Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 12, 2013

Davey Pack: Even Gerald Flurry Knows About This, But Is Too Stupid To Really Understand It

Davey is adamant that his August 30 prophecy WILL happen.  I can't wait till September 1, rolls around and Davey is proven to be a liar.
Some or many ministers may be torn over these announcements, wondering if I could be right. Haggai is a book in your Bible! His prophecy WILL soon come to pass. No other explanation of it fits—and none but Gerald Flurry is even offering an explanation. (When has that man gotten ANYTHING about prophecy right?) The only thing you could question is whether the timing of this year is correct. Last Friday’s announcement made this plain, revealing many reasons (there are almost 40 more) that the prophecy is “on” for 2013.


  1. He made an announcement that Haggai is a book in the Bible? Well um, thanks for that...

  2. Come little children, let us tell, the books of the Bible we know so well, Genesis Exodus Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges Ruth, Samuel Samuel Kings 1,2, Chronicles, Chronicles, Ezra Nehemiah Esther... Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes... Solomon Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum Habbakuk, Zepheniah... H.. H...


    Um..... H...... HA.... ummm....

    I need that announcement again! :)

  3. "[My] prophecy WILL soon come to pass. No other explanation of it fits..."

    Sure, there are other explanations that fit, Dave. You just don't like them because they don't put you and your enormous ego in the limelight. I can think of a couple just off the top of my head:
    A) Maybe god is silent for the same reason Zeus is silent, so he didn't inspire the book of Haggai, it was just written by some guy a really long time ago along with loads of other religious-sounding books written by many other hoaxers!
    B) Maybe Haggai really was inspired by a supernatural deity, only for the time and place in which it was written!

    Why do COG people have to make every "prophecy" in the whole bible have 2, 3, or 10 fulfillments? Why is one not enough? Under any circumstances, to imagine that some guy wrote a book 2,500 years ago about DAVE PACK is a real stretch! It's infinitely more likely that Dave Pack is suffering from delusions of grandeur, a massive ego trip, and is doing it all to extort cash from his followers. That's the explanation that fits.

    I hope Dave's cash flow takes a serious hit after his "explanation," his "prophecy," and all his "reasons" are demonstrated to be 100% wrong. Harold camping had a lot of reasons why his false prophecy had to be right too, but all of them didn't amount to a hill of beans. Neither will Dave's.

  4. Haggai is probably rolling over in his grave, astounded that millennia after the fact, someone would read such things into his writing. Yeah, Dave, Haggai is a book. But, what you've done with it is kind of like what happened when some advertising executive used David Bowie's "Changes" as the musical theme for a Huggies Diaper commercial! Bad, bad, bad boy!


  5. Dave Pack is hoping that he can shake a large number of followers and maybe a name brand minister or two out of his competitions groups. They will then be expected to heed his clarion call and surrender all of their financial resources to him, and surrender their ability to think to him too.
    When thousands fail to come to his church before September 1 as he prophesied, he will most likely claim that there were not that many more true believers out there, or that the calculation of the date was off, or God gave him more time, or him members held back on giving him all of their assets so God is holding back his imaginary reunification.

    He will never acknowledge that he is a delusional liar, and false apostle, and false prophet who has left a trail of people he has harmed by his lies.

    Will he accept more people into his church after September 1? Of course! He wants their money. But he claims that all true COG brethren will have been gathered together by then, making him a liar yet again.


  6. Thiel is deeply disappointed that Pack didn't give him a shout-out this week.

    Thiel says he's a COG leader too, and Flurry wasn't the only one to offer an explanation on Haggai. As much as I hate to admit it, Thiel may have a valid argument, since in his interpretation of Haggai, he wrote that “Joshua” may be referring to one of the two end-time witnesses, which, to some believers, is more plausible than the rubbish GF and DP have been force-feeding their followers.

    Sorry Thiel, maybe next week.
