Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blog Comment Moderation Is On

I had to turn on comment moderation last night.  This blog got hit by what must be Dave Pack's boy toy.  Some of the stuff he wrote that he likes doing he wanted to do to Dave, and it was not fit to print.  The guy sure seems obsessed with sex!  He needs to get out of the closet and enjoy life. Some of his postings may have slipped through for a few minutes, so if anyone was offended, apologies.  When he wasn't spewing his sexual desires it was racist comments - British Israelism at its finest!. It is  a sad commentary on what Armstrongism does to some peoples minds.


  1. I agree with your actions to stop the filth being posted. However, it's a tad hypocritical since many other posts are equally viral on Dave and other COG leaders, not in the sexual sense but in so many other ways. I think we all better calm down and just focus on the actual core issues and problems associated with the COG cults.

  2. I wish The Apostle/Priest Joshua C Pack had a moderation button....


  3. why you (*%$%#*&*+_)*&^%%%@!@!#@ why do you have to have a &^^%^$#$@@$#%$%^&^$%$#$^%^ moderation button??????

  4. I saw some of those posts come through. Really disgusting. It is good you deleted them. The racial purity and racist comments were disgusting.

  5. My dog is racially pure, too... and dumber than &@#%!

    Bad PK

  6. Well, someone so obsessed by sex must have been doing a bit too much reading of Armstrong's 'Missing Dimension in Sex'... :-)

    For anyone to dictate whether oral sex is permissible among married couples is so demeaning to one's own ability to judge what one likes that it truly proves many deposited their brains when they entered Armstrongism.

    Hope the flood of poor comments has stopped. And thanks for a good blog. :-)
