Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 21, 2013

Dave Pack: My Income is SOARING But the Upcoming Fall Announcement Will BOGGLE Your Mind!

Take that pansy Rod Meredith!  Take that you drunkard Gerald Flurry!  I AM THE MAN!  Look on me in awe and amazement.  There is no one else like me io the entire earth.  God is on MY side and NOT yours.  My church is the most superfantabulous Church of God to ever grace this earth.  Humanity stands in awe of me.  The world kneels at my feet.  I AM the DUDE!

Finally, brethren, God is showing His blessings as our income continues to SOAR, helping to expand preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God to a world in desperate need of this good news. Surely just the elements of this announcement demonstrate where God is at work to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. After a strong year of financial growth in 2012, income for God’s Work has continued to increase. With June not yet over, the first half of 2013 is already 28.9% over the first half of 2012. The 2013 second quarter performance is conservatively now forecast to exceed the year’s first quarter by 22%! Announcements that this Church will make beginning in the fall will BOGGLE YOUR MIND!


  1. "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still..."

  2. Oh yeah? Well, what about the mind-boggling announcement that was supposed to come today? What happened to that? I was waiting with baited breath and so much anxious anticipation. I wondered what mind-boggling non-stupid thing could Dave Pack possibly have to say? I guess nothing after all.

    I guess that fizzled. So, now me and the gullible masses are supposed to believe that there's a new mind-boggling announcement that won't fizzle? Ho-hum. I can't speak for the gullible masses, but as for me, I'm done holding my breath. LOL.

  3. To days announcement was supposed to be the announcement of the date that all will be coming back to his church.

    Guess what? No announcement, just praise of what he has done with all the money he extorted.

    He noted the destruction of the buildings in Pasadena, but no mention of all the tithes that went into those buildings that are now wasted.

    These types may receive their rewards while on this earth, but I think that they are going to to be in line with those that say unto Him 'Look what we have done' only to be told, 'Depart from Me.'

  4. HU: Since when has a Church of God leader ever told the truth?

  5. Let's be honest.

    I believe myself that David Pack is sooooo on cloud nine concerning his GLORIOUS campus and GLORIOUS shrubs and trees and BEAUTIFUL turf and ALL those AMAZING local "dignitaries" and the AMAZING shininess of his AMAZING beautiful building with natural spectrum lighting and chandeliers in the meeting hall, that he probably just thought "Screw the announcement, look at me." Well, at least, that's how I see it.

    The more I think of it.

    David C Pack seems to be, in my thought, kind of a form of a male version of Hyacinth Bucket. Do you not know who Hyacinth Bucket is? Youtube a few clips. No, Hyacinth may not have run a church that takes in 20 percent or more money to buy her Royal Doulton with Hand Painted Periwinkles. But the attitude? Personally, I see quite the comparison myself.

    Just the very fact that he PROMISED something in two weeks to put it off and not deliver for what I see as GLOATING about his "world headquarters" tells me EVERYTHING I need to know.

  6. Dave Pack still looks pretty youthful, but that's no guarantee of anything. He could get cancer or die of a heart attack, and when he does pass on, what will become of all the tithe money sunk into his amazing campus? Well, it will all become the property of the bank, who will foreclose because of the unpaid principle of the construction loans. Then what will happen? The wrecking ball? Then it once again become apparent that all of Dave's "soaring income" of poor people's tithes will also have been a big, tragic waste.

  7. the announcement that his income is up that much boggles my mind!

  8. I don't know of any ministries outside so Armstrongism where they brag about income, and use that as one of the proofs that their church is the only true church.

    That aside, the colossal stupidity in bragging about income level of said ministry on the Internet just boggles the mind. In so doing, a person is practically begging to be scammed! Pack has given God only knows how many international criminals enough insider information to pull off a huge heist, not only of his organization's funds, but also his personal assets. That's something that would never enter the mind of an out of control bragging fool!


  9. I understand the drug cartels take in a lot of money...God's blessing I suppose

  10. Anonymous June 21, 2013 at 7:04 PM said:
    "...David C Pack seems to be, in my thought, kind of a form of a male version of Hyacinth Bucket. Do you not know who Hyacinth Bucket is? Youtube a few clips. No, Hyacinth may not have run a church that takes in 20 percent or more money to buy her Royal Doulton with Hand Painted Periwinkles. But the attitude? Personally, I see quite the comparison myself..."

    It's interesting you should say that about Dave Pack, who surely is keeping up appearances.

    I was told for years that all of HwA's "little helpers," especially the paid ministry were depicted by the characters in that show: Keeping Up Appearances, because they had very little substance and were just ....keeping up appearances!


  11. NO2HWA posted: "Humanity stands in awe of me. The world kneels at my feet. I AM the DUDE!"

    That reminds me of an old anthrax tune from my teenage years:

    Among The Living
    Disease, Disease
    Spreading the disease
    With some help from Captain Trips
    He'll bring the world down to his knees
    Power, yes Power
    He'll show them all his power
    It pulses through his ice cold blood
    A whole world to devour
    He's seeing, He's calling
    His legacy, He's spawning
    He's coming, corrupting
    Among the living
    I am the walkin' dude
    I can see all the world
    Twist your minds with fear
    I'm the man with power
    Among the living
    Follow me or die
