
    Ronnie has copied a page from Herbie's play book, to blame the lowly members for things not working out right.

    But, I'll bet that Herbie actually stole that from someone else anyway, since he was quite the plagiarist himself.

    Does Audra go have an ice cream cone on the way back from every bank deposit?


  6. Mercy! I live in his garage...left side


  7. Funny where I live for that price, all you could buy would be a garage or an apartment, but still I get the idea. There is also a law where I live where the government can confiscate real estate which has been purchased with the avails of crime. It is usually used for drug dealers, but what he is selling is just as bad.

  8. If this dude wants people to quit leaving his group, he should shut up! Even common sense (absent from all of the ACOGs) would tell you that if you continue to falsely prophecy (IOW "lie") you will have zero credibility as a Godly leader.

    What a total Adam Henry! (if you don't know what this is, ask a cop friend!)


  9. Ron Weinerdude wrote:
    "The 'present truth' and our understanding would shift somewhat as it always does when God reveals more and it would be clarified more so we could be in ever-growing and increasing unity with God--as it always has been."

    What if, and this is just a hypothetical, but what if god is revealing more and clarifying more about how Ron & Laura Weinland are fakes, phonies, frauds and liars? How about that shift in our understanding? What's that? Not the "approved" shift you say? How convenient...

  10. Secular-Humanist-Buddhist Wannabee wrote: "A character on "Mad Men," Sunday night said "People will do anything to relieve their anxiety." I would add that they will also believe anything, think anything, and say anything to relieve anxiety."

    If you really want to understand the concept of anxiety and how it relates to irrational beliefs of all sorts, secular or religious, then here’s a must-read book for you that won a Pulitzer Prize in 1974 - THE DENIAL OF DEATH by Dr. Earnest Becker.

    If you don't want to read the book, then borrow from the library and watch the fascinating documentary that was made based on the book:


    It explains a LOT.

  11. Anyone who claims to be the only way to the truth is in fact a liar. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that.

  12. And that applies to all COG leaders since each and every one of them claim to be the only true church. Such liars are not welcome in God's Kingdom.

  13. The words of a jailbird can't fly any more than a jailbird can.

    When I think of how close HWA came to being a jailbird if he had not flown the coop I almost get happy and all mushy inside.

    Oh, I know I'm not supposed to hate anybody...but, I really don't care what I'm not supposed to feel.

  14. Ernest Becker nails it well in his presentations and in those by others on his work.

  15. "How many times can the boy cry "wolf!"?"

    Sadly, as many times as there are gullible folks willing to uncritically lap up the vomit these boys keep puking out. And based on human history, that will probably be for quite some to come, I reckon. Remember the truth which Voltaire reminded us of:

    "It is hard to free fools from chains they revere."

  16. Leon: your sanctimonious pretense to knowledge makes one barf.

  17. Well, now it can be told! Weinland has made a horrible mistake! He's been getting his spiritual information from Kotex Sinaiaticus and Kotex Vaticanus instead of from the Masoretic Text!

    No wonder everything he says is so screwed up!


  18. Secular-Humanist-Buddhist WannabeeTuesday, April 9, 2013 at 7:33:00 PM PDT

    Thanks for the book and video reference. I will look for them. I have thought about the connection of fear of death to religious belief. It is reassuring to be told that we are guaranteed everlasting life if we follow certain rules and most if not all religions have some version of that. However, I have noticed that the WCOG and others like it seem to stir up fear more than many religions. It seems that keeping the anxiety high among the members has had a "payoff," in keeping members in line and convincing them that they need to continue to send money. There is an extremely strong control factor in these churches that seems different than most churches I am familiar with, except maybe extreme Islam.

  19. Anonymous 6:53 PM If You are the one who is having the "barf" problem your need for medical intervention is imperative. Please, for your own sake have that condition attended to ASAP!


  20. Anonymous 6:53 wrote: "Leon: your sanctimonious pretense to knowledge makes one barf."

    OK, Anon, you've made a rather vague accusation there, which, of course, is very typical of Anonymous "blog & run" commenters. Any fool can throw a label on someone, but it takes a bit of wisdom to actually demonstrate that the person deserves the label. Now I'd like for you to explain in a little more detail as to exactly WHY you think this. Please provide specific examples of things I've said that you consider to fall in the category of "sanctimonious pretense to knowledge." If what I write is so pretentious, then surely you can easily refute it, right? So unless you can provide several specifics, I'm afraid what you've said is so nondescript and hazy so as to be completely meaningless.

    Now's the time to put up or shut up. So the stage is yours.

  21. Secular-Humanist-Buddhist Wannabee wrote: "There is an extremely strong control factor in these churches that seems different than most churches I am familiar with, except maybe extreme Islam."

    And if guys like Rod Meredith, Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, etc. had been born in Wahabi Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, then they would be some of the most fanatical of Islamic Imams around! The most accurate predictor of a person's future religion is the geographical location of their birth. Can't you just imagine Dave Pack's arrogance and verbal boasting, all packaged together with a long scraggly beard and turban?

  22. I like wahabi, wherever it comes from. It's good with sushi.

  23. Oh boy, that was funny! and you obviously have eaten too much of it, the heat has seared your brain cells together. moron.

  24. "moron"

    This, coming from the "dude" without any brain cells, is truly ironic.
