Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Don't Invest In Farmland - The King of the North Will Overrun It Sometime After July 1, 2014

Bitter Bob is back today with a dire warning that the monetary system in the United States will collapse on or shortly after July 1, 2014.   Bitter Bob,like so many other COG false prophets almost take orgasmic delight in wanting to see the country collapse and war begin.  If it does then they are proven right.  As long as they keep repeating the same mantra then at some point in the next millennium they might be right.

Newsletter writer Porter Stansberry reported the following as part of a long message:

Write Down This Date:  July 1st, 2014

On this date, U.S. House of Representatives Bill “H.R. 2847” goes into effect. It will usher in the true collapse of the U.S. dollar, and will make millions of Americans poorer, overnight.
Life as we have known it for more than 40 years will essentially cease to exist. Our governments on both the Federal and State level will shut down. Banks will not open. Businesses will at least temporarily shutter their doors. I expect we’ll see martial law, enforced by the U.S. military

I believe that we as Americans are about to see a major, major collapse in our national monetary system, and our normal way of life.
Above all, don't take your money and invest in farmland!  The King of the North will soon be marching across the country destroying the land and imprisoning Americans in concentration camps.

As far as investing in USA farmland, the following scripture suggests that it would not remain a particularly good investment once the King of the North (referred to as ‘he’ below) moves against the land of the strongest fortresses:
39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. (Daniel 11:39)
The land with the strongest military fortresses is the USA, and notice that the land will be divided for gain–this suggests that the King of the North will not care about who owned it prior to his invasion.

The end is coming!

The end of the current world order with the USA and its Anglo-Saxon allies dominating it is going to eventually end. Hyperinflation is likely in the future for the USA dollar and certain other currencies. This will not end well for the USA or its Anglo-Saxon allies.

While your nation probably will not repent (Anglo or otherwise), you can. Do not wait until it is too late. The fact that the debt clock exceeds $17 trillion should serve as a wake-up call that the end of the USA will be coming (Habakkuk 2:3,5,6-8; Deuteronomy 28:42-45,47-52).

Porter Stansberry correctly suggested that once interest rates get up to historically normal and even abnormal levels, the USA will not be able to pay its interest, let alone pay down its debt.
Once interest rates get too high, the USA will have an economic crisis of unbelievable magnitude.  The end of the USA is coming.


  1. The King of the North will soon be marching across the country destroying the land and imprisoning Americans in concentration camps.

    And the Canadians always seemed so friendly!

    Oh well.

    In the mean time, what's going on with radical Islam? And why didn't the Armstrongist false prophets prophecy what happened on 9/11?

    You'd think they don't know anything at all.

  2. Bob needs to do his homework on his sources.

    Porter Stansberry is a criminal, convicted of investment fraud, and is a huckster of negative news for profit.

    He was convicted of fraud, and fined heavily several years ago, and is currently under investigation for more fraudulent activities.



    Of course Bob is a fraudulent minister, a fraudulent Doctor, and preaches fraudulent ideas. He and Porter Stansberry make a great tag team.

  3. This guy buys into anything, the more ridiculous, the more fervent he seems to be.

    First, if anyone is really worried about this, please check Snopes. The prediction is based on somebody's scare orientated advertising campaign. Of course it will appeal to Armstrongites, because HWA was the absolute master of and pioneer for this type of advertising.

    Secondly, one of the provisions of the bill or law treats or deals with people like Ron Weinland, who like to be unaccountable for their taxes through offshore accounts. That is the part that is going to ratchet up in July. Much of the rest of the law has been in effect since 2010.

    If Bob grasps at straws like this to support B.I. related prophecy, he is really devolving and regressing fast.


  4. Oh, brother. Who hasn't heard this before?

    In the June-July 1980 edition of his not-so Plain Truth, Herbert Armstrong declared in an article titled "America the Beautiful -- America the Condemned" that the United States faced TOTAL DESTRUCTION, not "this year" and "probably not next," but "much sooner than anyone thinks."

