Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 4, 2014

My Prophecy That God Would Strike Down Mr and Mrs. Meredith Came True!

Armstrongism has always been filled with men that have great delusions of grandeur over its 70- some years of existence.  None can ignore the delusions of David C Pack and his superfantabulous Restored Church of God with the worlds biggest religions web site to ever exist in Internet history.

There's Gerald Flurry and his mini-me empire that has to imitate every thing related to Herbert Armstrong because he has never had an original thought in his alcohol impaired mind.  Even though he has plagiarized countless books and articles he still feels he is Elijah, Joshua, one of the Two Witnesses and more.

And then we have Bob Thiel..............the self-appointed prophet, church Overseer, the worlds best authority on Mayans and Catholicism,  and leader of the only TRUE Philadelphian COG to exist in the end times.   Narcissism and delusion mixed with all those traits presents to the world the most idiotic and silly man the Church of God has ever know!  He has become the laughing stock of the Church of God.

Thiel feels that his role as a prophet in the Church of God is divinely inspired and God given, all thanks to the stupid "double blessing" given to him by Gaylyn Bonjour.

Bob feels he is so significant and filled with prophetic insights that he prophesied that God was going to strike down Rod Meredith and his wife because Meredith was no longer following God's word.

Thiel writes:

...I did tell LCG's Davy Crockett in August of 2008 that I believe God revealed to me that a top leader in LCG would be struck if he would not implement certain corrections that he promised to implement, and that happened to Dr. Meredith the next month (details are in the article How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). This was an 'outside of the Bible' prediction that came to pass.

Fourthly, I also tried to warn Dr. Meredith in December 2011 that his wife was to be struck health-wise and several weeks later it was reported by him that she was (details are in the article How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). This was another 'outside of the Bible' prediction that came to pass.

As if!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thiel is completely nutters!


  1. Please God, strike down all these phonies that take advantage of the vulnerable and weak. They deserve a worse fate than their followers!

  2. It's pretty messed up to "make a prophecy" against the health of another person. Just saying...

  3. "It's pretty messed up to "make a prophecy" against the health of another person. Just saying..."


    In fact, this is about all we really need to know about BT, whether he's worthy of being followed, or whether any of the high-falutin' things he says about himself could possibly be in the neighborhood of true, isn't it?

  4. If I "make a prophecy" about Bob Thiel's declining mental health and impending personality disintegration, can I be a prophet too?

  5. Meanwhile in Wadsworth, OH Dave Pack's magnificent new World to Come studio is ready to go...

    I can't stop laughing at how much it looks like the original...




  6. I went into a local nursing home and prophecied the declining health and imminent death of many if they did not believe in Bob Thiel.

    Well..the results are in

    And yes brethren...I am a prophet

  7. Well, at the very least, I believe Bob should be watching out for some reverse karma coming back at him for this. Even Wiccans realize that negative energy that you direct towards others gets amplified and comes back on you. He's created a huge karmic debt, and doesn't even realize it!


  8. fact is dr. meredith has a reputation for discouraging members from seeking medical help for their ailments and i believe this callous behavior of his has simply come back on him in the form of his losing to different wives to chronic illness...

  9. I predict someone is going to hear these words from Jesus Christ when he returns..."I NEVER KNEW YOU!!"

  10. It's only because people "want something to happen to those jerks" that something happens in the mind of the beholder to imagine it's true.
    The facts are that such people often live happily into a ripe old age.

    Karma, schmarma.
    Of course, the last refuge of such a believer will be that "God will do bad things to that person after he dies!"
