Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Was The White House Fence Jumper Trying To Take Eric Kings Message To The President?

Just when you thought EW King couldn't get any crazier......

Watts Up With That?
 – jumper was “concerned that the atmosphere was collapsing” and ….. Sounding more and more like the Fence jumping, White House door …
Was white house wall jumper trying to bring President a SOCT message of “The Shift” which talks about the possibility of the atmosphere collapsing?
“It could happen now at any moment…and your government knows it! What could happen?The greatest shift of the ages! In fact, it has already started. This planet is ready to go at any moment. The earth’s ozone is collapsing and may fold in on itself at any moment. Your scientists have known this since the early 80’s.” ~E.W. King

This is the message that King thinks the fence jumper was taking to the POTUS:

The Zerubian Myth, page 125


  1. What is Eric's address? I'd like to send him some Reynolds Wrap for Christmas. So this jumper is his "Rohan"?

    There are some theories floating around out there that the polarity of the earth is reversing itself, and if that ever happened, it could have an impact on the atmosphere. However, all that is is a theory, just like British Israelism, 6,000 years for man, church eras, or Simon Magus starting the Catholic Church. People whose world view is based on the plausability of conspiracy theories are not of sound mind.


  2. I noticed his paqe has the subtitle "Offering the truth about extraterrestrials and UFOs...Advanced Christianity"

    Despite King having a church name, is there any one that claims to be a member of it?

  3. "The earth’s ozone is collapsing and may fold in on itself at any moment...The sun’s deadly ultraviolet rays are entering because of the ozone damage....The amount of toxins we have carelessly pumped into the ozone is irreversible."

    Right off the bat we run into transparently psuedoscience gobbledegook.

    One may speak of the ozone layer being "depleted," which was the case at one time, but not now, and what would it mean for the ozone layer to "fold in on itself"? Nothing.

    One can use alarmist language, such as "deadly ultraviolet rays" and "toxins," but ozone itself is toxic to humans. In the upper atmosphere ozone is nice because it's opaque to certain frequencies that are harmful to us. Also, what happens when these "deadly ultraviolet rays" enter our atmosphere? It hits an air molecule (O2) splitting it into 2 free radicals (O) which immediately want to join up with other air molecules to form...you guessed it, ozone (O3)! Which is why, when we stopped using CFCs, the ozone layer quickly got back to normal. So, unless these "toxins" he's referring to are CFCs (which are not toxic to humans) he's off his rocker. But we are no longer pumping CFCs into the atmosphere in any quantity, so, he's off his rocker. (I know, this is not exactly news...)

    If you breeze over this linked piece-of-work, you quickly realized this is the oddest amalgamation of Armstrongism, new-age mumbo-jumbo, ancient astronaut theory, and mythology...which is supposed to come together to produce "science"? The only place where any of these ingredients are used to establish anything "scientific" is in Crazytown. It wouldn't surprise me if this fence jumper WAS Eric King!

  4. The key problem for us if the poles reverse is a weakening of the earth's magnetic field due to cancellation effects, which would leave us considerably more vulnerable to radiation and solar wind the magnetic field forces to go around the earth. Unfortunately, when this happens, it does so over, perhaps 500 years, so, that's a 500 year period of increased risk. Any atmospheric effects would be interesting symptoms of that decrease in the earth's magnetic field, but irrelevant to human survival rates, so far as I know.

  5. Anon 8:47:

    Your comment that "the ozone layer quickly got back to normal" is unsubstantiated and irresponsible, not the image you want to project when countering someone like King.

    Please see Earth's protective ozone layer is beginning to recover, a U.N. panel reports from the Sept. 15 edition of The Washington Post for what real scientists are saying.

  6. Eric King's message?

    Which one?

    His belief system seems to change daily.

    Hopefully, he changes his underwear as often, though not likely.

  7. The CFCs have been controlled, as new products containing them are no longer manufactured. One of the problems is that they have a lifespan of up to 100 years. There is a black market for these products, and there is also recycling and reclamation. (I actually have a can of the old R-12 freon refrigerant on a shelf out in my garage right now, and suspect that probably others who work on old cars do as well). So, although the danger to the atmosphere has been diminished, we're not totally out from under the effects as of yet.

    Still, Eric King's scenario is ridiculous. If anyone knows how to safely dispose of CFC products, please do share.


  8. Anonymous 8:55 says, "The key problem for us if the poles reverse is a weakening of the earth's magnetic field due to cancellation effects, which would leave us considerably more vulnerable to radiation and solar wind the magnetic field forces to go around the earth."

    That's easy for you to say. The problem for me is, How will I find my way out of the woods on a cloudy day? Fortunately, I have solved that problem. I now carry two identical compasses; the needle on one points north, the other south. That way if the poles reverse while I am out hunting, I can still get home as easily as before.

  9. Well, RP, the compass is not always an acccurate guide. As an example, my favorite "Southern Rock" anthem of all times, an ode to a Cajun lady, was written and performed by a Jewish guy from Long Island. Mississippi Queen by Mountain, a group fronted by Leslie West (nee Weinstein).

    That song provided the mental sound track for many a motorcycle adventure.


  10. Anon 6:18 wrote:

    "Your comment that "the ozone layer quickly got back to normal" is unsubstantiated and irresponsible, not the image you want to project when countering someone like King."

    You got me. I confess. That claim I made is dead wrong. I have been reading things here and there about how the elimination of CFCs and the "recovery" of the ozone layer has been hailed as a victory, and I wrongly assumed, based on what I do know about chemistry. I guess I learn something new every day. I guess those CFCs are just too plentiful, too non-reactive, and therefore, too long-lived to let the ozone layer get back to normal just yet.

    Isn't this an example of how the scientific method works? Peer review? On the other hand, everyone could just stay home, in fear that anything they say or do could be labelled "irresponsible." But, nothing ventured nothing gained. No science would get done, and we'd never learn anything new. But everyone could "project the image" of being "responsible" that way.

    And to think, all those years spent in Armstrongism, as a perfectionist trying to be perfect, and I'm still visibly not perfect? *sigh*

    Can I ask what "image" you "want to project"?

    How about, maybe the world isn't black-&-white? Maybe there could be some other shades between the "perfect" and the "irresponsible"?

    Post-armstrongism, I've begun to recognize the demonizing of others for not being superhuman as abusive, and don't accept that as a legitimate criticism anymore.

  11. I think it goes without saying this fence jumper was simply wanting to wish the President the best Feast ever...

  12. The Eric King’s brain is collapsing and may fold in on itself at any moment!

    If he receives any tithes/donations, I hope he puts them toward effective treatment of his psychological infirmities.

  13. This begs the question, how long before one of these "leaders" gets so frustrated, and tired of his message not getting attention that he actually does take a shortcut, and do something really stupid or illegal? Wasn't there some zealot back in the '90s that crashed a congressional hearing to hand one of the senators an aborted fetus?

    King seems to be confining his efforts to taking claim for a newsworthy event at this time, but how long before someone escallates to perpetrator? What was the most noticed event created by someone in the ACOGs over the past several decades? Sadly, it was the LCG Wisconsin massacre. As bad as that was, the mainstream population do not remember that event as vividly as, let's say, the events at Waco, and David Koresh.

    This is all the more reason to continue watching and drawing attention to some of these bitter, frustrated little kooks!

