Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I Am A Prophet Ordained By Jesus Christ!

Bob Thiel is constantly being belittled and questioned about his self-appointment to the role of church leader and prophet.  Thiel claims he is just like Paul in that he has not been directly anointed by a human apostle as prophet but by the mighty hand of Jesus Christ through Gaylyn Bonjour.

Notice the following:
1 Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead) (Galatians 1:1)
1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God (Ephesians 1:1)
17 And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." (Acts 9:17)
Paul was ordained an apostle and prophet by God and had hands laid on him by a man who apparently was a minister--there is NO indication that Ananias was an apostle or prophet himself. I was ordained a prophet by God and had hands laid upon me by a man, a minister, who specifically asked that God would grant me a 'double-portion' of His Spirit.
Since was not an original apostle, a lot of Christians apparently had trouble with Paul being an apostle/prophet (2 Corinthians 11:22-29, Galatians 1:1, etc.), but the God viewed it otherwise.


  1. "Thiel claims he is just like Paul in that he has not been directly anointed by a human apostle as prophet but by the mighty hand of Jesus Christ through Gaylyn Bonjour... Paul was ordained an apostle and prophet by God and had hands laid on him by a man who apparently was a minister--there is NO indication that Ananias was an apostle or prophet himself."

    Sooo...by this logic, the homeless guy who sits by the freeway offramp could lay his hands on me and say the same magic words over me, and *shazam* I'd be a gen-yoo-wine prophet too?

    How is this kind of "christianity" to be distinguished from the stuff they teach at Hogwarts?

    And what a relief! Here I was thinking HWA's falsification of his apostolic-succession pedigree posed a problem to his status as a latter-day-apostle-of-Jebus-christ. I guess not! Thanks for clearing that up for me, Bob.

  2. I'd like to know what meaningful, detailed, world-class prophecy Bob Thiel has made that has actually come to pass. If he has the witness of God behind him, he will know things that are hidden to even the most brilliant of his fellow humans.

    What if hundreds, or thousands of followers were to suddenly take him at face value, glom on, and he were to discover that he lacked the ability to provide effective leadership? From all we've seen, Mick Jagger has better leadership skills than Bob Thiel!


  3. Like Bob Thiel, of the 24 times Paul is called an Apostle, 22 of them it is Paul calling himself one. The other two times were by "Luke" the author of Acts who was Paul's apologist. No one else did for the most part

    Paul was self appointed just as Bob is and Bob like Paul. It's not a compliment. Paul is the author of his own kind of Jesus and one unlike any in the Gospels or understood by the Jewish Christian Church as fragmented as it was. About Half of Paul's "writings" are pseudopigrapha which is a nice way to say forgeries by others in later years for their own purposes.

    Since "all of Asia" forsook Paul, I suspect that the one the Ephesians called out as claiming to be an Apostle but was not one was none other than Paul himself who was not loved by the Jewish Christian Church or the author of Revelation.

    Paul: I am an Apostle
    Ephesian Church:
    No you are not
    Jesus of Revelation:
    Well done.....

    Dr Bob needs medications not congregations

  4. God has blessed Bitter Bob with a severely disabled son (the source of some of the odd guttural noises on some CCOG videos).

    Bob makes much of his "prophecies" about the health of an elderly church leader and his wife.

    Yet I suspect Bitter Bob would quickly call "foul" and become quite unhinged if someone else "prophesied" about the future medical prognosis of his severely disabled son.

    Instant karma's gonna get ya, Bob!

  5. I am an apostle and the gospel was revealed to me in a vision that God has decided that the reward/punishment thing was a mistake and he won't interfere with our lives anymore. Truly good news and the evidence for it is abundant. Since the first century of this era, God has not granted any wishes, meted out any punishments, doesn't talk to us, makes no demands and issues no more false decrees about the world ending in this generation etc etc. I lie not!

  6. These guys have spent their whole lives living in the small town of Armstrong. This is just the mindset of the elite running a small town...el stupido's!

  7. But, Corky!
    I have actual evidence that Jesus helped me find my car keys when Satan hid them on me, and He also helped me find a muffler for my beloved lawnmower online when no one had any.
    Satan, 0
    Jesus, 2
    How could anyone doubt such absolute truth?
    In fact, Jesus will probably make my favorite football team win next Sunday because I'm sure our team's prayers are more fervent than those of the other team's supporters.
    (Not to mention that my Guacamole dip is to die for! ... That alone should make Jesus give our team a few extra points!)
