Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 12, 2013

Davey Pack: I Am Not A KOOK!

Davey does not want anyone to think he is a KOOK because of the kooky things he has written for the last several months.  No Sir!  Davey is NOT a kook!  A jackass maybe, but not a kook!

Always remember that you are not educated enough nor are qualified to understand the mantle I am taking on. Just submit and things will be OK.

Be careful you do not write me off as another “prophecy kook.” I am not a prophet and have never claimed to be. The fruits of my office show it to be different. With the passing of years, most ministers have grown confused about even some of the very biggest points of prophecy. Almost all have grown even worse with the details. Be careful you do not quickly dismiss a complex prophecy, one you are no longer equipped to readily grasp. Just think about how you probably could not even remember that Mr. Armstrong was the Zerubbabel of Haggai and Zechariah 4—never mind WHAT THIS MEANT.
Would someone get Davey some Coco Puffs.....


  1. In the inimitable words of Woodrito Woodpecker from Sunny Mexico, "Poo poo poo Caca!"

    I hope everyone can see that the brown smelly stuff is literally dripping out of Dave's ears! Sweet mother of crap, there just aren't words adequate to describe this!

    He's got to be putting on a show just for us because rational people are just not attracted to the types of things he is saying.


  2. Coca Puffs will never be the same.
    Quit comparing Coca Puffs to Pack-ass. Its giving me an idea that my little brown stool shaped pieces of cereal are but tid bits of Dave Packs false prophecies. Its like saying the cereal is BULLSHIT!

  3. Anyone who bases their religion on British Israelism is a kook.

  4. I love Cocoa Puffs.

    I love Captain Crunch cereal too.

    But these messages from Wadsworth are NOT a part of this complete breakfast!

  5. In 10-20 years, there's going to 1,000 plus people kicking themselves that they ever bought into Dave Pack's ludicrous antics. Especially after watching HWA's antics come to nothing. Some people never learn though. Eventually their splinter cults will leave them all high and dry, and then they'll be forced to recognize they've been thoroughly and completely conned.

  6. Signs of a wolf:

    1. Prideful and arrogant
    2. Rude and abrasive
    3. Dismissive
    4. Unrepentant
    5. Refuses correction
    6. Seeks to build a following
    7. Wants others completely dependent on them
    8. Abuses those who follow them
    9. Picks a fight and then lets their followers defend them
    10. Makes inflammatory remarks about Christians
    11. Ridicules anyone who questions them
    12. Claims to have a 'new' truth
    13. Cleverly twists scripture
    14. Reinterprets the Hebrew meaning of words
    15. Manipulates others
    16. Has to be in control
    17. Has to be the center of attention
    18. Creates division and chaos, instead of unity and harmony
    19. Always points the finger at others who teach instead of themselves
    20. Will never admit error
