Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

No Other Work On Earth Is As Great As Mine!!!!!!!

God's greatest prophet and Chief Overseer to ever run a Church of God has released his online magazine for October.  In it were these morsels of narcissistic arrogance.
The Continuing Church of God does not claim that all its members are Philadelphian, but we do believe we are a uniquely Philadelphian remnant. Can one find a more faithful or more effective “corporate body” which retains the truth as taught by Bible and Herbert Armstrong, without adding non- biblical “revelations,” relying on traditions above the Bible, or diverting its members from making their top priority the Great Commission of proclaiming the Gospel as established by Jesus Christ?

God is soon going to open the hearts of the poor deceived Laodiceans in the various COGs so that they come over to Thiel's group.  Since none of them went with Dave Pack they must now go to Bob Thiel.

One can expect that Philadelphians, who care about doing an effective Work, fulfilling Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19- 20, and holding fast to the Truth, will ultimately be led by God to support the Continuing Church of God. Of course, simply attending and/or supporting the Continuing Church of God does not make one a Philadelphian; individual members must do their part, and must not allow their lives to be cluttered by the cares of this world so that they themselves become lukewarm (Laodicean).

Right now no one cares about Thiel's ministry, much like they are doing with Malm's ministry.

And SHAME on those that remain INDEPENDENT of any corporate church....

With all the confusion and misreporting that has occurred in the last several years, we can appreciate that there are Philadelphians outside the Continuing Church of God. However, this is not an excuse for zealous Christians to become “independent.”


  1. What is Bob Thiel thinking? Who does he think he is? Someone "impotent?"

    Bob wrote: "...One can expect that Philadelphians, who care about doing an effective Work, fulfilling Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19- 20, and holding fast to the Truth, will ultimately be led by God to support the Continuing Church of God..."

    That makes God out to be an idiot. Hasn't God had His Church somewhere on earth for the past approximately 2,000 years?

    Does Bob think that God's mind has changed and somehow abandoned His Church of called/dragged-out sealed Firstfruits........and jump over to do "Bob Thiel's will?" Since when will God listen to Bob?

    Doesn't Bob Thiel realize that God was already busy with His Church long before the word "Continuing" was tagged to the phrase "Church of God?"

    If the truth were known, since the gates of hell haven't prevailed against God's Church, shouldn't Bob Thiel search out the location of God's Church and let us know where it is.

    It is obvious to all that Bob Thiel, like James Malm, is so self-righteous in the way they both think...especially thinking that God is listening to them to do their will, when it is obvious that neither of them is perfect!

    And for Bob Thiel and James Malm, if God does not have Laodiceans as part of His True Church, then God would be a liar. Those Laodiceans, like the Philadelphians, will all be sealed Firstfruits, part of God's Church (Revelation 2-3), and be in that first resurrection! But those of the Thiel or Malm groups? Will they be part of that?

    When will either of these guys come to believe the words of the Apostle Paul? God has more concern than for His Church. He really does love this world, more than either of these 2 guys can imagine. Here's the proof:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them..." 2 Corinthians 5:19

    Neither of them can preach those words, because neither of them can imagine how God could possibly not impute sins to the world to become as "righteous (self)" as they both think they are...and time will tell!


  2. Bitter Bob must have a water source contaminated with hypocrisy and arrogance.

  3. The Continuing Church of God does not claim that all its members are Philadelphian...

    Oh brother...where art thou.

  4. My Work may not be as great, but it is harder.

  5. BOB THIEL WRITES: The Continuing Church of God does not claim that all its members are Philadelphian.

    COMMENT: Well Bob knows this for sure, and definitely , for he does not act like one himself!