    He said that a third of the U.S. population would die in a disease epidemic. He observed that he didn’t know if it would be within two or three years, or longer, and then warned a second time that it would be "sooner than people think!" Another third of the U.S. population would die as its cities were destroyed, and the final third would be swept overseas and enslaved by enemies. He didn’t say specifically how any of it would occur.

    He also declared bluntly that Russia was about to become more powerful than the U.S.

    A funny thing happened that November. Ronald Reagan was elected president, and by the end of the 1980s the Soviet machine had crumbled. The U.S is now on its fifth president elected since HWA's dire warning, and four of those have been two-termers.


    Not for nuthin’, but that was 34 years ago. For perspective, in 1980 Ambassador College hadn't even been around for 34 years.

    Come again, Bob?

  5. The next generation of farmers will be driving Mercedes. You can count on this happening because its the opposite of what bitter Bob forecasts.

  6. While your nation probably will not repent (Anglo or otherwise), you can. Do not wait until it is too late. The fact that the debt clock exceeds $17 trillion should serve as a wake-up call that the end of the USA will be coming (Habakkuk 2:3,5,6-8; Deuteronomy 28:42-45,47-52).

    Oh yes, we must RUSH to >repent< and join up with one of the many HWA splinters and >FALSE PROPHETS< and give them all our money and earthly belongings, give up our minds, families,etc., (even though they don't). Let them accuse and abuse us. >"Oh, Shut Up!"<...My favorite song.

  7. You know, people have to be absolutely crazy to prognosticate such nonsense or to fall for it. I know, the US is a monster built on debt and nothing much more, but it still sits atop the world economy with a military only an absolute idiot would challenge. We're building aircraft carriers we don't really need and lots of other things that are superfluous just to be sure we retain that overwhelming advantage.

    Where are all those invasion forces going to come from and just how does anyone think they could get past our carrriers with their non-existent task forces, our polaris submarines and all those other weapons no nation anywhere has the slightest capability of challenging? I mean, we're much more lethal than any 800-pound gorilla ever dreamed of being.

  8. Assistant Deacon said, " A funny thing happened that November. Ronald Reagan was elected president, and by the end of the 1980s the Soviet machine had crumbled. The U.S is now on its fifth president elected since HWA's dire warning, and four of those have been two-termers."

    MY COMMENT - In the late 1960s from Worldwide Church of God pulpits, I heard President Richard Nixon declared to be "an end time President".


  9. It all started when President Johnson decided he didn't even want to be president any more. And then there was the double national embarrassment of both Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon having to resign in disgrace. That was just the pride of our whole nation being broken! Then Jimmy Carter was elected and began quoting Bob Dylan in his speeches, the Arabs went on the rampage, all the while young America was on marijuana and then cocaine. The living end!

    Reagan somehow gets elected, the hostages are released, suddenly the hippies become GQ Yuppies, and Reagan (gasp) actually takes pride in the military and strafes Khadafi!

    This stuff happens 5-6 years after the WCG's Great Disappointment of 1975. How did Armstrongism ever survive such severe repudiation? And, why do they continue their bogus and stupid 3-5 year outlook, even when the catastrophe has hit not the US & BC, but their own organization? Even someone with a bogus doctorate should be able to see that! But, no! He has to seize the tails of another charlatan's tux and attempt to continue the ride. Pure desperation,


  10. Alex Jones is a much better prophet than Bitter Bob and has cool stuff to sell.

  11. Does Alex Jones sell T-shirts?

    Like, as in, Ronald Reagan numbnutz T-shits?

    It was funny when Reagan came out against gun control, and John Hinckley for gun control,....... after Hinckley shot Ron.

  12. Improperly Prophesying Bob makes a fool of himself again!

  13. "Bitter Bob"....

    That's an absolutely hilarious moniker, and it fits Mr. Thiel perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure he'll make up more stuff soon to try to impress people- like he's done before with his previous 'double doses' of total bullshit.

  14. Lake of Fire, we'd actually have to go back to FDR and Truman to identify HWA's first "end-time" presidents, LOL.

  15. At least Dr. Thiel (or someone) clicked on those "July first bad news" all over the Internet.

    I was afraid to do it, because it might have put malware on my computer.
