Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm Doing An Earth Shattering Work Yet None Of You Cretins Send Me Money! You Are No Longer Zealous For The TRUTH!!!!!!!!!

The worlds greatest theologian in the Church of God (sorry Dave and Bob) who has been trying to interpret the bible according to his own imaginations is still desperately seeking money from his few tens of followers.  Despite the hundreds of thousands that have checked out his web site, only a fraction of 1% have even made an attempt to send him money.  He is ignored in the COG's  and most assuredly by the world.

PERSONAL:  TheShiningLight is the only COG site that I know of, which is zealous for and teaching the truth of the whole Word of God, proclaiming the true Gospel of warning and repentance,  restoring that which has been lost or forgotten, revealing new things from God’s Word and bringing you the news that really matters.  

Poor Bob Thiel must be quivering in his boots right now!

While we have thousands of visitors, who each have family and friends, very few send help because most are fence sitting. I know of many, even elders, who are carefully studying and counting the cost of taking a stand in their own groups and for now are taking a waiting studying approach. 
That means that we are doing a work reaching nearly all of the church of God brethren, and convicting many, but we are always in serious need of your prayers and financial support.   This work is doing a vital job in preparing the brethren for the trial imminently ahead.  I know that God provides, but he does use human agents.  
In other words, God has NOT provided and now Malm has had to lay a guilt trip on his very few followers.  For someone who pretends he has reached the entire Church of God he is as impotent as Bob Thiel!
You too can have a part in this essential work of preparing the bride for her Husband, through your zealous prayers and by sending in your tithes and offerings to support doing the work of God today!
If you do not send Malm your money you will be accused of not being zealous for the word of God or the soon coming kingdom.  Armstrongism is always a no-win situation.


  1. Hahaha! Can't James see a "closed door" when he sees one? Isn't that what it means when god doesn't provide? "Christ" is telling him to knock it off by inspiring all the "converted" COG people who visit his sorry-ass blog not to send him any of their dutifully-saved tithe money. I guess the only money he gets is from the "unconverted" COG louts who "Christ" is not bothering with. But, since "Christ" can't seem to ever speak for himself, and James doesn't seem to be any closer to getting a clue, "Christ" will have to send one of those "human agents" to let James know he's not one of those of "human agents." This is as good and authoritative of an interpretation of events as any of the interpretations James is peddling!

    Apart from the above, here's a few more gems he mutters to himself in his insular little world:

    1) "I am important! I am special! God talks to me!" (Snicker)
    2) "My blog is doing 'an essential work,' and 'a vital job.'" (LOL)
    3) "'Nearly all' COG people are reading my blog." (They aren't.)
    4) "All COG people who read my blog know that I'm 100% right and are 'convicted.'" (Wrong again.)
    5) "All COG people who don't follow me, agree with me, but are 'fence-sitting.'" (Actually, they don't agree with you.)
    6) "There is a 'trial imminently ahead.'" (Not likely.)
    7) "F#@% the prayers and just send in yer goddamn tithes and offerings!"

  2. James Malm pleads: "...You too can have a part in this essential work of preparing the bride for her Husband, through your zealous prayers and by sending in your tithes and offerings to support doing the work of God today!..."

    "Doing the work of God?"

    Is there anything new under the sun! What would Jesus Christ say about the "work of God" today, or any day? Perhaps James should read the following as a reminder:

    John 6:28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

    Oh, God has more than one work? Well, yes, and God, unlike the likes of James Malm or a Bob Thiel, knows all of His works:

    "Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world." Acts 15:18

    But did Jesus Christ give us more details about God's work(s)? Yes!

    "Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." John 6:29

    That is very simple, and how does one come to believe? By believing James Malm or a Bob Thiel? No, let's let the apostle Paul tell us how one is to believe:

    "And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power," Ephesians 1:19

    It's by power, always by God's power! It's not by James Malm, Bob Thiel or by any ZEAL! James, "zeal" doesn't "cut it!" God does it by His power!

    Oh, is that something new under the sun? Oh, James and Bob, no it is not. It is not by SELF, or SELF-righteousness. It is by God, but how?

    His mighty power comes from God! Huh?

    "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." Zechariah 4:6

    The source of that power is God's Spirit.........and the source of that Spirit is God, who should receive all of the praise, glory and honor.

    Both of you men continue, like so many others, to strive and bring other human beings to yourSELVES and to what is important to you, while God just does it! God is a Doer, and a Worker! Who are you?

    When it comes to God getting a Bride ready He will do it! You do remember John 6:44? God draws or drags! What are you going to do?

    God calls!

    "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." I Thess 5:24

    What are you going to do? Both of you fellows are still preaching a lot out of the imaginations of your own minds....and one would think that "you know it" too. Yes, you have something "new," but is it "of God?

    When God wants to move someone, He will provide what is needed to do it so that He fulfills all He said about His Church, including His Laodiceans:

    "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Phil 2:13

    We are not interested in your "good pleasure:" your thoughts about God's tithes, your imaginations about God's Word, your imaginations about what you think God's work(s) are.

    God is big enough to do His own works! Huh!

    "For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth." Psalm 74:12

    Why not? He's been doing that for a long time now. Neither of you still understands how God will pull off the following with all human beings of this world (including both of you):

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them..." 2 Cor 5:19

    Yes, and it is God who grants repentance/change...it won't be by anything you guys ever do for us...


  3. Pharisee Malm writes: While we have thousands of visitors, who each have family and friends, very few send help because most are fence sitting.

    I wouldn't jump to conclusions. I think a lot of your traffic comes from those keeping an eye on you. Others know you are good for some gossip. Finally, the freak show factor can't be ignored. Honestly, I think the number who visit you finding something worth supporting is fairly low.

  4. Gerald Flurry (PCg) wouldn't be doing so well had he not copied everything Herbert W. Armstrong and built Armstrong Auditorium Concert Hall.

    Copy and plagiarize others works. That the key to success...remember that.

  5. Malm and Thiel are nothing more than BLOGS!
    They expect money for this?

    How much money is BANNED, which is not much more than a blog as well, expecting for its services?

    Looks like Banned lives by the adage..."Sell not the truth".

  6. Malm's blog inspired by "Mars Attacks".

    "I come in peace" doesn't mean what you think it does.

  7. When well known, long tenured leaders of splinter groups have such a difficult time attracting new members, and growing their operations, what makes upstarts think that it would be any less difficult for them?

    There is a relatively small pool of people who are familiar with, and willing to support Armstrong esoterica. In most cases, people choose to support those who have more talent, and better resources to get the job done. Unless there is something extremely different and special about a specific requestor's message, sending money to someone who has perhaps 5 financial backers is about like flushing it down the commode. In fact, the only result is that it will probably clog that commode.

    Attention, Bob Thiel and James Malm: You do know what a bottom feeder is, don't you? Given that HWA was one, (as evidenced by his constant use of the phrase "dumb sheep"), what do you think you are?


  8. Malm is indeed a freak show. He is wasting his time like the other wannabe Bob Thiel.

    To remake the words of the now dead "Lord" Benson, a political hack,
    "I knew Herbert W. Armstrong, but Bob Thiel, who is he?

  9. Is it possible to defeat Armstrongism just by singing:

    Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo
    When I'm calling you
    Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo
    Will you answer too?
    Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo

    Or does it have to be Slim Whitman?
